Thursday, September 12, 2024

Discussions (Schools in Gabon) My Disappointment

These are some videos I made months ago about the situation of schools in my country. It is special because yesterday again some people and activists have been denouncing the conditions in which children are attending schools. In fact, what they described few days ago is even worse than what I talked about it here the situation and the problems are the same but worse like I said. NO IMPROVEMENT AT ALL! It is a SHAME for an oil producer country It is UNACCEPTABLE. We have a kind of transitional government and really I have no words when I saw the videos of the public schools two days ago...My God! I wanted to cry! It HURTS! Why? Why?? How can you expect to see kids doing good in this condition with teachers who are also sleeping with kids for grades! (for some of them)! Hey ya! should we cry or laugh you tell me. This demonicus! Demonic! When I say Black Africans have their own issues of loving thy neighbor. Because the lack of Love we have with each other in the same country, in the same continent my God! I have no words (You hear me talking about the National Conference of my Country,so the videos I made here it was some months ago) My God! Call for Action. Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
More talk on History of my continent Part 1
Part 2 Part 3 and Last. Thank you for watching and reading! You tell me what you think.

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