Monday, May 27, 2024

Discussions of the week

Here we go! Another post of discussion from me. These are my thoughts on DV, culture and communication: Live your life as if it were your last. Today I touch a sensitive subject that we call domestic violence. (Sorry the quality of videos are not good because of the weather)
How can I explain the way we communicate in my country and in Africa in general... It is tough oo! Lol!! I am a good African who is learning to progressivly change. I am a very emotional person but I was taught that it was not good. I like to express my feelings but I was taught I was doing too much. I had to learn that I should be me and me only. I had to suppress in a way my emotions so my only way to express them was through writing and drawing.
Part 2
Another societal issue in West Africa. Child labor in family homes/ Violence on children. This is what I have to say about this phenomenon that keeps going. A song of Meiway and Monique Seka from Ivory Coast calling for the human side to act with love and compassion to other.
I guess, I said everything! I don't know if what I said makes sense to you but really we should to be ourselves. Free from living by what people will say or think of you? Me, I removed that weight on me I am free! Life goes on. To me, this is what I decided to do: to get back on my creative life, involve in my passions, start new projects and see what is next for me. What about you? Thank you for reading and I say see you next time!!

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