Saturday, September 21, 2024

Discussions and Stories//4

This is my last discussions of this week. Protecting our children. Is it OK to be overprotective when seeing how πŸ˜• this world is nowadays. Actually i realized after reading and hearing many testimonies of people of my age even older than me that it had always been like that but covered a lot by families. sigh πŸ˜• 😞 it is sad... really sad... This is my take on
Is it bad to be overprotective of your children? I don't think it is wrong judged by my own experience. What I went through...
So protect your children! You must always check on them and TRUST NOBODY AROUND THEM Another discussion. Vanessa Caxeiro posted a live on her account where everybody could see her argumenting with her boyfriend while being pregnant. She said many things and how painful it is as a woman to meet a good man even when you are a good woman. She said that her boyfriend had allegedly beat her on the floor... She said how she has been treated by all of her boyfriends. People shared these live several times and showed their support to Vanessa. I mean it hurts to see another woman crying...especially when it comes to Love and relationship. This is something that I keep saying : LEAVE THEM! LEAVE THESE MEN! THEY DON'T LOVE YOU! they only use you. LEAVE THESE TOXIC RELATIONSHIPS! Wait patiently for the right one (if he happens to come somday...) I shared many of my thoughts on it and at the end I came to the conclusion that sometimes being Single is not the wrong decision. I mean take your time. That's why i don't believe in love pictures posted on social media .I learned to understand that it is not about what a man says but what HE DOES to PROVE HIS WORDS. A man who doesn't call you to speak on the phone with youb when u date isn't someone to believe and trust. He is not serious. A man who only text you when u date is not a mature person he is a boy. A Man who doesn't apologize is Immature. A man who doesn't show you love ❤️ has many personal issues. A man who cusses you is dealing with his own insecurities. Yes, I learned all that in my little years of dating. Really take your time and ask the most uncomfortable questions in the beginning before you get into a nightmare. Ask many questions ..If they get upset you know it is a big red flag.
Somewhere in the live she says, she keeps forgiving him. No! Vanessa! DO NOT FORGIVE what is not forgivable. DO NOT FORGIVE THE LACK OF RESPECT. We never forgive the way you are treated. DO not forgive when a man does not treat you right. LET HIM GO! GET OUT OF THIS RELATIONSHIP! LOVE GOD FIRST then LOVE YOURSELF. Today I do not look the same but I learned to accept the way I look today. I think i look better today than before πŸ˜… because age gave me more maturity self confidence and i feel more like a woman ❤️🌺Learn to love yourself. When you love yourself completely no negative words will hurt you anymore. NEVER BEG FOR LOVE! That part has always been my limit. I can never beg for love from a man. If he is gone then he is gone. Let him go! The door is open to leave but not open to come back. The past is the past. If he treated you wrong in the first place and never apologized what's the point to take him back or to forgive and forgive and forgive him? That's why you have to love yourself first. An Immature man will be saying mean words to you (because he also deals with his insecurities), you will be smiling and respond to him: Hasta la vista Baby! No hard feelings but I am done with you,
I have sometimes been misunderstood in the dating world. They often see you like...something to...yes, It is sad that some men had the wrong opinion about me...but what could I do? Nothing! absolutely Nothing. Now I DON'T CARE! The only one who will be right one for me will never see me like that. I still have to remember to myself who I am. That's the most important part Video 2
Really ladies invest in yourself and be happy. Have a meaningful life. If you are married do not forget yourself. Have activities, time for yourself and passion on your own. Any way that was it for today . I see i have been regular and active these days in this blog. That's good right? **************************************************************************************************************************************************** Last time we had a special visit of Sally😊♥️ she was so sweet! She was such a good girl!
Thank you for reading and watching. I hope it was not hard to understand me... Let's watch now this beautiful song with these sexy guysπŸ€­πŸ˜‰ ...Yes o!! Lol! We like to look at the candy crush guys but from afar oooo!!! Please I beg. We don't want headaches. it is Just good for the eyesπŸ˜…πŸ˜‚

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