Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Love ❤and Relationship/ Honest Talk

Hello dear readers I really felt inspired to share with you what I have learned through the years of my life since I was young, how love and relationship💖work. My observation and my conclusion. I am more and more mature so I think I have a lot to share about it. I don't write a lot for now. I just talk. It takes times to write. This are my honest thoughts and talk on Love and relationship. It is going to be long, so take a cup of tea and watch the videos when you have time. let me know what you think about it. This is what I think what a man can do when he loves you. I posted it few months
What is meant for you, is for you. No stress.. no need to run after him or her. These following ones I posted them yesterday honestly after I had a long conversation with my best friend on the phone. She was crying over her marriage...I understand her because I have been there in a way. We women must not keep fallingin the same trap and mistakes. I understand her because I also receive some messages about trouble in paradise...It is difficult and I have been there. I made a decision and I believe, it was the best decision. Don't forget that your mental health matter too. I will have more videos on that in my next post but these ones are the "what Men can do when they do not love you" or when they don't care about you😂😅😂

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