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Malala Yousafzai (Received last year The Nobel Peace Prize) |
This is really sad... Sometimes I read some comments on social media and I am like: "Wow people still think like that in 2015. What a shame!" It is really special to see people being divided for such things when they have been living together for centuries and the media are not helping either. It looks like human race likes to discriminate and the problem of prejudice is above all...That's just me thinking. Sometimes when I fill up some information and I am asked what race are you? Well it happens that I put: "prefer not to say" because I don't see the point for me to tell you my race. Maybe sometimes it can be important information but most of the times I feel like it does not help. What difference it makes if I am Black or White or yellow or...I don't know why they ask it or about my skin color or...Really I don't see the point. I am a good human being and that's all matter to me! Imagine a world where everybody looks the same do the same things how boring it would be. Thanks God He never thought this way because He created these difference of gender and race on purpose. Unfortunately, many people do not see it as something beautiful once again this is really sad for human kind. If you are not this or that then you are not good enough...hum...Like really?!
I used to follow this flow years ago and being wash brained by everything that I read but now I am careful and refuse to play this game. The person in front of me is a human being like me. There is no race just the Human race and I made the decision to respect and treat people with dignity and I will respect all the person that I will meet no matter their social class or race or religion. I believe in what the Bible teaches me if I love God than I should love my neighbor and it's simple. The point of my post today is Women International Day. For some reasons I have been thinking a lot about women in general and I have to say I am so glad God made me a woman and I will not trade this gender because I realized that women are the strongest and the most beautiful creature that He has wonderfully created.
I want to start by saying that I am not an activist or whatsoever people call. I am not judging any countries or people's opinion. I am just a woman who expresses what other women feel in general. I might not know all and what they are all going through because the culture, the tradition the law the rules differ from a country to another. We celebrate women today the 8th of March but I think we should celebrate women everyday because of who they are. I recently purchased a book about woman. Why did I decide to buy this book? Because I watched the news and read articles everyday and I can see injustice done to women it has been this way for many years but these questions became so strong in my mind. Then, It made me thought why God created women? What is their role in our society (Our role as women) and many other questions. I also started questioning facts or events that happen around the world. So far, I got some answers and I think this book makes me proud to be woman. Women should definitely read it. I purchased it on amazon.com
"Understanding the Purpose and Power of Woman" Dr. Myles Munroe |
I recently read two articles and it touched me so much. When you are a woman you cannot be indifferent because that could be me or somebody else that I like or know. Sexual harassment in the streets with no punishment still happens in 2015 in some places I mean maybe everywhere in the world but done differently. In the article a lady wore a body armor to protest against such practice in Kabul/Afghanistan. Here is the link: http://www.barenakedislam.com/2015/03/06/afghanistan-kabul-woman-wears-body-armor-to-protest-constant-sexual-harassment-by-men-in-the-streets/
What she did really got my attention. Through this act she showed to the world how brave and courageous she is and she set an example to others. The truth is, it happens also in other countries in the world. We sometimes do not talk a lot about that because it sounds like we are now used to it or because it's so much that nobody complains about that anymore so we just deal with it when in fact we should not.
The other article that I read is about a man pleading not guilty in India after a rape and killing a young woman. Instead of feeling guilty he blamed the victim....Whoa!! That was shocking and that is what some women are going through: http://www.nytimes.com/2015/03/04/world/asia/delhi-gang-rape-mukesh-singh.html?_r=0
In Africa, especially in some countries at war and I assume it also happens in other continents, women and children are first victims. Women are rapped and killed. Unfortunately, there is no Law to prohibit such violence done to them. If these kind of laws exist they are probably not enforced. Recently in Congo DRC it was found that 48 women are rapped every hours according to a study. It is shocking and horrible to read it! http://www.theguardian.com/world/2011/may/12/48-women-raped-hour-congo
These are just few examples but there are more than that!
Women are victims of domestic violence everyday. How about those who are victims of excision and usually people who do that use religion to justify these evil acts. How can we explain that? No religion no ideology of whatsoever should encourage these kind of treatment toward women. Real men know how to treat women with dignity, love and respect and that is mostly what women simply ask in general. I am deeply against violence done to women and children!
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Picture from Al Jazeera.com (domestic violence) |
I was shocked when I first saw that picture below. I wonder who can do such evil act to a human being? What kind of religion allows it?? That's the kind of picture that really upsets me! How can we be indifferent?
I like to share this quote as well because that is a true fact
People say it has been better since but I do not believe so. I was shocked to find out that women weren't paid the same salaries than men just because of the gender.
Something that I remember during the Academy Awards ceremony, Patricia Arquette said something about equal wages and equal rights for women in America when she received her Oscar last month (I didn't write about the Academy Awards this year). We even saw Meryl Streep who stood up to support this part of her speech and I totally agree with her. Her speech moved me and I hope people heard this call for action. I have the link of it here if you want to listen to it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cZeV9Sm3ywMDo you also remember the president's speech on equal pay? This is not me...That's the president himself.
Well, to tell the truth, I was surprised to hear those words "Equal Pay" because I have always thought that democratic countries do not deal with such issues. I have always assumed that in democratic countries everybody was equal compared to countries like mine why? because of the word democracy. Then, I finally realized that the so called "Democracy" is just a word at least to some extent. It's interesting to see the limits of governments in the world made by humans. When we do not sick help or wisdom from God then, we will definitely have some limits. This is not a statement too religious it is a fact and a truth. Here are few practical examples: If your car needs to be repaired you will need help from a professional mechanic and it makes sense right? Or if for instance you buy a computer from a specific brand and that computer for some reasons does not work you will have to bring it back to the company that made it because they know how to repair it. It's the same thing for us Humans we definitely need God in every aspects of our lives because He created us. It's so simple.
Back to the subject of this post about women, it 's really sad that some men still do not understand that women are mothers, wives, workers, sisters daughters all in one. They clearly contribute in our society as well. They give life, they nurture and they support. Today a woman has a baby boy in her arms and this little boy will be a man and my question is: will that same boy who will become a man will have respect for women tomorrow? Usually I like to ask to some male friends or acquaintances who like to play with women's feelings : "Would you like to see your sister being treated the same way you do by another man as well?" It's just a question.
In some countries of the world women are even traded as sex slaves or they have no right to Education, no freedom of speech and they cannot complain. Yet they still fulfill their roles in their families. In other places women are used as sexual objects just because they were born women. What is wrong with you men? Can you create a male or female human? Whoa! How sad is it!? We are in 2015 and it still happens. Where are those men who will stand and set some good examples? where are the men who will not be too proud to show love and respect to women? Yes, Young girls need to get access to Education no matter what. Knowing that education is the only way out of oppressed system for women especially. My dad used to tell me school is important and I understand it more today. I liked Malala's speech when she received her Nobel Peace Prize last year. I am not pointing some people or criticizing cultures or whatsoever. I am just against abuse done on women and girls. I feel the same way about people like the so called Boko Haram (This group) who is threating many countries in Africa. What a shame! I am so done with such evil acts and they justify what they do for religion as if they are doing it for a good cause (Really Boko Haram!? Do you really think that God supports your actions?)
And you African presidents we are waiting on you to do your part. It's been a long time now that this man and his group of men are devastating villages, rapping and killing women and children. What are you waiting for?)
Stop abusing women!
Last year I posted this TV commercial that I really liked on my timeline twice on Facebook and I commented:" Go woman! Go!" Then, I was asked if I was a feminist? Hum...Let me think...Is it bad to be a feminist if I happened to be one? The things that I like about that commercial is the way that woman is pictured: She is a responsible mother, she drops her daughter at school, she has a nice car and you can tell she has a good job. She looks really confident and not impressed by this group of men around. I didn't see anything wrong with it at all. Instead I thought that commercial really inspired me that's why I commented "Go woman! Go!".
My conclusion for this post will be Happy International Women Day! I just expressed my thoughts and people do not have to agree with me and that's ok because we don't have to agree with everything right? Yet, Women still have to fight for their rights and I hope things will be different in the years to come. I also hope that more men will support this battle for equality. I also hope that we, women will be more compassionate to each other (it's really important).
My last words are: I believe in Education for women and I definitely support it.
I support the fact that women can be independent and achieve their dreams and a successful career.
I am also fine with us women being good wives respecting their husbands. I support the fact that women must be good mothers and good workers with responsibilities. I also support equal wages and equal rights for everybody.
We, women should not accept some false statements or whatsoever type of things that do make us think or feel that we are inferior to men because it is not true at all. We are Strong human being as much as they are, wonderfully made by God and we are also the backbone of the society.
Thank you for reading!
Peace and Love! I didn't write this post so... Guess who did it? She did!!! (The lady bear in front of me)
(Remembering all the women in History who impacted this world)
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