Friday, March 25, 2016

Un Temps Pour Soi
Un poeme pour les femmes seulement. Merci. Juste une inspiration que j'ai eu pour ce weekend

Prendre "Un Temps Pour Soi"
Poetiquement chez la femme.
C'est apprecier toutes les petites choses de la Vie!!
Prendre Un Temps Pour Soi,
C'est savoir etre en mode relaxe et ne rien faire parfois.
C'est savoir se reveiller avec le sourire du soleil et un temps de meditation.
Prendre Un Temps Pour Soi, poetiquement chez la femme
C'est se reveiller un peu tard en matinee avec une tasse de chocolat en main et contemplant silencieusement a travers la fenetre de votre appartement, la beaute de la ville.
Prendre Un Temps Pour Soi dans l'univers des femmes,
C'est savoir sortir en weekend et apprecier les douceurs de la Vie!
Une glace au parfum de menthe et aux pepites de chocolat pourquoi pas?
Prendre Un Temps Pour Soi, chez la femme 
C'est savoir etre gourmande tout en prenant soin de sa sante.
Des fruits? Des legumes? Miam! Pourquoi pas?
On triche un peu mais on fait quand meme attention a ce qu'on mange.
Prendre Un Temps pour Soi, chez la femme,
C'est savoir se faire plaisir de temps a autres.
c'est apprecier un temps fun de shopping.
Prendre Un Temps Pour Soi poetiquement chez la femme,
c'est apprecier les couleurs de la vie!
Prendre Un temps Pour Soi poetiquement chez la femme,
c'est apprecier la beaute des jardins et contempler la beaute des fleurs.
Cest aussi apprecier l'univers delicat qui nous entoure et en prendre soin.
C'est toujours bien de prendre un temps pour soi.
 Prendre Un Temps Pour Soi poetiquement chez la femme,
c'est savoir etre un peu paresseuse apres une longue journee. Se detendre les gambettes et se relaxer.
Prendre Un Temps Pour Soi c'est savoir se reposer fermer les yeux et ecouter de la bonne musique tout en appreciant la scenteur d'une bougie parfumee.
Prendre Un temps Pour Soi, poetiquement chez la femme,
c'est apprecier ces petits details. ok now! No stress!
It's a woman's world trust me!

Prendre Un Temps Pour Soi, chez la femme,
c'est savoir prendre du temps avec son petit animal de compagnie. Le "furry friend!!!" Oui il est toujours la pour nous! Sucre et agreable le petit compagnon!
(Boo's picture from Boo's Facebook page)
(My partner! Miss Cookie isn't she cute? #Funny picture)
Ma partenaire Melle Cookie n'est elle pas mignonne? Qu'en pensez vous?

Prendre Un Temps Pour Soi, c'est savoir passer du temps en famille. Oui, la famille avant tout!
Prendre Un Temps Pour Soi tendrement chez la femme,
c'est prendre le temps de pouponner ses petits cheris.
Un p'tit sourire ici! Un p'tit bisous par la! C'est cela le Bonheur!
(Un clin d'oeil a toutes les mamans!!)
                                                (Mummy Love and Baby Love,) Picture Fashion Ghana Magazine

Prendre Un Temps Pour Soi amoureusement et romantiquement chez la femme,
C'est aussi savoir passer du temps en amoureux!
C'est prendre un temps avec la personne qu'on aime beaucoup.
C'est se tenir la main et apprecier les moment precieux.
C'est un calin et plein de bisous partout. Et vive l'Amour!!
Prendre Un temps Pour Soi, dans l'univers de la femme,
C'est savoir prendre soin de soi. C'est savoir se faire jolie au feminin point com (une expression que j'aime bien).
C'est tout simplement savoir se faire belle a croquer au quotidien heu! (sourire)
Prendre Un Temps Pour Soi, poetiquement chez la femme,
c'est apprecier ses apres midi en weekend en lisant des magazines!
                                                      (Ma collection de magazines)
Prendre Un Temps Pour Soi, chez la femme,
C'est marcher elegamment dans la ville ou tout simplement a la plage et apprecier l'air du temps! Vivre le Carpe Diem. C'est fermer les yeux et respirer l'air de la vie. c'est cela la joie de vivre!
C'est aussi savoir apprecier les parfums et les Saisons de cette derniere: Automne, Ete, Hiver et Printemps!
Prendre Un Temps Pour Soi, poetiquement chez la femme,
C'est savoir etre reconnaissante des bienfaits de la vie. 
C'est prendre un temps de reconnaissance des bontes et les bienfaits de Dieu dans nos vies.
C'est aimer la vie sans regret. C'est savoir partager l'Amour sans rien attendre en retour!
C'est savoir pardonner et tourner la page pour inscrire de jolis mots sur une nouvelle page de la vie. Une nouvelle page de la vie ou s'envolent des papillons d'Espoir.
C'est savoir etre aussi creative et positive.
Voila ce que c'est que Prendre Un Temps Pour Soi selon moi.
Voila ce que c'est que de Prendre Un Temps Pour Soi poetiquement chez la femme selon moi.
Voila ce que c'est que Prendre Un Temps Pour Soi dans l'univers de la femme a mes yeux.

C'etait tout pour l'inspiration du weekend! Bonne fin de semaine! Bon weekend a vous!! Appreciez les petits moments de bonheur c'est cela la vie heu! (sourire)
Je vous fais des bisous et je vous dis a bientot!
It's a woman's world trust me!
Decouvrez aussi  le site de mon amie Sandrine:
Aussi, permettez moi de vous emporter dans les douceurs tropicales de chez moi, avec cette chanson de Nadege Mbadou et Mathys Mabaka deux artistes Gabonais dans "You Are So Fine"

Pata' Color Carnet

Facebook page: laetyblue/Posh Girl
Mon autre
Chaine youtube: Posh Girl
Instagram: laetitiameyo
Tumblr: Laetyblue

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Speaking My Mind
           (This is a really sad picture...Poor bear.) I would like to talk about two topics that I personally understand that it is important as much as we all do. I want to talk about Climate Change and endangered species.
Maybe  I don't completely understand it because it is more complicated than I think and maybe because I am not a scientist to grasp the whole concept. But do we really need to be a scientist to notice how things around us are changing in a certain way? The elder Amazon man that I watched talking to a journalist on TV complained about seeing too many changes in the nature . Was he a scientist to realize that things are no longer the same that they used to be? Any person who worries about nature can understand a little bit of it...right?
"Earth Song" Michael Jackson. Please watch the video with this strong message
        Recently I was watching that video many times....for some reasons... I don't know why. Some people would may be say look there are more important issues to talk about. Some issues like Human Rights, Child labor, Women's Rights etc. And I agree with them. That is true but Climate change is also real and the first victims are going to be the wildlife (I like animals) and people who live in natural environment. What I mean by natural environment, are people who live and depend on the nature. People such as the Amazon people, Pygmies, Aborigines, the Eskimos and many others. We might not understand it yet because we are still living in a kind of "comfort" but look if it affects their environment it will definitely come to us. (This is my opinion)
         I believe that we humans are responsible for that climate change. I mean we have caused it in the sense that we did so many activities that caused what is happening now. For instance, look the pollution coming out of factories. We have altered the way the nature was working. When in the 90's Michael Jackson was singing Earth Song, I wonder if we understood his call for action. Maybe other artists did the same call too. I understood the message back then but I didn't realized the impact of these words until now. I only realized it later. Earth is crying Mother nature is crying can we hear it? I mostly like the part when he says "What have we done to the world? Look at what we've done." as if he was talking to human kind to observe the damages that we have caused to our planet.
          It's only few years ago that I realized the fact that climate change was real. Now I worry more as much as you do. It was even worse when I saw a video of a polar bear on TV struggling to survive as the ice was melting around him. It really saddened me to be honest I almost cried. Like the man said on that TV documentary climate change it's almost like a death sentence to them (the polar bears). Who would like to live knowing that death is already there without any solution? President Obama also voiced his concern and also show his support for working on that issue.  Global warming has completely destabilized the way animals are living. To me global warming or climate change might make some species disappear as well.  Somebody told me that some species were now found in Iceland (when they are not supposed to be there) just because they  are looking for food. Iceland has no choice than send them back to their normal environment.
            I wish many presidents could do what President Obama is doing now (Ok! I am not talking politics here. I talk about the issue that concern every people no matter your race, your political views, your country and age) I want to share few videos now and maybe they will support the meaning of my post today. I also hope that some people who do not feel concerned about this topic would understand my point of view and might change their view on it. I just wish that people could educate more children on such issue as well.
 Again, like I said earlier, I don't do politics at all but I wish many presidents could  do what he is doing. Talking during summits it is one thing but going on the ground and observing the real threat is another. To me if we people have respected enough our nature we would not see all this change yes we caused it and it is my opinion.
The next video that I want to share is Leonardo DiCaprio's call for action on climate change during his Oscars acceptance speech. Once again I was moved I was touched by this speech. We all know his implication for that cause right? He is really working on it. And yes he is one of my favorite actors (wink) smile. Please listen carefully to what he said. It is so important
      When I thought about that phenomena few months ago my concern was like maybe the children to our grand children might not be able to see such species like polar bears because of that global warming. I mean maybe they would just know them in the books. Can you imagine that?
 It's like when the dinosaurs (Sorry, I do not believe in the theory of dinosaurs...this is my personal opinion but since it is recorded by scientists then I will take it as an example and thanks God they do not exist anymore lol! ) according to some theories dinosaurs extinction happened because of a type of climate change (hmmm...Am I right?) like it was too cold for them they could not resist that climate so they died and they disappeared. Again, I do not believe in the story of dinosaurs but I take it as an example to explain my thoughts that if polar bears (sorry for the same example I like polar bears they are so cute I don't want their extinction) if it is too warm for polar bears they will disappear as well. What a tragedy!
This is another video that I watched and I found interesting to share it with you but please don't get too sad....Maybe we can still do something about it. Thanks to all these brave people out there who are doing their best to save our wildlife.
         Yes this is a serious threat even for us. When animals are struggling to live I am not sure that in time it could be better for us either. Beside, they need us as much as we need them. Their presence on earth is so important and that is why I want to talk now about endangered species. I am not going to be long but what I want to say especially to African presidents is to make a law that will stop illegal hunt and people who come from somewhere in the world to hunt our animals for fun. I am serious about it because we are losing our lions in the continent and I am so fed up to read and see on the news people who come just to kill for fun and others for greed. If we are not careful our lions will disappear, panthers will disappear, elephants will disappear...
To us Africans, lion is a strong symbol. It is the symbol of royalty and strength which represent what the continent was. Centuries before we had many kingdoms and empires to those who do not know that part of the History. We had our lives and we didn't kill the wildlife the way people are doing now. And it also irritates me to see that strong symbol encaged at the zoo I wish they could be in the proper environment. I only encourage parks where they can live free and protected. Seeing a lion in a zoo breaks my heart. People who know me will tell you that I just don't like zoos. Actually I don't go there anymore because I believe that animals enjoy their freedom as much as we humans, like ours. So why encaging them? They don't deserve it (This is my thoughts it does not have to be the same for everyone) but if I could, I would shut down all those zoos and take the animals back to their normal environment. I can't picture myself sitting and eating all day long in a same cage this is like a prison and that's how I see zoos to animals.
Not only are they encaged you will you see people coming to throw at them candies laughing playing with them which is not bad but are they supposed to be there? When you know how royal is the lion when you understand the symbol it represents to some people  you would not encage it at all. The lion is more than that it is continental culture to us. People are really impressed or compassionate when they watch the Lion King in Disney cartoons but why don't they feel the same way when they see the same lion in real life at the zoos? How many times I went to the zoos? Maybe three times in my entire life and I never went back there. I have one picture of a miniature park of wild animals that I visited many years ago. I only went to zoos when we had an excursion and when friends invited me to go there but after!
      If I will bring my children to zoos? No! Why? because as African I have respect for these animals. They all have a meaning to us. Two, I won't take them there because it gives a message to them that it is ok to encage animals which I don't want. I want them to understand that animals are supposed to live free.  If they will really want to visit a zoo for their personal experience, they will go with someone else but not me.
       Back in the days people didn't kill animals this way: Today greedy hunters come and kill even pregnant gorillas with babies. Is it normal? Some even kill for fun or for money! My grand father and many of that generation didn't need to go to school to learn that you don't kill animals any time and any how.  For instance: You don't kill a pregnant female, you don't kill a baby animal. You should also wait for the reproduction cycle to finish normally. There is a time to hunt and there is a time to not doing it! It is commonsense! Today they go after animals and cut the horn of a rhinoceros leaving him half alive walking around until he dies what a painful death! Ok! now let's picture the same scene but in a different way: You are the innocent animal running for your life and right behind you a crazy hunter is chasing you for fun or greed what would be your reaction?
      They do the same thing for elephants because they kill as many as possible to make money out of it. What kind of people can do such things? You don't hunt to have fun. If you want to hunt animals it's maybe because you need food maybe you want to do little artistic things but no exaggeration! Hello!    With the issue of climate change threating the wildlife we add the issue of the hunters who are killing for fun. Most of them proudly and gladly take pictures with the dead animals. Who can do that??? You have a weapon, the innocent animals is trying so hard to escape and survive in vain
    You can see them everywhere on internet or articles, with the innocent animals on their hands or sometimes sitting next to a dead lion with weapon on their hands smiling as if they achieved something great for humanity. I just wonder what message do they send to children? And of course the people who will suffer from this lost will not be them but the local population as usual. Good job! I hope you thought about it before running after the innocent animal. No wonder why these poor beings are more aggressive than they used to be when they smell humans at distance because of that kind of hunters.
         I sometimes wish that by the time they finish taking their pictures where they proudly pose, a national security guard grabs them by the arms with the animals and send them to jail where they belong after such an evil act.There are people out there who are trying so hard to protect the wildlife but the only thing that some think about doing is to make that work even more difficult. When you kill one plus one  that makes two. Then one and another one plus another and the list goes on. It would be simple to not doing it. If somebody wants to hunt he/she has to have a really strong reason to do it. Will you leave these poor animals alone? For crying out loud! Leave them in peace they do not attack us so they do not deserve this treatment!
   Because if we do not stop this madness in the years to come we will loose most of these species. And we will only know them in the books. It is time to protect our nature. I am thinking about working with people who are saving the wildlife. If you can't go on the field, you can sometimes send money to organizations that are doing a great job to protect them. I hope we will teach to our children the respect of mother nature and to understand how important we need to save our wildlife.
People should understand the importance of Creation.
(Sorry for the video quality. At that time I was learning how to make it. I was trying to send a message)
My last message tonight is: Think twice before going to war think about the damages (human lives especially) that it can cause. When hunting think about the damages it can cause. When use all this system and factories let's think about the damages it can cause to our natural environment. Thank you for reading

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

A Day in Oklahoma

Hi! Everyone.
          Just want to share new things in my blog. I recently went to Oklahoma a State next to Texas for a visit to the Chickasaw Cultural Center. That center is in a city named Sulphur so if you happened to go to this area try to go there and discover interesting facts and the history of this people. Who are the Chickasaw? They are a Native American tribe (To those who need more explanation they are Indian Americans tribe). Some of you know the story of "The Trail of Tears" that happened many years ago when they were forced to leave their ancestors' land to go to Oklahoma. (A very sad part of the History as well) I understand what it means because coming from a culture where the land and respect of nature and ancestors is important it can be a humiliating and traumatizing experience.
        Why did I go to that center? When I was young back in the days and back in my country the only pictures and movies that were shown to us were cowboys movies I would say a very "strange" depiction of them. For some reasons I grew up with that idea because that was all we could see. However, as I became a little bit older I started to reject this depiction because knowing how African people were also portrayed in books, I decided to not believe it anymore and I simply thought that if they didn't understand our culture I wonder how could they understand Native Americans' culture and civilization as well? I started to be curious and learn about Native Americans by reading few books.
When I came to the US, I decided to further my knowledge. As a result, I decided to take an extra special class of Native Americans' History in order to learn. I wanted to break my ignorance and remove that erroneous depiction of them. I have learned a lot and my understanding was now open. I learned that they were brave with many warriors like we had in Africa. I have also learned that there were many tribes such as the Chickasaw, the Cherokees, the Utes who were living in Utah area, the Seminoles I think they were in Florida area (Somebody can correct me if I am wrong) the Navajo, the Choctaw, the Mohicans and many others. I was even surprised to learn an Indian tribe named the "Gros Ventre" which is a French word that is literally translated as "The Big Stomach." I then wondered why did the French gave them that name? ( I might do some research on Google to understand it). Then, I was thinking that if the French happened to named them they might have taught them their language as well. As a result, I thought that maybe some Native Americans were speaking French at least understanding it.
        After watching the movie  The Revenant with Leonardo DiCaprio (One of my favorite actors) I had a little bit of answers. If you carefully watched the movie you remember that one of the French guy said to his superior while talking about Native Americans that the Indian chief could understand French. I think he even said a sentence in French if I remember. And in the movie, they were communicating in different languages kind of but they could still understand each other. To me it was like an answer in the sense that now I knew that they kind of spoke and understood some French. Anyway to curt short. My visit was on purpose to learn History one of my favorite subjects at school even though at some point after reading many books I realized that History has never been written with all the exact facts/events. History was not written in favor of some people...But to me it's about time that Africa starts to write her own History book and teach our own History to students at school. These books should be now included in our Education program. We had enough learned History of Europe and America. It is time for us to know well our own History.
At the library of the cultural center
      Back in the days, learning our History requires to go to libraries on your own and have the thirst or desire to learn.  We were taught a little bit about us at school (That is very sad). We didn't have easy access to internet in that time. We didn't have google, youtube, I phone etc. The only option for those who were curious to learn was to read and read and read books as many as possible. I really want to thank my father who taught me the importance to read and to learn. Actually my first Science and History books were offered by my dad. For instance, I would be reading the map of the world to see countries and know most of the capital cities. Maybe that's why I have a good knowledge of the African continent as well (I mean countries, capital cities, a little bit of culture,History and geography) It sometimes disappoints me to see some of my African fellows who have no clue of their own continent. I met many of them here. They can't even tell you in what part of the continent a country or another country is situated. Maybe they don't have to but look! if  some people can do that why shouldn't they do the same?  Simple examples: somebody asks me where Kenya is, without any doubt I would say East Africa. Where is Nigeria or Ghana? In West Africa without any doubt. Where is Algeria or Tunisia? in North Africa without any doubt. Where is Congo? In Central Africa without any doubt.
A warrior
         As I learned a little of our History I felt in some ways related to Native Americans' History in the sense that we also lost our lifestyle. Our culture has been modified, our tradition as well. We knew the importance of using plants and how to welcome people. I like nature a lot because I grew up learning about it and I respect people who respect nature. Native Americans also have strong respect for it. We both lost our real independence. We were colonized without knowing why and the damages have never been paid. About Africa, we have lost many people from the continent. Some of them were thrown in the ocean alive or dead who cared since they suddenly became less than human for some people. They were thrown in the water because they were trying to fight for freedom, because it was fun to throw them to feed the sharks as an entertainment or simply because they could not stand to travel in a ship.
They were taken to some unknown lands away from families. We had to fight for our dignity and pride and it sometimes surprises me when people have the guts today to ask me why Africa is behind compared to other continents. Without being rude or mean my answer is simple: " while during centuries you were taking our people to build your countries, the old generation and children who were left on their own, had to suffer another oppression which was colonization. No wonder why the knowledge that was passed on was gone already with the strongest group since we had oral tradition. Our blood worked for you...Now you understand?" Yes, it was such a Huge and massive lost even though people do not care or do not admit it but it's a true fact. Africa has lost a lot!!  Human resources is the most important wealth of a continent and country. And yet we still suffer this lost today ( I can write an entire blog about it but I won't.)  It is still a traumatic experience to go to places were our ancestors were caught before taking the ships. Our people have never been treated fairly. We were taught to forgive and that's what we ALWAYS did but when are we going to be compensated for all the wrong deeds? is still a question hanging there. However, compensated or not, I still believe that someday things will change. We are going to change things for the best in our continent.
My Native American necklace and bracelet
    Back to the main subject of this post, I had such a great experience at the cultural center in Oklahoma and I recommend people to go there if they want to learn more. I put all the pictures at:
 I saw people playing flute and drums. I met a lady who was Chickasaw and she is a genealogist.
Let me share some moments with you. (unfortunately I cannot post all of them because there are some visitors who accidentally were filmed in my videos.)
In the first one, I learned a little artistic activity
Then, a little bit of archeology
I like water. To me, water symbolizes harmony, purity, truth and peace.
Would you like to listen to this beautiful song in Native American language? I love it! Few years ago I bought a complete album of Native American flute (music) and I love it!
Sacred Spirit Yeha Noha

        That was all about my visit. I hope you like it. Since I am about to conclude this post I was thinking if you have ever had trouble sleeping at night like I did some years ago?  I was going through a lot...I could not sleep at night at all until the sunrise. That was such a difficult experience to live. My eyes were looking like the main character of the book of the French author Guy de Maupassant "The Horla" To those who have read the book you understand what I mean by that. That experience made me write this post. You can find it in my other page, I wrote something interesting: I shared few tips for good night sleep at:
If you are interested to read it you can click on that link.
          Also, my friend Sandrine has renewed her website. She now makes us discover more interesting things such as testimonies and experiences of women entrepreneur. How they started from almost nothing to build a business. She also shares social activities of her association in her city of Grenoble in France. What they have done so far for some people. she has ideas that she wrote for home decoration and DYI ideas. She shares news on jobs offer etc. And, she also asked me to write a little article about African fashion which I gladly did  (The website is in French) This is the link of my article but you can read other articles as well:
To those who speak French it would be interesting for you to go to her website you will learn a lot! She is such a gifted and nice person. I first met Sandrine online. We became friends through another person and our friendship matched so fast because we have the same passion. Since then we have been communicating and I like her a lot. She is a sweet lady! (wink)

You want to buy Style Equation Magazine? There is the new issue for the ladies who are ready for walking down the aisle. Are you ready to be a beautiful bride this year? This is the link:
Thank you for passing by!
For the French speakers this is a poem of an African well known author named Francis Bebey that I read in my list of "Poems to Our Dear Africa" in my post and my youtube channel. That poem reminds us how important it is to like and respect our culture. It is a story of an African griot (or storyteller/ genealogist teller) who are still working to keep our oral tradition.
Francis Bebey "Qui Es Tu? " (Who Are You?)
The author was apparently asking that question to the Genealogist teller (griot) and he in turn replied to him with all his experiences and passion for what he is doing. What was done and still is going to be done generation after generation telling genealogy to people through songs and using the Kora that African traditional instrument.
Thank you!

Pata'color Carnet

Friday, March 11, 2016

Remembering the 90's!
Yes, this post is about a little bit of the 90's. I don't know but I have so much to share on that one.
 Can I start with this introduction? Do you remember that song? I know that was many years ago but still good right? Well, in fact, that song inspired me to write this post.

I don't know when the song was released I am not sure I was born already maybe yes...but the only thing I remember is the fact that I found that song in an old audio cassette. At that time we didn't have Compact Discs  we were just using the Walkman or simply an audio cassette player. That cool it was. I remember that I was maybe around 11 or 12 years old at the time and living at a girls' dormitory where everything was kind of forbidden and strict to us.( It was kind of strict religious and cultural system.) So listening to that type of music ...was not tolerated. As we were walking with a classmate out of school I found an old cassette on the floor. Somebody lost it or simply didn't want it anymore. I picked it up and told to my friend: "Look! We have music here!" She told me :"That is too damaged you will do nothing with it. Beside you are not even sure if you will like the music."
Then, I thought to myself I don't care at least I will not be bored in the dorm. I tried to find a way to save the old cassette with a pen and bobby pin to repair it. The cassette looked a little bit better and it even played well in my Walkman. Surprisingly most of the songs were good  and that was when I discover that song. I didn't know the group until many years later. Baltimora "Tarzan Boy" I only listened the songs in my earphones. I was scared that the nuns would catch me the audio cassette and throw it away and punish me for listening that kin of music. So I would only listen them at night when everybody was sleeping. lol!! I kept that old stuff for 2 years! crazy!
Ok!  I really thought about writing this post many times but because I was so busy I could not do it. Even though I have few times for myself I decided to do it at last.
It is going to be more about the 90's because The 90's were the best years of my life. This post follows the previous one on purpose. It is the continuity of  "Good Memories" a post that I posted at the end of 2015 (the link here: It is the same idea just a little bit more detailed. In this post I will share the best things that I perfectly remember. There were colors and creativity and so much imagination in the 90's!
We had the best TV series. In those series we could watch the best super heroes or super humans with incredible talents. People would think the unthinkable and they made impossibilities possible. For example, the TV serie  Doogie Howser M.D, a physician teenager who was a genius. How could a teenager be a doctor? Like really? Yes, it happened in the 90's lol! Or Wonder Woman who would  always change her clothes in a hidden room somewhere and appeared from nowhere to save people. I don't know how many times we imitated at home that super woman lady.
We also had the best pets ever! These pets would always save human lives. I like dogs a lot! Actually I like pets or animals in general. There was so much love and an idea of humanity or helping and saving others. I give an example: There was that Australian TV serie named "Kelly" a German shepherd that was trained to save people's lives. Skippy! A smart kangaroo that would always save people as well.  How can a kangaroo save people's lives? Well once again it happened in the 90's!
It was the years when we could watch a TV serie of kids controlling an entire city and singing the Boom boom cha cha song while flying in a hot air balloon! In the 90's kids were portrayed as little genius on TV. In the 90's we had the TV series such as Seinfeld, 21 Jump Street, Friends, The Cosby Show, MacGyver, Dallas, Little House on the Prairie, Family Matters, Happy Days...

(PS: The pictures are not mine)
We also had the TV show Martin, The Fresh Prince of Bel Air, Saved by the Bell and many others. About Saved by the Bell, I recall that whenever we had a boring teacher or a mean one, once the bell was ringing, some classmates would say: "Saved by the bell Let's get out of here!" especially when we had a difficult exercise to do in class. Then the teacher would starred at them and shake his/her head to express how disappointed he/she was by such behavior. The rest of the class would be laughing.
In the 90's we had so many good movies: The Silence of the Lambs, Forrest Gump, Braveheart, Pretty Woman, Jurassic Park, Seven, Titanic, Clueless and many others. I really like Braveheart with Mel Gibson, this movie was so interesting!

Bad Boys so watcha gonna do?
 In the 90's we had this movement that I will personally name the Music Mania why? Because I recall that it was the crazy years and people would be walking with a radio on their shoulder playing loud music in the street. The hair was like punk style or something like that.

The old school!
Sometimes people would dress colorful clothes but the style was special for women. Especially the young women. I will talk more about the 90's style later below. We would have the Walkman that portable audio cassette. That was such a brilliant idea and creation. Do you remember? That was so cool at that time! Usually when we traveled we would have our Walkman and many audio cassettes with us.  Then, later we had the CD's portable. So we went from the radio on the shoulder to portable music items. Yes! That was the cool old school!

We had the most beautiful Top models of that time. I admired them so much and I still do. They looked great, beautiful and smiling. They look sexy charming ladies. They marked their times. These Top models were: Naomi Campbell, Claudia Schiffer, Cindy Crawford. Also Linda Evangelista, Eva Herzigova, Elle Mc Pherson, Kate Moss and many others. Of course, I could not forget their names!  I like the way they rocked the catwalk on the runway. They were so elegant! I was such a fan!
Eva Herzigova, Naomi Campbell and Claudia Schiffer
 Now can you tell who is who on the picture below?
Naomi campbell, Stephanie Seymour, Christy Turlington, Linda Evangelista and Cindy Crawford

In the 90's when it was boring at home you wore your leggings and if you had friends living in your neighborhood you call them for an afternoon bicycle race. When your bicycle was going too fast and you enjoy the moment you put the legs up in the air and you shout:" yepeee!!!!" Then,  someone would say be careful there and maybe you fall on the grass and you are all laughing or maybe you stop it right before the  little accident happen. That's the kind of crazy and funny things we liked to do back in the 90's  especially during the Summer. Yay!!!!

I like that picture so much! It just reminds me of the good times. This picture is from a Facebook page "Do It in Paris" or "Little Paris."

  Backstreet Boys "I Want It That Way" one of my favorite songs of the group.

Yeah!!! Millenium!!!! I was so in love with that entire album .
Yes, we had the coolest boys and girls bands in the 90's. The candy crush guys type...You know what I mean. The Backstreet Boys were among my favorites. In the band, I was in love with Howie Dorough and Kevin Richardson the tall guy with dark hair awwww...I found them sexy and charming lol! (wink). Yes that was teen dream and that was many years ago.
Remember the Spice Girls (I have to admit I have never been a fan of the Spice Girls. To me it was too much and I could not focus on their style and music at all. I was really lost when many girls liked them a lot. I was more into the group All Saints. Personally I liked the All Saints better.)

Natalie Imbruglia "Torn".
I liked her style in the song. That was maybe because it was my mood that I had back in the days. I didn't care much about my style or something like that because I thought that a person was more about his/her personality and values (That was what my parent wanted me to understand)
When I went back to my country I felt so disconnected with the teenagers' way to see life. As I was trying to adapt to that lost "world" according to me (because to them, appearance prevailed over values and personality) at that time my mum was still braiding my hair like in primary school style and people were making fun of my hair at school and it broke my heart so much. I was misunderstood...
They didn't understand how much it meant to me to have my mum doing my hair because I was away from her for years and this reconnection meant the world to me. I could not handle that lost "world" with bullies and peer pressure anymore. I didn't want to change my value, I  then asked my dad to leave the country once again. It really broke my heart to make that decision and to leave my family once again. It was heavy in my heart and my mother never understood my decision either.
Well, I liked that song so much and I liked the way she danced at the end of the video. Yes at some point you don't care anymore about how people think about you. Just because you will never be good enough for them no matter what you do. There will never be enough reasons to change their mind in that regard your life, forget about them and be happy.
The other one was from a "mysterious" radio channel that we could find sometimes. I say sometimes because that radio channel was disappearing from the frequencies and it had so many cool songs in the 90's. We didn't know from where that channel was coming from but when it disappeared from our radio we (my young sister and I) would be disappointed because the animator was always saying "New music tomorrow!" then we would  rush every night to listen to his radio show and try to catch the channel and then sometimes nothing in the frequencies.  We would be passing from being happy to being disappointed depending on the days. I first found that channel accidentally. So that song was also one of our favorite ones from that radio channel
Lutricia Mc Neal "Someone Loves You Honey".
 We didn't speak English much so when she said the word honey in her song, we were thinking about the honey to eat. Then, I would ask to my young sister: "How can she says that someone loves you honey? Does she love to eat honey? My sister would be like:"...well...maybe." The lyrics were about a person but I could not make the straight correlation between the word honey to eat and the word honey for love. I recall that sometimes I would have a bottle of honey on my hands for breakfast and sing the song since I didn't understand why she used that word lol! Until I learned that English speakers use the word honey to also call someone with affection.

Then, in the 90's we had the special fashion. What is really interesting is the fact that the different looks of the 90's are back! Meaning that you can still wear those by recreating them as much as you want and adapting them according to your taste. I can't get enough of the style that we had during the 90's. Hum! Let's see if I can recall some of them but will help me to refresh my memories. Ladies are you ready to look back at the 90's fashion? Ok! let's start then!

1/ The Destroyed Jeans, the High Waist Jeans and the Boyfriend Jeans.
They are so back in the trend and they are so cool! You can wear them in different ways. Back in the days I remember that the destroyed jeans was a little bit seen like rebellious style especially when  people added drops of bleach on them to make it look wild and then they wear with it a leather jacket to ...You know... like George Michael's look back in the days. But now many women make this pair of jeans looks more classic.

The high waist pair of jeans is timeless! It always makes me think about the ladies pin up
2/The Choker Necklace & The Pacifiers : I like them so much! I like the ones that I bought at Aldo last year. Three different types of chocker necklaces

A chocker necklace with a pendant sun
or this one
 The black necklace choker.
  Do you recall when the girls band were wearing that necklace and many girls started to wear those as well.
The Pacifiers
lol!!! No comment! But we liked them so much right? That was cool!
3/ The Black Lipsticks, The Black Nails.
I remember people called it the Gothic style back in the days. I don't know the words used here in the US. They would usually added some type of jewelry or skeleton necklace etc. That was the time of the Grunge style I think.

4/ The Silver Lipstick and Silver Eye Shadow
O Gosh! I loved it so much! The silver lipstick and silver eyes shadow in our make up collection were for me refreshing. We would like to wear some nice silver jewelry as well, hoop earrings  and it was perfect especially for us living in the countries where the sun shines! #theTropics. You would have a nice scarf wrapped on your head in lemon yellow color or pink or blue turquoise or neon

5/ The Overalls:
It was cool to wear the overalls. They were in jeans or simple fabrics. It made you look like the friendly girl or "le garcon manqué"! the overalls were in many colors, prints or just simply plain colors. We liked to put our Walkman inside the pocket. Some bank notes, coins to buy fun stuffs or goodies during a nice afternoon with friends. We would keep some shells when walking at the beach. We could sometimes keep some good candies in the pocket or a cute guy's phone number who happened to talk to you! (wink)  We also like to have a crop top under the overalls and sometimes we would leave the up part falling in front.

6/ The Bandana Scarf:
Woohoo! The Bandana scarf yes! I recall the Bandana the way we liked to wear it back in the days. We liked to buy all the different colors because we could change the color according to the mood and the style. We liked to tie them on our head, or like a false scarf around our neck but also on our wrist to play the cool girl. It was so original when we had the long braids and we had a little bit of style like the girls bands. We liked the bandana for our afternoon activities like riding the bikes with friends going for a picnic at the park or at the beach.

7/ The Beret:
 Do you remember the beret?!  I like the one that Janet Jackson had in the movie Poetic Justice.
Also the one that Dionne had in Clueless. With her braids it gives the nice ethnic look! I remember we liked to buy those with different colors and styles like those with glitter or strass on it or those that were simple design
 Many girls were into these berets back in the days and we still like them right?
 8/ The Jeans:
Do you recall the short jeans with a shirt around your waist? That was so 90's look! You would paired them  with some boots or sandals for a nice afternoon! Usually people would go for the plaid shirts and yes we all did that!
 We can even adapt it in a more classy way like the lady of the picture below she has nice pair of destroyed jeans  (from
10/ The Sneakers!!!
 Hello! Ladies. Do not forget the sneakers. They were so comfortable! Adapted for casual occasions and afternoon parties or going to the movies! We still like them.

11/ The Gingham and Plaid Shirts/ Plaid Skirts:
I like those shirts with the different colors and prints. They are so back on track and always cool! They are definitely timeless! I like the fabrics!
from French brand "Lulu Castagnette"

below a picture from
 The plaid skirts! Who didn't like them?
They were so classic and cool!
Movie "Clueless"

12/ The Backpack.
 Don't forget the girly backpack of the days. We were so much into those little cute backpacks. They are so back in the current trend! They were so viral in the market that every girls wanted to have them.
13/The Waist Bags/Pack.
They were really cool for Summer! They were easy to put around your waist. They had different shapes. We would put anything quickly and keep it safe. There were different styles from the most classic to the casual ones. You could use it for a walk in the afternoon, riding bicycle, or at the beach party. Or you could simply keep some nice little notes of your sweet lover (wink/ lol!!! Girls things that was so back in the days!)
14/The Timberland Women Boots:
The timberland boots were picked in different colors

15/ The 90's Sunglasses:
The  round reflective sunglasses. I used to call them Whoopi Goldberg' sunglasses because  I first saw them with her on pictures and movie. And yes they are so back on the market! I love them!

16/ Flashy Accessories/ Hoop Earrings
That was so 90's! We love them especially under the tropics! Like I said earlier we had so many colors on us in the 90's
17/ The electric Blue Nails and Lipstick
Do you remember the Electric Blue Fever (That's how I call it) lol! I like the blue. I like it in clothings but also in mascara and nails. Some ladies did wear it on their lips.
18/ The Shoes Baby-Doll
Last on my list the shoes baby doll or stilettos dolls. I recall that some girls would put them with some socks and it was another nice look. I guess I will get them again. They are so classic.

Ok! I guess I said everything. That was my 90's post . I know it was long but I like the idea. I hope you like it!
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My previous post "Good Memories":

Patacolor Carnet

Memories of the good 90's. In the 90's we had so much fun! Bye guys!!
A group that I have always liked. One of the best. Missing TLC #Lefteye
TLC No Scrubs"