Thursday, November 5, 2020

U.S Elections 2020

 It's Thursday 11/5/2020

and still no results. it becomes stressful. I see some of my friends making fun of me on my Facebook account because I obviously support Trump. Laughing  that Donald J Trump seems to lose. Keep laughing that's fine...I keep my position. Like I always said i will never be a sheep, a follower of the mass without thinking. I do things not based on what the tendency or the media say bc we know how deceitful they can be. 

BUT I still believe, I know that Donald J. Trump won. It was obvious but something suddenly happened. But It is not over yet anyway. We are watching from the outside. we are waiting... My circle of friends waiting to be right by saying he lost and confirm it. I stay calm I am waiting and watching. Keep laughing that's fine. Even if Trump loses I still respect the man because he opened my eyes. I saw how fake is the media, the politicians. The way he has been treated by his people is another story but when you know and you remember that people voted for him and still he is the President of the United States and that u know that it is not about Trump but the seat and the institution that he represents you wonder what is the reason of that hatred? It simply doesn't make any sense to me. They want him to be perfect when none of them are even perfect. hypocrites! 

No matter what the man does they hate him. Good or bad they hate him. What is that? The media of course. The media can understand some politicians' mistakes but they will be after Trump like crazy. Even for a small little mistakes. I like the fact that he is not a career politician but a business man. we know how politicians are good liars and they don't care. They can go on and on and on after Trump just to humiliate him. People checking everything they won't let go but it comes about other politicians' scandal. Silence! They hide it they make you forget about it. They ignore it. they silence it. You will ask can we have more details on that story? No, no they talk about something else to distract you from what you think is important to talk about. The media is a powerful machine! brainwashing machine for naïve people. 

What is happening in America on these election days is a shock for me. Democracy isn't safe anymore. They must recount the votes. It is not about Trump or just being a supporter it is about the integrity of the U.S Elections if there is even a little doubt. It is about the integrity of Democracy. the integrity of their Constitution. It is important for people of countries like mine who look up to America as an example of Democracy. The hope of the people. It is important so that the future runners will not face the same thing in the years to come otherwise America falls into the same situation of countries like mine. That will be seriously disappointing! I think Americans can understand what we are going through every election day. This is what happen in Africa. You go vote and you have no guarantee of having the true results or the guarantee of your voice be heard. Cheating is normal in countries like mine. So that's why it is important for them to carefully review if the voting process went right. It is not about hating Trump but the integrity of the political system of their country. If they don't then, it will mean there is no hope for democracy. If really Donald J. Trump lost then it should be a real lost without a doubt. It is not about just hating him like I see so many people hating him for....what real arguments? I don't know but well it's up to them anyway.

  Some people don't believe the news... Others do because they trust the media and I can't understand why. but really what is happening now in America is shocking!

Mr Trump's team did a very good job. This administration did a lot of work in few years! let's see if they will get 4 more years! 

Trump faisait 5 rallye au moins par jour sinon plus l'autre vraiment ne faisait pas autant. les arenes aux rallyes de Trump etaient pleines a craquer. J'ai vu le Michigan plein il y avait du monde, l'Arizona et ils veulent nous dire que Trump a perdu dans ces Etats? Ne nous prenez pas pour des idiots.

Je ne comprends toujours pas ce que les gens voient en Biden et Harris? sincerement. Je suis emerveillee quand je vois des gens voir en eux un future glorieux. Je souris et je me dis wow. No comment bref! chacun ses choix mais avec beaucoup de lectures et de recherches je me suis rendue compte que je ne serai plus du cote de la Gauche a moins que ce partie change pour de vrai. Les Republicains ont la verite. 

c'est du jamais vu! ca devient une injustice flagrante. Mais les gens detestent tellement Trump qu'ils deviennent aveugles au point de ne pas voir les incoherences flagrantes dans ces elections. C'est quoi cette haine? En fait ils le detestent mais ils n'ont jamais assez d'arguments.

Je partageais sur mon Facebook les news mais aussi la situation aux elections Americaines sur le fait que Trump se plaint d'une fraude. Ce qui semble etre de plus en plus evident parce qu'en regardant les rallyes, les courbes la victoire de Biden dans certains Etats ne met pas de sens. Alors dans ma frustration je partageais "Ce soir la Fraude s'appelle Democrats" un dans mon cercle d'amis  me repond en me rappelant qu'en 2000 la Fraude s'appelait Republicain dans le cas Al Gore vs Bush.

Cool! Ok! Pas de probleme! Mais la Cour a regle cette affaire n'est ce pas? Pourquoi ramener le passe sur Trump? On est en 2020! 20 ans plus tard! c'est quoi ces commentaires?. Trump est il ami a Bush? Je ne pense pas. Doit il payer pour cela si je comprends bien son raisonnement?

On a comme l'impression que les gens veulent regler les comptes du passe sur d'autres. La situation de 2020 en ce moment n'est pas 2000. Bush n'est pas Trump. d'ailleurs Bush est ami aux Obamas (Je n'invente rien c'est partout la dans le net.) et qui dit Obama dit Biden n'est ce pas? Alors, ce sont de faux debats. Ce qui est sur et certains c'est que de nouvelles mesures au sortir de cette elections seront desormais prises pour qu'aux prochaines quelque chose de ce genre ne se reproduise plus. Du moins on l'espere...parce que l'etre humain a une capacite...incroyable a defier les lois parfois. No comment. 

 Je vois certains magazines de mode pousser la propagande pro Biden. C'est incroyable! Ils ne vous parlent plus de mode mais ils vous forcent dans la gorge leur choix et propagande politique. C'est dommage. J'aurai aime qu'ils soient justes et honnetes dans cette approche.  Les magazines fashion sont censes nous parler de la mode mais certains ont decide de pousser leur prise de position. Ils ne sont pas neutres et pretendent etre neutres mais sont de nature dictatorial en nous imposant leur propagande et leur choix politique. Ces magazines devraient etre neutres et rester dans leur couloir qu'est la mode. Ils accusent l'homme d'etre un "dictateur" mais ils se comportent eux memes comme des dictateurs. Vous avez beaucoup de facons de le prouver. Du moins demandez nous comment se manifeste la dictature. Nous sommes des pays ou la dictature a sevi pendant des decennies. Demandez nous! Vous appelez Trump un dictateur? Je me mets a rire...desolee. Vous ne savez pas ce que c'est de la dictature. Certains de mes amis vont jusqu'a le comparer a Hitler. Parfois je les regarde et he em demande s'ils n'ont pas fume quelque chose ou s'ils ont un probleme dans leur cerveau. Vraiemnt faire de telle comparaison quand on a lu l'Histoire. Vous etes malades! Je me rappelle certaines celebrites Americaines disant que si Trump etait elu en 2016 ils allaient quitter l'Amerique. Ou sont ces gens? Ils vivent toujours en Amerique. Ouais...l'hypocrisie de ca! la faussete de ca!

Les magazines qui parlent politiques parleront politique c'est normal. J'ai vu tout le mandat de Trump passer mais pas un magazine n'a donne une couverture et interview a Melania Trump comme on l'a fait avec Michelle Obama, Hillary Clinton etc. Pour moi ca n'a rien de democratique. Ca n'a rien de neutre. Ca veut dire ce que ca veut dire. Ces magazines montrent bien leur appartenance politique. Melania Trump est First Lady pourquoi n'a t elle pas eu le droit d'etre en couverture de magazine en tant que FLOTUS aussi? Quand on est soit disant apolitique on l'est jusqu'au bout. On ne fait pas semblant de le dire. Ces choses, tout cela me confond et ca me fait reflechir. Ce sont toutes ces choses qui ont fait que je ne sois plus d'accord avec certains mouvements.  Moi je dis c'est un comportement dictatorial aussi. C'est incroyable! Meme si on deteste quelqu'un mais soyons quand meme honnetes dans le fait qu'il se passe quelque chose d'anormal dans le decompte des votes! Bref! On est toujours en attente. 

De l'autre cote en Afrique c'est la sempiternelle triche et fraude des dictateurs voulant toujours rester au pouvoir. Ca c'est deja les masters dans ce domaine. On est deja habitue. Le peuple se resigne a la fin il dit bon puisque Messieurs Forever veulent rester forever au pouvoir de grace ne nous tuez plus on a compris que vous voulez mourir sur le trone comme Mufasa du Roi Lion... (shake my head) que l'on vous aime ou pas vous voulez y rester a vie. Restez y a vie mais de grace faites du bien quand meme au peuple. Construisez un peu meme si vous volez beaucoup en vous mettant plein les poches. Anyway

May God has the last word and make His decision. God bless America. God bless Africa and the rest of the world. We just need the real results. 

we are watching from the outside. 

well...well. no comment

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Une Pensee pour La Cote d'Ivoire


Juste une forte pensee pour la Cote d'Ivoire aujourd'hui qui passe par un temps difficiles. J'ecoutais cette merveilleuse chanson de Nayanka Bell ce matin avec beaucoup de larmes. La Cote d'Ivoire a apporte tellement a notre continent. Nous ne voulons plus voir du sang couler.  Plus jamais ca! Plus jamais ce qui s'est passe avant. Nous ne voulons plus voir du sang couler sur cette terre. La Cote d'Ivoire a accueilli tellement de freres de pays Africains. Ce qui s'est passe aux elections presidentielles passees nous avait tous traumatise en Afrique francophone surtout.

Plus jamais ca. 

Que la Democratie regne et la voix du Peuple se fasse entendre. Nous ne voulons plus pleurer. J'ai ce pays a coeur . Fortement a coeur. Ma famille (mon pere, ma mere, ma soeur et mon frere qui est d'ailleurs ne a Abidjan) ont vecu labas pendant un bon moment. Papa et Maman disaient souvent Abidjan la Belle.

Cote d'Ivoire Dieu ne t'a pas oublie. Nous prions pour toi. Tu n'es pas seule et nous t'aimons. Merci Mme Nayanka Bell pour cette merveilleuse chanson qui a berce ma jeunesse. 

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Quelle Est Loin Cette Amerique


Je vous invite a decouvrir mon nouveau livre qui m'a pris 3 ans quasiment pour l'ecrire. Il ya eu plusieurs detours avant de pouvoir le publier

1/Perte du manuscript

Je devais donc tout reecrire

2/ Deplacement

J'ai du reporter la suite du travail

3/ Naissance de mon enfant/ recouvrement apres une cesarienne

Jai du reporter la suite du travail une fois de plus

4/ Editer mais m'occuper d'autres priorites de famille

5/ J'ai enfin pu le publier avant hier

si vous etes interessees il ya la version ebook et la version imprimee sur amazon

Je travaille actuellement sur la version anglaise mais je dois faire un travail plus minutieux sur la traduction. J'ai eu un retour d'un lecteur sur mon premier livre qui a beaucoup apprecie le roman "Une Nuit avec Un Marine" que la traduction anglaise demandait un peu plus de travail.

J'ai pris note alors je prendrai du temps pour celui ci

Petites erreurs de frappe? Oui certainement mais tres peu.  puisque je faisais tout toute seule mais il ya beaucoup d'amelioration. Le livre est interessant

voici le resume de ce roman

"Quelle Est Loin Cette Amerique"

Le livre decrit l'histoire d'une jeune femme invitee par son amie a aller tenter sa chance en Amerique. Elle a un reve c'est de percer dans le milieu de la fashion. Cependant, une fois arrivee devant Elle decouvrira un pays different de ce qu elle imaginait. Elle rencontrera le choc de culture, l'amour, la deception et la trahison. Les difficultes liees aux statut d'immigree dans cette Amerique devenue difficile a l'ouverture des internationaux depuis le 9/11. Realisera t elle son reve?

Oui, en effet, je me suis un peu inspiree de mon histoire. Mais j'ai quand meme cree un personnage qui vivra pas mal de situations...Je vous invite a lire ce bouquin vraiment. Il vous donnera quelque chose a discuter et a imaginer.

le lien du livre sur amazon: Quelle Est Loin Cette Amerique (French Edition): Meyo, Laetitia: 9798552289554: Books

Mon blog:

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

O My...The word Racism Again


Ooook! ok! I get it now. After watching and observing the news and all this "anger" around the country, I understand that behind this BLM movement there is a political agenda hidden. We can't be naïve not to see it. It is clear. Something is definitely wrong. No this is not about George Floyd's cause. This not protesting. This something else

I want to clarify this:
1/ I am not a political activist. I just like to share my thoughts. I freely think and I like to discuss with people who have the same mindset and are opened to listen and debate
2/ I am an outside viewer. I am curious about what happen politically in the world in general.
3/ I don't ask you to necessarily agree with my statements or my opinion but what I usually ask to my friends is the ability to listen and have a open mind debate. Honesty is important as well
4/ Understand that everything that is said in the media is not always true. As a matter of fact people usually ask for doing the research before jumping into conclusion based on what the media stream say.
When I was young my father used to say "Stop watching TV it will brainwash you and you will learn nothing good" I thought his words were rough. I liked watching TV and you know movies. He liked watching the news but I wonder if he believed everything that was said in it. In my home, TV was a real issue with my dad. We could not watch TV. He would put the TV on just for the news or for the World Cup of Soccer and that was it. WE had to wait that he went on his trips we could negotiate with my mother to have the TV on. My mom was ok with it. She didn't see anything wrong with the TV but she would only remind us that our Dad didn't like TV. Meaning once we watched the specific TV programs that we wanted, we would turn off the TV and go back to our books. My father wanted us to read every time and I didn't like it at all but I didn't know that reading was shaping and building my way to think and analyze things around me.
After having a honest discussion later on with him as I became an adult. I finally asked him why he didn't like TV He responded to me that: "When you watch TV you waste hours of your time that you could be using for yourself and for something more productive. You will be brainwashed for no real facts. If you carefully notice things you will see that you don't learn much with TV. Books are better than TV. On the other hand the people who are making those TV channels, Tv programs, commercials etc are making money on you. They are getting richer and you are getting poorer."  was he right?
*   *

The way  the word  racism is now used nowadays worries me a lot...I don't know what to say anymore. The real issues of racism that some people face is now wiped out.
I want to mention something if President Obama became president of the United States, it s because some White folks voted for him too
If slavery ended it is because I believe that some White folks also stood up to end slavery
just to name a few examples. You will always see some White people involved in our fight as well as some of them believe in a fair and bright future for every races. We must stop this hatred it takes us no where.
 When I first heard about BLM I first thought that they were fighting a good fight for Black people but today as I carefully observe the movement and their actions, after Mr. Floyd's death, I saw something didn't add up. Some things to me weren't right anymore but I guess I will try to share my thoughts here on that  later.

You know, on my last post, I promised to myself that I will no longer write about social and political issues. I said no more feeding this blog and I will keep this promise to myself. I said I would not be doing it anymore but...But my eyes can still see and my heart can still be moved. I will try to be short as much as I can but I am not sure. I do not need people to agree with me anyway. Obviously my opinion made some of my friends angry already especially when I asked few questions. I will also share those questions here because I personally believe that my Black community is sometimes hypocrite when it comes to talk about racial issues
Sorry if my post will look like repetitive it's because I have a lot to say but at the same time not enough time to sit down, write and edit. It is short now. My baby takes a lot of my time ( smile) the blessing of being a mom. It demands a lot of work to do and I talk about it on my new website I talk about everything even things that people think are taboos.  there is so much in my heart and I can't keep what I feel and think anymore. I am not a good writer maybe and that's where it can be difficult to understand me. Also not being an English speaker can be another difficulty...I think.

                The title of my post is  "O My …The word Racism Again" then I shake my head😔and this makes me keep my position of 2020. No change for me it remains my support for Trump2020.  I remember my first year in the American university, we were asked to study the American History I and II. I remember how I would spend hours and hours reading the  book of the American History non stop because it was so inspiring. I was touched and moved. I would highlight some parts of the book. Saturday afternoon was my favorite day to read the American History.  History was already one of my favorite subjects at school. Reading the American History became such a hobby that when I had to take my tests it was just repeating in my head what I read. Yes, it wasn't easy for a French speaker to understand every words. My History teacher who was herself a researcher and a  PHD professor in History, saw my passion and my determination to learn and understand the American History. I would often go to her office ask questions about some parts of the chapters because I was so impressed. She ended up inviting me to her house with three other international students to eat at her place. There, I discovered  a special southern meal😏😜 It was delicious! Her house looked like a museum and I loved it. yes It was amazing! America has a great History!  
About my position, I already wrote about it in my previous post. I keep my right seat. I left the Left since 2016 and no regrets. I #WalkAway and no regrets
If you are smart you cannot be supporting BLM. No! no way. I state it in French now "Quand on est intelligent on ne peut pas supporter ce mouvement appele BLM" I didn't put anything in support of it on my social media account because I was still trying to understand what was going on? Everybody on my friends list where all in BLM mode except very few people like me. Fist up in sign of protesting but protesting what exactly? I told my friends that it doesn't look like protesting. It looks too much violent for a protest. And they responded to me that it was justified...
 I was confused like confused about their actions really But I guess I was right. At some point, I thought I was the only one thinking what's going on? Something doesn't add up here. I am glad I wasn't the only one who felt that way. It was relieved to see that some political activists were questioning and thinking the same way that I did. I invite you to watch the video below that I share.
 Please simply listen to them. I don't ask people to agree right away. I  see people are now like angry about everything you can't have a normal conversation with them nowadays. If you don't agree with the majority then you are a problem. 
. As for me, I decided to #walkaway from the Left and my eyes have been opened. The Left isn't doing good to the Black people community. No, not at all. If you believe it, then you are wrong yes, you are naïve! Open your eyes! I got so many debates with friends on that subject. They maybe do not agree with me because they don't see what is under their eyes. WE are like programmed to hate each others. Some political parties use the Racial thing to divide us. They create some narratives to make you feel rejected, oppressed when it is not really true. You know the victim card and the race card... You have to be reading and see carefully everything the Left does. Another thing I want to mention: The Black community in general (My personal view and opinion on reasons that I saw so far) my people, hate some questions. 
They hate when you refuse to think like the group. I swear we are hypocrites! I am tired of this hypocrisy. We need to change! I refuse to have my brain washed. The news have no more influence on me. The emotion doesn't have influence on me anymore. You can be a large group of people walking for a "cause" If I am not convinced I will not follow you at all. The media can make you like a person that doesn't deserve any of our attention or support. I am free to like whoever I want to. Some friends were mad at me when I express my support for Trump2020. It was like I was a devil...My God! Where is the freedom of choice? Freedom of speech? I was even cussed just because of my choice. We must always think first before getting into emotion. I have enough and I had enough. I love my people but we need to change for real and I will explain later why I say that in the following lines. I am convinced that even if the majority think a certain way it doesn't mean that they are necessarily right. When I watched that man in this video below, I felt and I saw the light. What he says makes 100%sense
Yes we need to address certain issues and be honest about that. I believe racism exists but the way people are using this word today scares me. Sometimes everything isn't about racism. Sometimes you will meet ignorant people. Sometimes you can meet a racist but nowadays people are really careful. I believe that people are not born racist. Racism is taught. I truly believe it. I think it is not fair to make people feel uncomfortable to be in a race that God Himself created. If your are White be comfortable in your skin, if you are Black do the same thing. We need all the colors and all the races to make this world. What we Black people really want and need, is Respect. I think we can't force people to love us but we must make them respecting us.
How do we gain that respect? Sometimes I feel sorry for some of my White friends because it seems like they can't voice their opinion . They can't talk and open their heart to voice their honest opinion anymore otherwise they are called racist right away for no reasons. Today any White who just want to say something a little bit of truth is called racist. why?

    Personally, I want some opportunities like any other people any other race let's say it like that. But I don't need people to feel pity for me or feel like they have to give me a promotion or a special treatment because I am Black. I want it to be fair and real. If you hire me then you hire me because I have what you need. If you promote me it's because I have all the qualities and the skills that you need. We must also admit that there are Black people who are racist too right? But it seems like it is ok. That's fine? wow...ok. 
There was an actor Who said something on an interview that moved me. I think it was either Denzel Washington or Morgan Freeman... I don't remember. But when the host asked him about his thoughts on racism the actor responded: "..Don't talk about it!" It was like saying if we keep feeding people with the idea of racism of course it will be a reality to them. People will probably get racism if they constantly hear about it everyday. You attract what you believe right? My whole point here is, we have to stop always thinking things like "There is White Privilege" for example. I don't believe 100% in that so called "White Privilege" because I saw many White folks working so hard. They were up early morning taking the buses and metro to go to work. They work hard like any other people. If we could stop complaining and look around and use common sense. If we could be trying to work together it would maybe make this world a better place. 
     Last time I was talking to my friend and she was complaining about opportunities in movies, fashion to Black people then, I responded to her by saying if people don't like us why don't we create our own stuffs? Our brands? Movies? food? school I don't know (Example: India makes their own movies every year.) I mean let's attract respect. Take your destiny between your hands and Stop complaining. Stop expecting that others must love us because we are Black. No, they will never do and maybe they don't have to but They Must RESPECT US. So let's start loving OURSELVES first. 
    We Blacks are hypocrites in the sense that even in our own beauty requirements or criteria, We always tend to favor light  and fair skin. I mean features that tend to get close to the Caucasian people. Why? Why can't we be saying the dark skin is beautiful? The present nose ( that some people call big) is beautiful. Who said that thin nose was the most beautiful nose? Who made that rule? No, we always think that the light skin is more beautiful than the dark one. We personally ( I include myself) spend more on hair extensions that look like White women's hair ( But that doesn't apply to me because I am not protesting on racism. I like every races that God made That's the difference) You complain about racism you Black people but many change their skin tone to look white. How about that? I watched "Black in America of Soledad O'Brien" I have learned a lot from that show.
Clearly the light skin has more success in our own community so stop pointing the finger to the other races judging and calling them racist. Let's start loving each other. Respecting the Black women. Some African Americans or Black Americans don't like Black Africans. They have their philosophy of Africa like it is a big jungle where we are walking naked (yes it is true in retired places or villages but not in capital cities come-on! stop being ignorant!). I met some Black Americans who don't like Africans and vice versa. But they call themselves African-Americans. You don't see many Black celebrities taking their vacations to discover Africa. They go straight to Europe, the islands or Asia where they spend their millions of dollars that could help the development of the African continent their "Motherland" yet they complain about racism. What a contradiction! A mother land they use when they lack inspiration to make their movies or music. And we want White people to love us like some kids who want their mom's attention. There is something that I don't understand about our attitude. When a White person does something wrong to a Black person, you will hear the complete noise and anger everywhere in the world. I don't accept the fact that a White man hurts a Black man but I wish to see the same energy and anger when Black people were mistreated in China by Chinese people and in Arabic countries where Black maids were tortured by their Arab employers. Why people didn't walk in the world to protest about such things??? It was horrible to watch their treatment. Same thing for the Black slaves in Libya. How horrible it was to watch such videos but the Black community in the world was almost quiet. We are so hypocrites!! We don't need to be loved by other races, we need RESPECT.

Sometimes you see some videos clips of Black rappers. You see how Black women are shown or portrayed in some music videos. They shake their bottom in a way. They dress in a certain way like really sexually explicit you wonder what's going on with the Black woman image? That's how Black women are represented? Then they show the cash money falling on the floor, twerking etc. If we want to talk sex ok? Let's talk about it But let's do it in a fine and classy way... I don't have time for racism to be honest. By the way the only times I was really victim of racism wasn't from White people but from an Indian family from India where I was renting an apartment. If I personally meet a racist person, I will understand the level of ignorance that person has period. To me nobody is born racist. People BECOME racist by what they ear around them.

I always remember the first day I put my feet in the U.S at NYC in the very cold weather and we didn't know the weather would be like that when we get out of the plane from a warm country. People in NYC were just asking us "Are you Ok?" from far away in their car but nothing to help. But a White woman. Yes a White woman police officer saved my life! She had blonde hair in a ponytail I always remember that lady. It was late at night she was first hesitant to get close to us (3 of us) but when she heard our accent she knew we were international students. She put us in her police car that was so warm and comfortable. It was very late at night almost 12 am She did everything to find us a safe taxi driver to take us to our English host family. Yes I never had issues with the police only once at the international airport of Dallas Fort Worth where I met an ignorant White police officer who didn't know what a Visa meant and what an immunizations card was used for. Yes you happen to meet people like that but it doesn't mean that all the White police officers are racist. As a matter of fact we have many videos of White police officers who saved Black babies' lives.
*   *
The video of the crime of George Floyd traumatized me once again. I have to admit it. I was shocked by the way police handled and killed him. The way they did it was wrong! I thought the anger in the country was justified at a level. It was wrong 100%. They could have avoided his death maybe. That causes anger. Especially about the police brutality that we can't forget. But my anger went further more than that because I started asking many questions. The same questions I asked to my friends when we debated I will write them below. Then after watching what happened to him, the country was on fire because people had enough of it.

But things became too much in the country and I don't think that what is happening is normal. You can't be burning cities and your own brothers' businesses. I share some videos that educated me and I think about sharing them here
I keep my position for 2020 anyway. (in my previous post My Choice for Donald Trump)
 I dislike when people are not honest when we debate. My questions were the following:

Black people are killing each other  why aren't we Angry? (Why celebrities do not talk about that aspect as well? They should often talk about it because it is real rather than feeding us with anger against White people)  It seems like it is more common than the death caused by the police brutality. The numbers are there. Just go and check the numbers. We must be angry and upset about it because that's actually one of the main causes that hurt the black community. Why are we hypocrites?
Us in Africa when we deal with dictators who give us no right to express our freedom of speech but when we leave our countries we go open our big mouth over other issues that happen in other countries but we are afraid to talk about what is happening in our own countries. Our own countries in Africa where your rights become a favor that you beg. We are out there walking around the world for BLM. How hypocrites we are!

(By the way talking about the police. I don't understand why people want to Defund the police? We need the police no matter what! I remember few years ago I made a video about my thoughts on a quote from a French philosopher named Jean Jacques Rousseau. the quote says that:" men are good by nature but corrupted by society." I shared my side of my opinion regarding that quote by saying that if the laws are written everywhere in town, in airports etc it's because the law maybe assumes that Men are not good by nature. The law needs to remind us the rules in order to live in a safe environment. Sometimes the written rules cannot help and you need to enforce these laws. for that reason I am ok to have the police to protect our communities.
We are happy when the police comes to our rescue after calling 911. When they come to help in a case of domestic violence, pregnancy delivery, robbery the police officers put their lives in the front row to save ours. I am thankful for the police. I had no bad experiences with the police. When I see the police somewhere I feel safe unless I know I did something wrong which hasn't happened. I am from a country where the police has no power so when you are in trouble or when you are in a very bad situations you wonder if the police will really help you. So you count on yourself first. I don't say that the police in America is perfect but at least they usually do their job. When I was visiting a friend in Texas she had a dog and whenever her dog was making mistakes or bad stuffs we would tell her "Stop! Or I call te police!" the dog stopped and run away lol!! Funny but it tells a lot for me. Even in the spiritual realm you understand the meaning of the police.
     Being victim or seeing racism is a state of mind. You attract what you believe: I remember a friend who was seeing racism everywhere in our English school. I could not see it personally or maybe my mind wasn't into that issue of racism at all. She became toxic complaining about being victim of racism every time. I didn't maybe care much about racism or I don't know but I started seeing racism only after when she started complaining everyday about it. When she was talking about it everyday I started withdrawing myself from some classmates who were White and the teachers as well. I started seeing them in a different way. I didn't trust them anymore I even ended up rejecting a nice girl from Spain who was so nice to me because of that friend who was seeing racism everywhere. I started having stress in my mind to go take the metro because I thought many racists were in town. Something that I didn't see when I first came and went to school. She was like "Can't you see that teacher is racist? Can't you see these two students are racists? O! yes they are all racists!" I couldn't see it personally. I was very comfortable in my class. But after listening religiously to her words, My thoughts were now invaded by her toxic attitude. Later on, I realized that I started being aware of racism in my school only after my so called friend complained about it everyday. One day she told me she would complain about a teacher who according to her was a racist. I asked nicely if she wasn't going too far because accusing someone of racism is a very serious case. I asked her to tell me exactly what she saw in the teacher's behavior that made her feel like she was racist? She told me the way the teacher was teaching in the classroom. That wasn't enough reasons to me then I asked her what exactly made her be a racist? My friend couldn't tell me exactly the reasons but she was just convinced that her teacher was racist. That day I was shocked and I told her do not go to complain to the head of the school because you can make that teacher in trouble for nothing. She went anyway. She went to complain about the teacher who was talking in a way and sitting in a way that didn't face her. The same day in the school the principal called for an urgent meeting of all the staffs and teachers of the school. I remember that some teachers were not feeling comfortable they didn't know how to act and teach in their classrooms anymore. Later on, when I got more and more closed to my friend I realized that she was a person who liked attention. She was an attention seeker. She was hurt in herself she wasn't feeling good about herself. She would be complaining about everything and even making up stories on people. You have to understand that sometimes people project their pain on other people. 
     We ended up splitting at some point because that friendship became toxic and I lost many good people because of her. My only real experiences of racism happened few times and I can tell how the persons who were racist were actually ignorant people or of bad faith. And by the way I met many White people who were nice to me in America. As a matter of fact a White woman that I once met at the mall of my town who approached me and learned that I was an international student at the time I met her, gave me 100$ just like that because she was so touched and moved to see that some young people like me were living far from their families. As we were about to leave she nicely and humbly held my hand she slide something and she left . When I opened my hand it was 100$ and I was speechless. I do not respond to racism with anger it is a waste time. I actually try to act i  a way that you learn from me being a human.
"I am not gonna spend my life living in a color" (MJ "Black or White" song)

2/ If Black Lives matter, Black people's lives should matter anywhere and everywhere no matter who is doing wrong to the Black life. It can be a White or a Black person hurting a Black life so let's be honest why do you get so angry ONLY when it is about the police or the White person and not when a Black person is killing his own brother? It is even worse to me! If my brother kills my other brother this is a serious betrayal.
3/ How many Africans or Black designers' clothes do you own in your closet?
4/ How many Black owners' brands do you buy or consume?
5/ There were some Africans caught and enslaved in Libya and I think it is still happening. How many Black in America got angry about that knowing the history of Slavery and discussed about it in social media? Celebrities why were they so Quiet about it? Yet, it went quiet. Few people walked to protest about it in France. but when it comes to BLM I see everybody outside. You are so hypocrites! But how many afro descendants of slaves got really upset about it? Almost not many. What a contradiction?
If we want to be loved by others we should love each other FIRST and change the way we treat each other. You want respect? Let's show respect with each other. I know some Black Americans who don't like African people at all but we are Black lives right?
 6/ I had a discussion about a female African hero that many Africans like as a warrior and a saviour of her people. As I was doing my researches I found out something...not so good about her. I found out that she was actually selling other tribes to the Europeans as slaves. When I questioned that aspect of her on my videos some people were like not happy that I even asked it? I understood that there are some things that you cannot point out. It is what it is. I shared some sources and it was like I did something very wrong.
No body is perfect. She was maybe perfect for her people at the time, but to the tribes close to her territory she did bad. 
7/ Sometimes in our Black community there are some topics that people don't want you to address: Why do you change your skin color? Why do you buy so much expensive extensions to look like a White woman? Why do you spend so much money on buying White people's brands like Chanel, Prada, Louis Vuitton, yu name it and you can't spend like that for a Black designer? Why aren't we honest about the fact that Black women are looking more and more like White women and those Black women get angry about racism too. Like really? come on! Let's be real. We are the only race who spend so much money on weaves and even put strong glue on their head etc to look more like white women and we promote it proudly. To me I am simple it doesn't apply to me because I don't complain about racism so I can wear my weaves as much as I want to and I don't care but you ladies who get angry about racism please keep your hair afro and buy only Black designers brands ok? You men do the same . Do not wear White men's brands since you say they are bad and racists. Forget about Chanel Louis Vuitton. Givenchy, Dior... They belong to the White designers right? As for me I will buy them because I am not angry about races. I like every races. I will promote No anger of racial stuffs in my social media accounts. No more!
*   *
You want a better world then try to love each other and respect each other within our own communities first. At some point like I told my cousin during our discussion about racism: I think the other races who are not Black are now wondering what's wrong with the Black people? When we want to help them, they get angry. when we do not want to help they get angry too. What's wrong now? What can we do to appease their anger? Something is difficult to discuss  because there is a lack of honesty.
*  *
Few weeks ago I saw a video and it was asked to some universities students in America who was the best presidents of the U.S? and they put some well known figures such as Hitler, Stalin etc. Is it too much to ask to go read or even google who were the characters and what they did? This is something that we learn in High school come on people! You cannot say nonsense like Donald Trump is worst than Hitler. We are better than that. Some students said that Donald Trump was a dictator and comparable to Hitler. I was like... wow! Ok! Do they know what dictatorship really is? Have they lived in a dictatorial countries? What an insult for people like me who know what it means. Can we talk about dictatorship a little bit? Maybe they are too spoiled and they DO NOT understand what Dictatorship is. I hope I will have a post on it but even that I have to be sure that I am not going to get in trouble because guess what? there is no freedom of speech in such countries. (ok...Yes... there is no real freedom of speech everywhere in the world but in some countries it is worse) Up to now I see how they criticize Trump and that's fine. You can make fun of him without risking to go to jail right? Can you do that in dictatorial countries? Nobody forbid them because they live in a country where there is a kinda freedom of speech.
Comparing Donald Trump to Hitler shows me the height of ignorance. But it is even worse when you have university students thinking like that. Wow! I was speechless.
When a  a Black student says he likes Barack Obama because he is Black this is not racism?
But if a White student came out for example and said something like: "I like Donald Trump because he is White" that statement will automatically be called racism. Ok! People can we be fair in this use of the word racism now?
Few days ago I watched a Black philosopher saying a statement that I found interesting. He said "White guilt is Black power" that's something that I have been trying to say but I could not find the words. At some point we the Black people must be honest with ourselves.
Racism is real but the denunciation of the word racism that I see today around the world gives me goose bumps. I don't understand what it is and what's going on? I am confused about their actions: Burning cities, Black owners 'shops even killing other Black folks like... I am really confused now.

After George Floyd's tragic death, I received some videos of what Happened and I was shocked by the way the police officer acted. That was wrong and I say it again! I don't think it was necessary to do what he did. The man was already restrained so the rest was not necessary at all i think. As the videos was shown everywhere I had a friend sending me the video and telling me "Yes that's Donald Trump's country!!" He texted it to me with anger. Then I was like "So you mean that under Obama the first Black president, police brutality never happened?"
Then of course my friend could not go forward He could not reply because he understood that what he said was not right. It was viral everywhere in the world. I saw the anger of the people. Then I started thinking...some questions came up in my mind. Then I asked those questions to my friends who were angry:
When our brothers Black are killing each other in cities and neighborhood, why are we NOT that Angry because if Black lives matter it should matters in every circumstances and everywhere.
Why American celebrities are quiet about it? They never address that issues in the social media accounts.
They know what it is. What really surprised me is all the protest around the world about what happened. Why was I surprised? because I think they didn't do their research they just go with the flood they understand nothing just emotion.
Who was the man killed? What really happened that day?

2/ How many Black people are seriously dying from police brutality? Let's be honest. Is it a very often situation or it happens sometimes then the media uses it for their own agenda?
3/ Why celebrities suddenly talk about advertising Black owners businesses when they barely do that in the year? They did it just after Mr. Floyd's death. Then suddenly nothing anymore. The same celebrities barely promote Black businesses outfits, products and so on. U only see them wearing Givenchy, Dior Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Brands that belong to White people.
Then I asked my friends since you like to say the world is racist. I need to know how many of you have Black business products in your own closets and your houses.  If you have Chanel  Dior Louis Vuitton that are obviously for White people and expensive Can you throw those items away in the trash? because it will make sense to me if you do it. Answer from them: silence.
4/ Can we talk about the lack of father figure in Black families in America? Because in Africa we know the meaning to have the father in the houses. I am myself an example of that . I was raised with a strong father figure. My father could be far in a country away for months but his authority was still present because we knew what having a father meant.
we couldn't do bad stuffs outside because he would correct you seriously.
 5/ Can we stop complaining and take responsibility for our destiny? Ok we were Kings and Queens in African history but that was in the past. the question is the Now. What is happening now? If you are a Lion or a King you don't need to claim it everywhere. When lion roars, all the animals know this is the Lion coming. We better run away. We the Black are always the only race complaining and complaining for everythimg that happened to us. I know there are some barriers but how can we explain that in the old days our great great grand parents were still doing amazing things comparing to the new generation now who inheriting of their hard work but always complaining. it is The victim spirit.
By the time we are complaining the others are creating thinking.
6/ Can we force people to Love us!? no. Simple example about Chinese. People didn't like China because of some reasons ( I won't put it here this is another subject) But I remember how people portrayed them in the past but Chinese people never complained. They worked hard and today they are a powerful country and they are respected. I believe we are looking for respect and not love but respect! if we want respect we need to act in the way to be respected! not burning cities and complaining everytime but working together. I remember something that my grand father used to say when his children were coming to complain about difficulties and situations in their lives. He used to say :But now that you know what is not working in your life. why don't you stand up? You understand that there are things that are beyond your control. Why sitting here and complaining. Stand up and fight, Stop complaining stand up and fight"
7/ Can we talk about abortion which is also an important issue for the Black community?
I had an exchange with someone online when we talked about slavery. And slavery I believe is the main reason of all that. However Black people tend to forget that Europeans weren't the only ones
who enslaved Black people. I think it is about time that we Black, we need to talk and be honest with one another. What really is the main cause of Black people death in America? we need to know exactly what it is. My point here is let's start to change some habits. I sometimes read women saying they are strong female and independent female without a man...some stuffs that make me think and think but anyway that's life.

Ok! I think this time I am done with all that. If people don't like what I said then well it's up to them. As for me I invite you to my website; We talk about love and sex, Food and fashion ok?
8/ Some of my friends  who are promoting the BLM anger in their social media accounts  who are Africans living in America really disappoint me bc they are fake. you have real issues in Africa that you need to talk about . you play the ostrich hiding your head in the ground. So I asked them why did you leave your country if you are here complaining about stuffs that you don't really understand. You left Africa because of dictatorship. Because of the system that doesn't help us to thrive. Many of us living in the White people's countries why? why many are dying in the Mediterranean sea to go to Europe since racism is the real issue? so why we don't stay home? let's be honest.
 This is the end of my Blog. I couldn't do what I wanted to do for the farewell because what is happening now upset me. But also I have no more time and inspiration for it. On that note I want to close this post with this song and my link where you can visit me now is here
my website is a total  different world to me (smile) Posh en Vogue has a lot to share with times. I am still working on it. 
Bye! Pata'colorCarnet I love you! You have been an important part of my life. An important part of my journey on this earth. I shared my good and my bad moments . You saw your first day in Salt Lake City, Utah where my thoughts were to first share my culture and my country but also do my tributes to my favorite artists. Then it became my little platform where I shared my thoughts about anything. I talked about living single being single (which I am no longer now) I am now a mother...woo woo!! so many good things happened and difficult too. Bye to you all. Thank you for reading me.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Upcoming Projects

Ecrire et plus de reflexion

Bonjour tout le monde,
Je ne serai plus active sur mon blogspot ici. Comme je le disais le mois passé, j'ai décidé d'aller dans une autre direction et de créer autre chose. je sais que la pandémie actuelle a changé beaucoup de mes plans voire meme interrompu mes projets. Mais ainsi va la vie! Il faut et faudra faire avec. voila deja mon nouveau site sur lequel je travaille depuis quelques mois. Je dis bien  quelques mois parce qu'il ya eu des pauses, des arrets etc. D'abord, j'attendais un bébé. Dailleurs c'est le meilleur cadeau du Ciel. Un bébé très gai en plus. Super souriant mais hyper actif à la fois lol!😂. Vous imaginez! Ensuite apprendre à devenir Maman tous les jours. C'est un véritable travail je vous assure. Hat down a toutes les mères du monde et la mienne biensur. J'écris des articles dessus de toute façon dans une section que j'ai intitulé "Le Carnet d'une Mum" C'est encore une autre étape importante de ma vie. Vous comprenez donc qu'avec tout ça je n'ai plus assez de temps pour moi et pour écrire. Oui, je vis ma vie de Mum.
 Il est vrai que je n'ai pas alimenté aussi ma chaine youtube depuis des mois mais...On verra. ça viendra Bref! Je continue à travailler sur mon site petit à petit et aussi sur mon second livre. Pour celui ci je prends absolument tout mon temps pour éviter les erreurs précédentes. Il est fini mais je suis en phase de révision et de correction. Ce n'est pas fini et le site non plus mais il est déja en fonction biensur. Il ya aussi le 3ème projet dont je ferai la surprise plus tard une fois fini. Chut! on ne dit pas tout n'est ce pas? Pour moi les années genre articles tabous sont bien révolues. J'ai décidé de m'ouvrir un peu et tant pis pour les super pudiques qui n'apprécieront pas. je leur dis Bye!
J'essayerai donc de réaliser tant bien que mal mon plan et mes  projets de l'année 2020. Masque ou sans masque. Je ferai tous les updates possibles alors ne nous perdons pas de vue! Cette pandémie est difficile mais nous apprend beaucoup. Je m'explique: Depuis la pandémie j'ai quand meme eu une profonde réfléxion
Je me suis demandée combien de fois avons nous été reconnaissants du corps médical en commençant par les paramedics, les infirmiers(es) le service ménage et entretien dans les hopitaux qui essayent de leur mieux de faire leur travail pour nous.
Combien de fois avons nous été reconnaissants du service postal qui fait un excellent travail pendant cette pandémie? Le facteur qui passe tous les jours déposer les lettres et les colis.
Combien de fois avions nous dit merci à la caissière de notre supermarche du coin ou au service clientèle qui font de leur mieux pour nous servir dans cette période éprouvante?
Combien de fois avions nous pris connaissance de la santé de nos parents et de nos amis? De nous enquérir de leur nouvelles. D'apprécier le temps avec nos enfants, nos partenaires?
Combien de fois avions nous été reconnaissants du sourire du voisin ou de la voisine? Maintenant confinés ça donne quoi?.
On dit que l'argent répond à tout. C'est vrai en effet Mais dans cette pandémie je ne vois pas ce que l'argent apporterait de plus? Peut etre payer des couts de soins medicaux? Et meme s'il arrivait qu'on s'achète des choses chères ou de valeur où les porterons nous? A la maison enfermés? Tout cet argent enfermé dans nos comptes peut il acheter un billet d'avion valable pour les vacances d'été dans les iles? des Louis Vuitton? des Hermès? Non
Tout le monde est devenu vulnérable. Nous sommes  tous vulnérables face a un petit virus. Les célébrités sont devenues Irrelevant. Dieu merci! Elles comprennent j'espère que le succès est éphémère. Elles ne viendront plus nous dire comment nous devons vivre nos vies quand la leur est catastrophiques. Un mess(Oops pardon! mais je l'ai dit oui) des hypocrites qui viennent nous dire comment penser,comment vivre. Tout comme nous, ces gens ne savent plus quoi faire. Plus de red carpets, plus de caméras etc. Allez hop! tout le monde enfermés dans les quatre coins des murs. Et on comprend que Dieu a le dernier mot.
 Ils sont devenus soudainement comme nous. Hello! La vie ne tient qu'à un fil On peut etre contaminé à tout moment. On s'évite on garde les distances sociales. Ca me rappelle un film d'Hollywood dailleurs. Contagion c'est ça? La seule personne importante à présent est Dieu. Meme les présidents n'ont plus aucun pouvoir face à ce petit virus qui fait trembler la terre. Tout le monde crie à Dieu, tout le monde pleure à Dieu à part biensur des personnes inconscientes  et incensées qui pensent maitriser les temps et les circonstances. Parce qu'il y en a toujours. Well, let me tell you something: He is God and He still have the last word.
Bref! pour moi c'est tout réfléchi cette année je soutiens les memes causes et les memes opinions: Pour moi ça reste Trump 2020 J'exprime mon soutien a tous les Trump supporters. J'attends le jour J des elections, avec une grande impatience. Les haineux se jeteront à terre. Je dis Non à l'avortement. Non a la propaganda qui  dit "je fais de mon corps ce que je veux." je me suis dit si je pouvais créer de moi meme une autre vie et un corps alors j'en fais ce que je veux. Mais si je ne peux pas alors désolée mon corps ne m'appartient pas. Je suis devenue Anti féminisme. Ce sont des inepties! Et remarquez que ces féministes sont toujours en colère révoltées on ne sait contre quoi exactement. Elles trouveront toujours des raisons mais quand tu gratteras le fond tu verras que c'est vide. rien n'est fondé.
Dear Feministes allez vous asseoir un peu. Respirez la vie est bien quand elle est simple. Soufflez laissez la colère s'en aller. Inhalez et exhalez ca vous fera du bien. Revenons au base de la vie. Personne n'est parfait. Je ne suis pas parfaite du tout. Comprenez qu'il faut de tout pour faire un monde. Exprimez vous librement et comprenez aussi que votre liberté s'arrete ou commence celle des autres.
Je dis Oui à la liberté d'expression. Oui à la connaissance de Dieu. Oui à la prière dans nos écoles parce que ca nous epargnera certainement des catastrophes. Non au Néocolonialisme dans cette ère parce que l;'Afrique peut se prendre en charge elle meme. Oui à la décolonisation de l'Afrique. Chaque peuple devrait etre souverain. Non à la dictature. cela doit changer. Oui a la transparence des votes pendant les elections en Afrique ne parlerai plus politique, causes sociales etc. Parce que plus tu parles de ces sujets plus tu deviens un problème pour ceux qui sont contre la liberte d'expression. Il yen a qui veulent toujours controler le monde. Nous ne sommes pas betes mais jouons les betes pour vivre en paix. Ces sujets, je pense que cest compliqué. Alors je crée mon univers. De grace ne me jugez pas. J'apprecierai cela. Nous sommes encore libre de changer d'avis. A bon entendeur salut!
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Souvenirs souvenirs

bonne nuit a vous!et je vous laisse avec une chanson de chez moi,

Sunday, March 8, 2020

State of the Union 2020

State of the Union 2020
First of all, I will like to emphasize the fact that I am not a political activist or something like that. I am just interested in some things about politics because of course it is important to follow the news and also because I grew up in a family where people were actively involved in politic..
Today I write my impression of the State of the Union in French for other speakers who want to understand what I say please use the translation option. Sorry about that!
By the way, I just read that Donald Trump was acquitted in impeachment. Congratulations! Good news for the Trump supporters as well. Sorry for the Democrats! And Let's move on. I always knew he would be acquitted anyway. I was positive on that. Nobody is perfect but I knew he was innocent.
I will also share some videos of those who share their analysis and impression about the State of the Union. In fact they have a good understanding of it  as a result , you won't have my only opinion.
I am a viewer of the outside from another country so I may not have all the information but I try to follow the news day by day and yes I am a Trump supporter for the reasons I mentioned in my last post. I wasn't interested to support him at his beginning but I became a supporter after I saw how hypocrites are the Left.
This is maybe my last post about politic because this is not the main reason of this blog. To me Donald Trump will win the next election I will just be following the updates and wait  to watch the election day. I am done writing about it and maybe it might be the last post of this blog. My blog will still be opened for my archives but I will no longer feed this blog. Meaning no more posts. I will share my new project very soon. Thank you for reading!
Lol! Did you hear what she said? "Donald Trump... will lash out at his political opponents (can you paint the picture in your mind? He is like a mean Pitbull. I can't stop laughing. What a description! then she said he will attack..."  Wow! Trump is really aggressive. Lol!!! What a description of the character! 
Now that it is done and over can we move on to more important things?
 Ok! back to my post of today. I watched the State of the Union from start to the end. It was really long but I was not disappointed at all. I hope people who always tend to say that Trump is this and Trump is that with negative reasons, have actually watched the State of the Union yesterday. After that address I don't understand how people can still hate him.
This address was one of the best he did. It was long but I was captivated from the beginning to the end. I am impressed by the Trump Administration's work. Not only good words but real actions and results. We had good numbers and real people with their stories as testimonies.
I put here the link but I will try to share the parts that I liked the most and at the end I will share my impressions about what Ms. Nancy Pelosi did  when she ripped off the papers of the speech at the end of the address. To me that was soooooo wrong! That was wrong and that's another reason for me to say ok I am done with the Democrats. That was the last straw that broke the camel 's back. This is the link here:
Ok! I watched the entire State of the Union and I must admit that I was impressed by the presence in the audience of the political leader from Venezuela that he called the real president of Venezuela.
By the way I am for building the wall and I explained why in my last other post.

.      Pour moi je considere le fait que Donald Trump soit d'abord avant tout un homme d'affaire et pas un politicien de carriere (C'est une bonne nouvelle a mon avis. Parce que les politiciens de carriere sont de veritables menteurs ). Trump n'est pas un politicien dans la tete. Trump agit. Il est pratique. il ne parle pas trop. Il agit et c'est tout. Il n'est pas politiquement correct. Il dit ce qu'il pense comme il le pense. C'est un homme vrai pas faux comme certains politiciens qui utilisent la demagogie. Je prefere ce Monsieur Trump de loin.
 Je me souviens une fois dans une de ses conferences, cette jeune dame Noire Americaine qui etait sans emplois depuis des annees et etait pourtant tres qualifiee s'est vu trouver un emploi sur le champ quand Trump a demande aux chefs de la compagnie de l'embaucher apres qu'elle ait parle de son CV devant le publique. C'est a dire que pour moi il n'est pas un bon parleur pour vous faire avaler des couleuvres et des mensonges pour bien etre vu mais il agit. Il est plutot veridique et direct. Je prefere cela. J'ai aime sa reponse directe a Emmanuel Macron quand ils echangeaient au sujet du terrorisme etc. Trump ne mache pas ses mots. Il est aussi le genre de personne qui veut faire les choses concretement et ca a ete le cas jusque la. Dailleurs la communaute Noire Americaine a vu une difference positive depuis qu'il est au pouvoir. Donc pour ceux qui supportaient Obama ...heu...non c'etait pas ca. Moi les politicien de carriere je ne les apprecie pas vraiment parce qu'ils ont l'art de vous faire rever pour augmenter leur popularite, tout en faisant de fausses promesses au peuple.
 Pour ceux qui ne savent pas trop sur la politique Americaine, le State of the Union est le discours annuel du President de la Republique fait au Congres. Dailleurs vous avez certainement vu assis derriere lui la speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, le V.P Mike Pence …Alors dans ce discours le president presente son programme pour l'annee en cours. Donc je pense que c'est assez important de mentioner cela et de le suivre pour mieux comprendre les choses a venir. J'avais apprecie son discours l'annee passee mais celui ci etait bien meilleur de loin. Voila des extraits de son speech que j'ai ecoutees et que j'ai appreciees (copie du lien que j'ai partage plus haut)

1/Madam Speaker, Mr. Vice President, members of Congress, the first lady of the United States. And my fellow citizens, three years ago, we launched the great American comeback. Tonight I stand before you to share the incredible results. Jobs are booming. Incomes are soaring. Poverty is plummeting. Crime is falling. Confidence is surging. And our country is thriving and highly respected again.
2/I am thrilled to report to you tonight that our economy is the best it has ever been. Our military is completely rebuilt, with its power unmatched anywhere in the world, and it is not even close. Our borders are secure, our families are flourishing, our values are renewed, our pride is restored. And for all of these reasons, I say to the people of our great country and to the members of Congress: The state of our union is stronger than ever before.
3/ Our agenda is relentlessly pro-worker, pro- family, pro-growth, and, most importantly, pro-American. We are advancing with unbridled optimism and lifting our citizens of every race, color, religion and creed very high. Since my election, we have created 7 million new jobs, 5 million more than government experts projected during the previous administration.
5/And very incredibly, the average unemployment rate under my administration is lower than in any administration in the history of our country.
6/ The unemployment rate for African Americans, Hispanic Americans, and Asian Americans has reached the lowest levels in history. African-American youth unemployment has reached an all-time low. African-American poverty has declined to the lowest rate ever recorded.
7/ The unemployment rate for women reached the lowest level in almost 70 years, and last year, women filled 72 percent of all new jobs added.The veteran unemployment rate dropped to a record low. The unemployment rate for disabled Americans has reached an all-time low.
8/Under the last administration, more than 10 million people were added to the food stamp rolls. Under my administration, 7 million Americans have come off food stamps and 10 million people have been lifted off of welfare.
9/  Since my election, the net worth of the bottom half of wage earners has increased by 47%, three times faster than the increase for the top 1%.
10/ Since my election, U.S. stock markets have soared 70 percent, adding more than $12 trillion to our nation's wealth, transcending anything anyone believed was possible. This is a record. It is something every country in the world is looking up to. They admire
11/ (a success story here guys read it!) This is the first time that these deserving communities have seen anything like this. It is all working. Opportunity zones are helping Americans like Army veteran Tony Rankins from Cincinnati, Ohio. After struggling with drug addiction, Tony lost his job, his house and his family. He was homeless, but then Tony found a construction company that invested in opportunity zones. He is now a top tradesman, drug-free, reunited with his family, and he is here tonight. Keep up the great work, Tony.Thank you, Tony. Our roaring economy has, for the first time ever, given many former prisoners the ability to get a great job and a fresh start. This second chance at life is made possible because we passed landmark justice reform into law. Everybody said criminal justice reform couldn't be done, but I got it done, and the people in this room got it done. 
12/ After losing 60,000 factories under the previous two administrations, America has now gained 12,000 new factories under my administration with thousands of thousands of plants and factories being planned or being built.
13/ In fact, unfair trade is perhaps the single biggest reason I decided to run for president. Following NAFTA’s adoption, our nation lost 1 in 4 manufacturing jobs. Many politicians came and went, pledging to change or replace NAFTA, only to do so and absolutely nothing happened. But unlike so many who came before me, I keep my promises. We did our job.
Please I can't put everything here it is going to be too long. Click on the link I put up there.

De toute facon les personnes realistes voient bien que Donald Trump gagnera ces prochaines elections. Moi j'en ai la conviction et je conclus le tout sur le dossier politique ici ce soir et je n'en parlerai plus parce que ce n'est pas mon domaine. Je laisse les experts en parler n'est ce pas?

I agree that this impeachment was a waste of time. I like to watch his videos you can follow and subscribe to his youtube channel.
But anyway let's get back to the State of the Union. Je vous partage les impressions de personnes dont je suis les chaines youtube. Je suis bien d'accord avec eux et c'est pourquoi je partage leur analyse ici. Je vous invite aussi a vous abonner a leur chaines.
Je suis a la fin de mon blog Pata'color carnet. J aurai deux derniers posts dont un fera la retrospective de tout mon parcours depuis la creation de ce blog qui a ete mon carnet de toutes mes annees. J'essayerai d'expliquer comment et pourquoi je l'avais ouvert. Encore pourquoi javais donne ce nom. Mais a present Pata'Color Carnet ne sera plus alimente en posts. J'ai decide d'aller dans une autre direction et je vous le ferai decouvrir dans les derniers ecrits. Et pour ceux qui ont plus de curiosite sur la politique Americaine allez sur les sites et les chaines youtube mais je vous invite aussi a decouvrir BLEXIT et Turning Point USA. ca passe souvent live sur youtube. Je suis souvent ca en ligne
Merci encore de m'avoir lu et a bientot pour le farewell de Pata'Color Carnet.
POur dire vrai le geste de Nancy Pelosi m'a  non seulement decu mais aussi j'ai pleure car j'ai pense a l'histoire de toutes ces personnes que Trump a presentees pendant son speech. Des Americains qui ont fait des choses speciales a leur niveau. Des success stories qui inspirent mais Mme Pelosi a choisi de ne pas respecter cela a sa facon. J'etais aussi blesse j'en ai eu des larmes aux yeux. Maintenant vous comprenez pourquoi je dis je suis vraiment decue par les Democrates. C'est fini. I am done!

 You can Follow and subscribe to his youtube channel. This guy is so interesting.
Pensez vous que Trump ait fait expres d'eviter la main de Ms. Pelosi a la fin de son discours? Bref! c'est difficile a si c'etait le cas je pense qu'il aurait eut une raison du pourquoi.
Ecoutez bien cette video s'il vous plait