Thursday, May 23, 2024

Let's Talk About Love and Relationship More

M'bolo Dear Readers! Welcome back in my blog! I am back with more. I do not write a lot anymore only when I can or when I really have time and inspired. I talk more now! (laugh) This is maybe the last post For now about my view and thoughts on Love and Relationship because i can have more later. Please do not take it personally if some things that I say offend you. This is really my personal experience. I am not looking to judge people. These are facts that I know and I lived. Before jumping right in the discussions let me open this post with a very beautiful song of Celine Dion that I love. As the saying goes:"music soothes the soul" It's life! Celine Dion "Let's Talk About Love"
Ladies let's not be insecure in our relationships. This is not healthy.
Part 2
Part 3
When I think and when i remember some of my stories I can't stop laughing. We learn from life experience.
Part 2 What I think honestly
Now that I am done with this long post, I hope you do not hate me ooo! I was just sharing my honest thoughts on Love and relationship. My walk has never been easy in that red and pink world. I am glad that I can keep doing my walk. I feel better since I have been honest with myself and free now. I am done pretending and showing to the world that I have everything together. Life is simple we make it difficult ourselves sometimes. The feeling of relieve I can't explain it really. Now, I can keep going my way until I find my right half (even if it takes more years) Let me tell you something :"It is better to be alone than being with the Wrong person." As I said earlier what is meant for you will be for you. What is meant for you will happen to you. No stress! Do not rush and I understand it today. It was the lesson of my life. My family was first disappointed about my decision (since I have a child and being a single Mom, sigh you know the story but it does not affect me at all!) . You know I come from a strong cultural background. The vision of marriage forever is what people teach you but, they understood my position later. It was the best decision I am telling you!! My Peace was non negotiable... Now, I must seat and see how my journey is going to be on earth. Thank you for reading and I close this long post tonight with a song that I love and love. Celine Dion "Miles to Go"

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