Hi! Guys I thought many times about writing a post like this one. It's going to be long so get comfortable guys. Get some drinks and maybe...some pop corn ( I am just kidding!)
Yes I wanted to share my favorite scenes of movies that I watched from my younger age until now. As you know I like movies a lot but I don't pick any type of movie. I have my selection and some movies really taught me things about life in general. I can feel the blues sometimes. Some movies inspired me a lot I wish they could produce that kind of movies more often nowadays. They are old for most of them from the early 90's but not too old for me I still watch them when I want because of what I just said they inspired me. I have learned from some of them like for example what it means to be loyal ( A quality that I like a lot) I am thinking about "The Dead Poet Society."
I know that life cannot always be black and white. Sometimes it happens to see this grey area in the middle but still it's good to be real and true to ourselves in our decisions that we make even after mistakes. From some of these movies I have learned Compassion (I am thinking "Free Willy".) I love animals in general and I dislike to see them mistreated that's why I am not a zoo and circus fan. I don't go there because I do not believe that animals should be living in a circus life and zoo where people exploit them and where visitors throw them some candies, snacks or whatever they have. As much as we enjoy our freedom, I believe that these animals are asking the same thing.
Some movies taught me Compassion (I am thinking "Patch Adams.") where Love is all we need to make people happy just love and dignity for human beings in general My reason my philosophy is to do the best I can when I can to help. Something that people with who I interacted with or who really know me usually describe me as a compassionate woman I am humbly touched when I hear that because that is what my mum has always taught me very young and I like being this way. I was also surprised to hear some of them telling me that I like to make people laugh. First I didn't know that but later I realized that it's true. Yes, I definitely like it when I see people being too serious around me whenever it is appropriate I will say something to change the mood. So my choice of movies will definitely have some comedy . I like History a lot ok?! Most movies that I like should have History as well because I like to discover things and remember events in general.
Now! Let's start with my favorite movies. All the scenes that I posted are not mine but taken from youtube.com
"Free Willy" (1993)
Do you remember the movie "Free Willy"? It was released in the early 90's. I love this movie so much! I don't remember how many times I watched this movie. After watching Free Willy I realized that marines species should not be living in those aquatic parks or whatever it is called. I don't want to go there. I was like Jesse I wanted to see the orca whale out of this place and that's what Jesse did. The best scene of this movie was the end which was also bittersweet at the same time because Jesse was attached to Willy but Willy needed to be free.
As the owners of the aquatic park were after them (Jesse, Willy and his friends) Jesse helped Willy to escape and that part of the movie was everything!
Yes, I was sad too when Willy left but at least he was free...I cried at that part
"Rush Hour" (1998)
What about a little bit of comedy. Yes! I like Rush Hour all the series and I believe that Rush Hour had that success because Jackie Chan (Detective Lee) and Chris Tucker (Detective Carter) both had a good work chemistry. They are two cops in the movie and they are always sent for mission in different places against a mafia. I wished they could do another one I had so much fun watching them playing together. Do you remember this scene when Chris Tucker was looking for Su Yong's locker at the martial arts school and instead he met the giant Chinese guy who nicely taught them "How to behave" (Laughing)
just watch!
Some other scenes of Rush Hour.
Ennemy of the State (1998)
"The Fugitive" (1993)
Have you watched "The Fugitive"?! OMG!! I Love this movie! For some reasons I can still watch that movie again. Harrison Ford and Tommy Lee Jones are some of my favorites actors for real. I don't recall the number of times I have watched the Fugitive and I have even read the book (which was a little bit different) So Harrison Ford is Dr. Kimble who is the fugitive. He is accused of killing his wife when in fact he didn't do it. Somebody who happened to be a close person of his surrounding was behind it through this guy with an artificial arm named Sykes. Gosh! Sykes was strange like seriously!
Well this movie is a thriller, a really interesting one! The end is even surprising. (The scenes of the movie that I picked are not in a particular order sorry!)
"Forrest Gump" (1994)
I guess everyone remember these words "Run Forrest! Run!" (Laughing!) The first time I watched this movie I was so touched. I like Tom Hanks he is a really good actor! Here is the scene that I liked in the movie. Yes miracle happens when we expect the least! There was no way out for Forest when suddenly the imaginable happened . Since that very day in this part of the movie Forrest never stopped running I mean he was good at it. Was it also a way to escape from his troubles? Well let's remember Forrest Gump the man with a child'soul!
Forrest Gump in the army. That part with Bubba was funny according to me
"The Pursuit of Happiness" ( 2006)
A movie that taught me a lot about life about dreams "The Pursuit of Happynesss" is a real life story. Will smith is Chris Gardner. He is a single father struggling for a better life for his son. They are living in hardship but that didn't stop him to fight for his dream. Such a nice movie! Will Smith did a great job. It made me cry often but I have learned a lot! I like this scene what he said to his son was really important. I understand that no one must set the standards for you or judge your capacity no matter what people say (even your professors, parents teachers, boss) about you just believe in who you are your talent your ability. I like Will Smith he is also in my list of my favorite actors.
That scene with his son made me cried but what I like he never gave up
Another scene
That part was the best of the movie! .
Since my High school years I have always been interested in War World I and II my favorite part of History books. These two historical events have changed the world forever and we still live the consequences of these two wars right? Whenever I see an article or a movie about War World I and II, I will definitely read or watch it. I cannot explain why I wish I could. I was glad after discussing with a veteran of War World II few years ago to learn a little bit more from a real witness. Imagine a girl like me coming from a country where oral tradition is important. That discussion was precious to me that man was like an opened History book. His brother and him went to War World II (As far as I remember The US was not involved in War World I because of the politic of Isolationism...hum...I have to remember this part...) So they went for War World II His brother was at the battlefield in Europe but he went to the Pacific and North Africa . They both went back home safe and became two successful men. So that movie "Saving Private Ryan" depicts what happened there at that war
"Saving Private Ryan" (1998)
I watched it in the French version. What a movie! I really like it! I read that many American veterans agreed that the movie was accurate with the real facts. Tom Hanks and Matt Damon (Also a great actor) did a wonderful job. Matt Damon is private Ryan.That movie was like real. Ok! If you remember Tom Hanks and his troop were sent to search for Private Ryan because his other brothers were already dead on the battlefield and when the authorities found out the facts after receiving notes they didn't want that the mother lost all her sons at the war. Private Ryan was the last one so they thought it should be wise to save the last one so they sent Tom Hanks with his troop to search for him which they did I think there are in Germany or somewhere like that...Ok! Watch the scenes!
I thought it was funny but the movie was not only funny there were some tragic parts as well
I probably should have called this post "My Tribute to Robin Williams."
I like this actor so much! His lost is still a shock . I was sad to read few months ago about his death. Most of Robin Williams 'movies taught me values of life. Back home whenever I was sent to rent some movies I would always be picking one of his. I like this actor I miss him a lot! He did what he was created to do: Entertain people. That man had talent!. Please, let's remember once again Robin Williams in his movies.
Mrs. Doubtfire (1993)
Mrs Doubtfire it's a story of man who is divorced from his wife and have little access to his children. The only way to be close to them was to play the role of a nanny A brilliant comedy!. Let's watch the cooking scene of Mrs Doubtfire!
That was funny right!?
"What Dreams May Come" (1998)
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Have you seen Katie the Dalmatian. Awwww that's so sweet! |
"What Dreams May Come" another movie that Robin Williams played. To tell the truth I didn't really understand the movie it was like really complex especially that I was too young to understand certain things but I thought it was interesting. My best part was when he met Katie again( his dog, the Dalmatian) in Heaven. It was bitter sweet because Katie ( his dog with his wife as well) met him just for few minutes but he was so happy compared to where he met his wife. It looked like his wife was in a dark place where people were suffering everyday...
I liked the colors in this movie. He co starred with Cuba Gooding Jr.Well my dream is also to meet my dogs and cats who passed away years ago in Heaven someday. I know all their names and their fur and colors. When they passed away I was sad... My parent always try to replace a lost dog with another one to remove the pain of the lost but still they all have different personalities and fur.
Anyway...C'est la vie! So I like when in the movie he shouted "Katie!!!!!" That was everything! I got so emotional of that part especially when Katie left after playing with him. It reminded me of times spent with my dogs back home. I always wonder how people can mistreat pets at home they are so lovely beings
Anyway... let's watch this beautiful scene
RIP Robin Williams
He played the Bicentenial Man (1976)
Did you watch it? How did you like it? O well it looks like some movies are older than me lol!
I love the song that Celine Dion sang for this movie "Then You Look at Me"
"The Dead Poets Society " (1989)
Do you remember the "Dead Poets society"? That was my movie!!! I don't recall how old I was when I first watch it but I know I watched maybe in 1990 something. That movie touched me forever. Robin Williams played a role of a teacher name John Keating in an austere all boys school. I learned what it means to be loyal. These young men were brave. About the hypocrites? Well...they will remain hypocrites all their lives maybe...
I wish young people could watch often that kind of movie. Let's remember "Captain O My Captain" my favorite scene of the movie which made me emotional. That touched me so much!
How about Patch Adams (1998)
Yes, people it's all about how you treat others. Do you treat people with respect love and dignity? I love this movie! I have learned so much from this movie really. I wish I could have this kind of doctor too (smile) I know they are somewhere. To me compassion is so important. This world would be so different if people changed the way they treat each other. We are not perfect but at least we can try.
Let's watch this nice scene of the movie. Patch goes to visit the children of the hospital
That next part was so much FUN!!! Mrs. Kennedy has always dreamt about a pool of noodles since her young age and guess what? Patch Adams did it for her and few days later she felt better. See? No need for medicine sometimes Usually love and compassion are everything. I wish I could be in that pool too I don't mind having a child moment sometimes It's a good therapy trust me! There is a little bit of children in us and I love it because it's natural. I remember during my primary school years my three classmates and I instead of going to our playground (Hush! don't tell it to my mum...If she knew that...Hum!) we would get out of the school discreetly and went to a high school's ground. There was a huge wall there and somewhere some grass and some pads for the Gym club members. Since they were not there, we would climb the wall then we jumped from up there to fall on the pads, yes it was really...not safe at All! But guess what?! We had so much fun! Thanks God nobody got hurt. We did that again and again few days later.
Let's remember this scene of the movie I hope it will make you smile
What about this scene " Hello Vietnam". Do you remember that?
Another one: Robin Willliams played this character named Jack. The movie Jack was released in 1996
Jack (1996)
Jack has a strange disease that he was born with. The disease was that Jack ages really fast so he had to do things early and fast and quick too but let's listen to this wonderful speech that he did the last day of school! That speech says a lot. I kept it in mind I have never forgotten what he said. Thank you Robin Williams that was so inspiring!
Remember these words: "Make your life spectacular"
Another scene of the movie. That was funny guys! I liked it a lot!
"Sister Act" (1992)
Do you remember Sister Act? I watched the I and II with so much excitement. I guess you liked it too. That movie was funny! Also it was really interesting! Whoopi Goldberg played a particular nun in this movie because of the character's past. That performance at school was my favorite scene of the movie. Whoopi Goldberg is great in this movie. I like Whoopi! Let's watch again "O Happy Day!" such a beautiful song with inspiring lyrics!
Yes! That young man has a beautiful voice! I was in love with his voice.
Titanic (1997)
Once again! A movie of History! Ok! I have to be honest here. I am not too much into love stories movies the pinky roses petals, cream love and whatever it is. In fact when I watched the movie Titanic I was into the story of the ship itself because it was real. That can sound strange but I know some of you understand my way to see the movie...Well, That's me. I have to say that yes I liked Jack and Rose's love but really I was sad for this ship the way it sank and how many lives were lost. What a waste! What a tragedy! I was in pain for all the people who died that very day. It was awful. I remember after watching the Titanic I had nightmares days in a row. My friends were like: "Awww! Poor Jack poor Rose she was left by herself" and I was like: "Poor Titanic What if Titanic sank in the Atlantic Ocean maybe there would be more people alive and saved"
I was scared of the icebergs that day after watching the movie. Icebergs were like mean aliens to me.
Anyway...Titanic was such a great movie! Great actors as well: Kate Winslet and Leonardo di Caprio. Let's watch this beautiful scene of Jack and Rose together.
I like that scene because she was like a free bird in the air. I wish I could try what they did
Then I will be screaming:" I am the Captain of the world!!!" (Laughing)
Ok! lover people let's watch the lovely couple!
I hope you like it It is such a beautiful scene with the ocean, the wind but mostly for you: Love!
Sorry I have to post the next movie' scene as well. That was my main attention...I didn't like seeing people dying. In fact that was horrible! While watching this part I was just wondering in that kind of situation if the people who decided to die waiting for the water to kill them were more courageous than those who chose to struggle to stay alive? Maybe because they have already accepted their fate...I had no idea because the fact was they would die anyway. That was scary because I am the kind of person who cannot accept a situation I would definitely be among the people who struggled to survive or to stay alive. I only give up until I have used all my strength and possibilities ...ok.. sadly let's watch the scene...
Poor Titanic...
Once again History (I like History). Another sad chapter of History: In 1976 young students from Soweto, Johannesburg in South Africa entered into a revolt against the system called Apartheid. Many of them were caught and sent to jail where they were victims of tortures many died as well. These children dreamt and fought for Freedom along with people like Nelson Mandela, Steve Biko and many others. This story was known in the world...So was this picture below. I even wrote a post last year on Nelson Mandela a tribute to him. If you are interested you can check it out.
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Hector Pieterson holding a classmate wounded in his arm |
When I went to South Africa I visited some places but of course that particular place was definitely in my agenda. Unfortunately when the school organized the trip to Soweto that day I was really sick I could not walk at all. My roommate went there so I asked her to take some pictures for me. I was sad I could not and I never could later because too busy. At least she brought me a nice bracelet from there and some pictures (Smile)
Sarafina (1992)
I loved that movie. I watched it many times! Leleti Khumalo is Sarafina in the movie The scene happened in a school of Soweto. Her mother is Miriam Makeba in the movie and Whoopi Goldberg played the role of her favorite teacher (If I remember right her name was Ms. Masambuka!) Sarafina dreams about freedom she likes Nelson Mandela she hopes that Mandela will get out of the jail meanwhile she struggles for a better life. Interesting movie with a lot of dances and songs! I remember seeing Leleti Khumalo years later in a well known TV serie there, named Isidingo. Leleti Khumalo is from South Africa. Let's watch my favorite scene of the movie Sarafina: The Lord's Prayer.
Guys! If you haven't watched this movie then take a time to watch it really! This movie worth to spend money to rent for a night at least. Two great actors
Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman play a role as two close friends from different social classes. They both have their struggles, they both going through pain but the difference is the way they perceive life. I learned a lot from this movie. Nothing is eternal and sometimes money does not buy happiness for real.Yes, we need to be thankful for life that we have. Life is more than all the worries or arguments or anger or the differences. I know that we are facing many things and issues but remember there is more than that. Mother Teresa once said that Life is a gift, life is precious let's take good care of it. If I was asked to make a comment on that movie I would simply say: " Two thumbs up!" Here is a scene of the movie the two men are diving because one of them wanted to try it once at least
That was funny right? Just listen to this next scene of the movie The Bucket List. I mean this discussion was so important. Sometimes we need to sit down and think a little bit about us. Sometimes we need to stop running here and there and try to look for what is really important what is really essential in our lives.
Men In Black (1997)
I like Men in Black I and II about the third one....I didn't really understand the end but it was still funny anyway. Men In Black: Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones are the two main actors of the movie. I share with you some of my favorite scenes of Men In Black that you know already. Ok! I have to say something:
I like Franck the dog! Really guys I like this Pug! He was so funny!
The next scene.
Next it is:
Independence Day (1996)
Yes I like action and fiction in movies as well. I liked Independence Day I do not believe in Aliens though...
The actors are: Will Smith, Jeff Goldblum and Vivica A Fox.
Well done doggy!
Iron Man (2008)
I like that kind of movies as well. I could not put Iron Man on the side. I like all the marvels and X Men.
Robert Downey Jr. is Tony Stark (Iron Man)
I like all the transformations! I am like wow!!
Good job! I like all the Iron Man series.
Unfortunately I cannot put all my favorites movies. This is the last one that I like and that I share with you:Transformers! yes I like Transformers!
Transformers (2007 / 2014)
I like Transformers!! I must say that whenever I watch this kind of movies I am always impressed. The engineers I mean all the people who made them did a great job for real! Good transformations! Great imagination! Bravo!
That one is even more impressive ! I like this part with Shia Leboeuf!
I hope you had a little bit of fun and good memories! I also hope that you liked this post!
Thank you for reading and watching!
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