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Monterrey, Mexico |
(Apology for my English if there are some mistakes)
I really enjoyed being there for few days and I intend to go back to Mexico no matter what. people were really nice, warm and respectful. I didn't feel like being an outsider or something like that. I have to admit the agency which planned our trip did well for the flight tickets but not for the hotel reservation at all. Consequently, we had to find another one the same night. Thanks God, we were lucky to meet a taxi driver who spoke really good English. The language spoken is Spanish so do not expect to find people who will speak English right away. You can meet some of them but there are really few. Usually those who speak English have been in the US and went back to Mexico or they have simply studied the language at school or have met some tourists...
The idea that you have about a country or people is usually formed by TV News, the media but once you get to the place and meet people this veil fall down it's completely different and like I said I will definitely go back there. However, I must precise that everyone do not have the same experience. Others do not think the same way that I do or some actually never made back home. For instance, when I was back in the US, I read the news from Mexico and the news were not good: A group of 46 students were burnt in a car accident which didn't look like it was just an accident...I don't know but it was awful to read such news. To me and to some other people it was totally different. I have always been looking forward to visit Mexico the culture has always impressed me.
We had to speak and understand at least basic words in Spanish. I understand but I lost so much of my Spanish when it comes to speak it because I didn't practice the language for a long time! However, memories of words were coming back to me little by little as I was interacting and talking with people. I think if I had stayed there longer I could remember most of my vocabulary but I was there for just few days. Today, I am more careful about notes in English and Spanish. When I am in the train I now read both or I try to understand what the words mean in Spanish. I am more likely to want to learn and speak when people are speaking Spanish next to me.
We went to Monterrey the second largest and wealthiest city in Mexico. Monterrey is the capital of Nuevo Leon State. Monterrey is mainly an industrial and commercial city which explained why we saw so many international and many American companies there. Which also explained the reaction of the police woman at the international airport when we first arrived there. The city is not known to be a touristic city first. As she was opening my passport, I told her I was there for tourism with my friend and she was like...Really??! Then I said: "Si, Senora!". In fact, We went for personal obligations added to that we thought we could use this opportunity to enjoy our vacations so...yes.
Once out of the airport, we looked for a taxi it was 1:00 am but what really surprised me, was the presence of military men almost everywhere. It can be shocking and scary when you are not used to see military holding guns. So my first question to the taxi who picked us up was: " Why so many presence of military men in the city?" He told us that until two years ago the Cartel was striking and the Government fought to protect the citizens which explained the reason of their presence. He told us it was really way better than the previous years. When I heard the word Cartel! My blood went up and I started looking around but he reassured me not to worry.
We were really lucky to have a taxi driver who was really nice and who has a fluent use of English. He was also honest. It was easy to communicate with him and it felt safe because the others could not be speaking a little bit of English at all which is normal but could make us (My friend and I) feel unsafe. In Mexico, they use the Mexican pesos which is the name of their currency (I know You will say: "Everybody knows that!!") Ok! But did you know that 1 US Dollar is approximately equal to 0.66 Mexican Pesos? Yes! Life is cheap there.
The Mexican Pesos!
If you read a little bit more about Monterrey you will find out that in 2008, the city has experienced violent events because of the Cartel also known as the Mexican Mafia. The Cartel is mainly an issue for the government it's a problem of drug and crimes. I think they are also responsible for the kidnapping of people etc. I will have some links down about the Cartel if you are interested but I doubt so. Just be aware of that. That's all nothing more.
Once we made it to the hotel a man welcomed us in Spanish "Bienvenidas Senoritas" At least I could say "Gracias! Senor." Yes I had to speak Spanish a little bit because my friend was lost and there was no way to communicate differently after Luis (The taxi driver) left us. First, she insisted communicating in English but at the end she found herself trying to force to learn and speak some Spanish. Ha! Ha! Ha! She had no choice! Consequently, she would always have her Ipad with her (Thank You Steve Jobs!) to use the translator anytime. Everything was in Spanish: Internet, shops, restaurants...I mean everything! Which is normal!
At night, I was like: "What if the Cartel...try to come in the hotel...and...and....kidnap us and...Then my friend was like don't worry girl, God is with us nothing is going to happen just let's pray for the time we are here." Dios ciuda de sus hijos! The day after it was awesome!! The manager of the hotel entrusted us a tour guide.
They have some palm trees in the city |
The weather was nice a little bit chilly but a really nice sunshine. For some reasons that I can't explain I felt a little bit like being in Africa but in another continent. People around were warm I didn't feel anything wrong or something like that. They were actually smiling. Really they were genuinely Nice people!
At the Plaza
I liked the architecture of this bank. It looks a little bit like an old European building. That bank was in the plaza |
This is how it feels a little bit to be at the Plaza.
They called it the Plaza but also The Centro Comercial. My friend was exhausted so she needed a break then I decided to go down further on my own because I was looking for specific things such as hand crafted items, traditional clothes Anddddd!!! a local food restaurant.
I found a little store selling some nice traditional items made with hands. The ladies were nice I told them I will be coming back. Then, I joined my friend so we decided to go back to the hotel. On the way there was a man selling some nice local bracelets and necklaces. One of the necklaces had some Aztec symbols I was like Bingo!!! I have something ancient and I wanted that necklace so bad! I was so excited to see these Aztec symbols! However I was confronted to a dilemma: Should I buy it when I know it was an ancient, old belief? Should I just buy it as a memory of Mexico and a collection? Or should I just forget about it because my Faith doesn't allow me to wear ancient beliefs. It was too much on my mind I decided to just put it on the side and buy the hand crafted bracelet only.
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The Aztec culture |
At night, at the hotel, I kept thinking about the necklace. I thought I could go back there but we were busy the days after. I didn't know how to explained to my friend that I was also worried that the necklace could turn to be something else once back in my apartment at Dallas. She started laughing at me and told me I watched too many movies. She was probably right...I sometimes have so much imagination sometimes...Well, I don't know. So, the day before we left Mexico, I tried to find where the man who was selling the Aztec necklaces was, I couldn't find him anymore... Too bad, I was disappointed. I guess on the next trip I will buy that necklace for sure! At least for my collection.
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The Aztecs Empire ruins outside Mexico City |
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The Aztec calendar (The necklace that I wanted had the same symbol on it) |
The day after we decided to eat outside of the hotel. We found a Chinese restaurant. I wanted to buy food to go and the lady who was serving, was from China. Ok! The lady was really nice but she didn't speak Spanish not even English and I didn't notice it until I realized that something was not clear. She spoke Chinese and that's it! As I was ordering, she could not exactly understand what I wanted because of my little Spanish but I kept showing her what I wanted. Instead she kept putting something else. Then, I changed and try to communicate in English but still she could not understand and She put what I didn't want. I think she was simply guessing and my friend was laughing at the scene and it was getting frustrating at a certain point. I felt like talking to a wall. At the end I asked her can you understand French then? She kept smiling at me with no words. (I thought I just said it not because I expected her to speak French but because I was a little bit frustrated...)
A man who witnessed what was going on came to "My rescue" He spoke to me some English and gently took my box and spoke little by little some really basic Spanish to her then she said:"Ooooo si! si!" Wow!!! That was tough! I finally had what I wanted. The lady was really nice though. I went back there few days later. After all She was a good person.
On the way we stopped at a Subway for my friend who wanted a sandwich instead. There, we had to speak Spanish too. You know we didn't expect to speak in Spanish completely because it was "Subway". The Subway was the same as the ones we have in the US.( They just have a little bit of local spices and vegetables.) I guess we were wrong. I was already exhausted of my earlier experience at the Chinese restaurant so I didn't want to play the "translator". I let my friend struggled with her Spanish or Spanglish there at least it was a good experience for her too. That was enough for me at that point. Back to the room at the hotel I watched The Australian Open yay!!
I watched Sharapova who was having a hard time playing with the young Panova. At the end Sharapova won the match.
In townIn Monterrey, we visited the adjoined municipalities such as: Juarez, Apodaca, and Santa Catarina ( A really nice area). There are many shopping malls the one that we went to is called Plaza Fiesta San Augustin. The mall was nice it looks the same that we have in the US no differences only the language. We weren't disappointed at all in term of shopping. Ladies can find anything they want.We couldn't use the buses and the metro because we didn't have time for the understanding of the transportation system but we saw them in the city so we only used the taxis.
San Augustin mall |
Si! Mi viaje de Mexico estaba Mas que Nada/ My trip to Mexico was more than anything (smiling)
At night we decided to go to a restaurant not far from the hotel because we really wanted to eat local dishes before leaving. Once at the restaurant, they gave us the menu but we could not find what we thought we could find in Mexico. We expected to eat some burritos, tacos, guacamole etc. We also expected to eat some plantains and rice as well. Ok! Guys I have to admit that whenever I go to the supermarkets in the US I assumed that most of these foodstuffs were mostly coming from Mexico. The fact is we (my friend and I) were wrong we have never wondered about where some of these food were really coming from. When I went back to Texas I went to the store so did my friend she confirmed on the phone that the plantains were mostly imported from Guatemala and Colombia. I thought it was interesting to know. Here is something that I remember when I was working back home: My boss was a really difficult woman but I have learned a lot from her. She used to say something: "Laetitia never assume. Whatever you do, take time to check and verify the information first. Then you can draw a conclusion." Yes I guess she was definitely right!
Some cool local drinks |
The dish we ordered (there were different meat)
They were made from rice |
At the restaurant we asked for arroz (rice) they brought us something like a tortillas made of rice. I liked the meat the way it was cooked but that thing on the side were challenging to eat to me. My friend ate some of them but I ended up eating bread instead. They also brought us some soup of beans. I was kind of a little bit...disappointed. I called the waiter who explained me that was the local food. At the end I understood that arroz and platanas were not really eaten in Monterrey. Then I asked him that they have to be coming from somewhere in Mexico. Then he replied: "Si Senorita! But from the South part of the country. I starred at him in the eyes because I was not convinced about this answer I doubted I thought He told me that because I was not from Mexico. We went at the cashier to pay for what we ordered and at that very moment a man who just came in the restaurant came straight to us and then asked me: "What are you going to sing for us tonight?" I was surprised. Then, I looked at the manager and everybody started laughing
I told him "Lo siento! Senor. No estamos cantates!" Sorry sir we are not singers. Then the man left and the manager told us: "He thought you were some celebrities." It beat me! A celebrity with no bodyguard? It was funny!
At the hotel, I wanted to watch the African Soccer Cup because my country was playing that day I could not because there was no where to find it in the Mexican TVchannels. Then I put on ESPN to watch the Australian Open
Somewhere in town just like inside an "hacienda"
Like I said earlier the people were really nice. The back of the hotel has a little bar and a swimming pool. So, I sometimes went there to sit to relax and to contemplate the sky, the sun, the birds. See the people on the other side of the street walking. I really enjoyed spending my time there alone. There was something I didn't understand: A lady was eating some extra super hot cheetos that she mixed up with some hot sauce plus chili plus some japalenos. She was eating and jumping like almost crying because it was extra super hot! I was just wondering what was the point of all of that? She later proposed to me if I wanted her to make something like that to eat too. She was nice but I had to decline her offer.
Luis told us that some people like to eat extra hot there. I remember a lady at the restaurant who served me what I ordered put something like some jalapenos on the side of my plate. I was not sure what it was since she was smiling at me and told me something in Spanish that I didn't really understand. No, when I ate them I almost passed out because it was so super extra hot! Thanks God my friend (She is a nurse) helped me . That was a good lesson so I simply ordered a glass of cold coke and I had some snacks. I also asked for the newspaper to read the news of the day and to see if I could understand something and I went to sit outside.
I liked the weather, the sun and the view outside that day.
Then I saw this gentleman on the wall I tried to call him to have some snacks but he ignored me and later I went back to my room.
The city of Monterrey is really nice. There are many mountains and nice monuments as well. They also have good universities, good hospitals. We were a little bit surprised to see so many houses built at the bottom of the mountains. Those with many colors belonged to the low class families. It kind of reminded me of the favelas in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). Those which were like completely white and big were for the rich people. Their mansions were often on the opposite side but really far from the "simple" people. The hotel called us a taxi the man was a gentleman he such a nice person! When discussing with him I understood that they were not used to see Black people especially from Africa. They usually assume that they are either from the US or from countries of South America. I got it many times. When I was walking alone in the streets some men could stop me and tell me "La Senorita es Americana!" Then I replied "No de Africa!" still they didn't believe me which I understand Africa is far and there were almost no Africans there.
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Puente de la Unidad |
El Arco de la Independencia |
I liked the architecture of that cathedral in town |
It looks like many people of Latin America understand easily when I say Gabon is next to Guinea Equatorial (The only African country speaking Spanish) then they all reply: "Oooooo I see!!" I got it many times maybe because they all speak Spanish....I don't know. I remember two young ladies from Guatemala and from Chili that I met once in Washington DC. They pointed me on the African map where was Guinea Equatorial I was really surprised. then I told them next to Guinea Equatorial is my country. Then they replied: "Now I see!" I have never thought in my life that I could use Guinea Equatorial to indicate where my country is. I usually pointed Cameroon or Congo. Gabon original name was "Gabao" which is a Portuguese word meaning: A cloak! Something that has a shape of a coat or something like that . That's why whenever I met Portuguese speakers (who know) and tell them my country's name is Gabao they smiled. The Portuguese people were the first Europeans who discovered the coast of my country but when the French came they could not say it therefore they said Gabon! Since then it remained Gabon.
Because of the mountains, the roads are like some roller coasters. I slide on my seat and... I felt like a kid at Six Flags. So it scared me a lot I don't like it and my friend knows that. Actually she was having fun. That one was crazy!She made fun of me whenever I was using my hands to cover my eyes.Somewhere in the city...
Our last day before we left we decided to go back to the Centro Comercial but first we went to the mall again. We went there at 10 am and we were surprised to see that most of the main boutiques and stores were not opened. They were actually just preparing to open. So we came back few hours later so when we came back to one of the stores we had a surprising welcome really guys it was surprising to me...This is what happened: All the employees were at the entrance of one of the stores and they were all whistling and applauding ... A "special somebody." we thought and we wanted to see who was that person coming maybe a movie actress or an actor of telenovelas. Then I turned around to look back at the main entrance behind to see who was coming and there was nobody. Then, the manager pointing his finger at us saying: Yes you! So my reaction was like: What's going on here?? I almost wanted to leave. First, I thought it was either a prank or the way they welcome customers but it didn't make any sense at all! I was thinking should we just greet them like Obama does? You know like: Yes!! yes!!! Thank you! Thank you guys!! Gracias! Gracias!
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Should we be greeting them like Mr. Obama does? lol!!! |
By the way a little parenthesis: While I was doing shopping in one of the boutiques there, I heard that beautiful song and I really loved it. It's from Sam Smith "Stay With Me". Like any music lovers I discovered him last year when He sang one of Whitney Houston's song "How Will I Know". I like the song Stay With Me
When we went back to the Plaza de El centro commercial I found the store which sells traditional items and hand crafted souvenirs or objects. The ladies looked surprised to see me back there ( I told them that I would be coming back) I bought some of these items: three bags, a little wallet...all hand made
Bag 1
Bag 3 is so original!
That is a little wallet for coins!
and the bracelet of the man selling outside!
A Mexican traditional top as well (I will put the picture)
Before leaving a country I always want to get some souvenirs. I was satisfied with all of the choices that I made. Unfortunately I could not buy some postal cards I didn't find them. We had not enough time we even postponed the trip to Mexico City. I found a fine hand made Mexican poncho that I wanted to buy too. Once again I hesitated It was so nice and original but I think next time when I will go back there I will buy some nice original ponchos this time!
The last day Luis went to pick us up two hours before the flight. We discussed about what happened at the restaurant. We also talk about the story of rice and plantains in Mexico. That was really interesting. Yes, the waiter was right, they only eat them in the South part of Mexico, the other taxi driver said the same thing too and my friend who lives in Mexico City has also confirmed it to me...Wow! I didn't know that. I learned something. They mostly eat them in the South part of the country and other countries of Latin America
At the international airport we arrived safe and everything was fine! There were no military men at the airport this time. I had enough times to buy a magazine, a sandwich and a drink.
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Reading ELLE Magazine at the airport |
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Trying to stay fabulous from my feet (smiling) |
At the airport. |
Bye! Mexico. Hasta la Vista Mexico! I really enjoyed the new year trip. Most of the people that we met there were really nice. I will come back for sure but I will first go to Mexico City next time and I want to go to Cancun!!!!
In the plane, I asked my friend: "If you were asked to choose a country in South America to visit for vacations what would be your choice? She told me...Brazil!!!!" That is a really good choice! As if she read in my mind. Brazil has always been my country of birth in my mind and in another world (smiling) Henceforth, I will learn and speak Spanish more often. A Spanish lady told me once that it is easy for a French speaker to speak Spanish but not for a Spanish speaker to learn and speak French. I don't know but I have to agree that French is really not an easy language. Some pronunciations phonetics etc. are not easy at all. I was impressed to meet some English speakers who speak it fluently. For instance, here in America my English teacher that I had, was speaking good French. I am truly impressed by such language skills. "Je leur tire mon chapeau!" (hats down)
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In the plane leaving Mexico and I was still reading my Magazine |
To learn and speak some basic Spanish is important
Plan your trip in advance always help.
Make sure that the agency organizes your trip correctly
Check the recent news
Make sure that information are right and sure
Try to be opened and discover the culture is a good thing
Buy some souvenirs
Always see the good side
Oulala! That was a long long post! pffffiu!
PS: Sorry...I can't post all the pictures...
I also thought I could share with you ladies the way I styled the bags and what I bought at the mall. I went to Zara. I really like Zara's clothes.
Sorry for the quality of my pictures and videos.
I really liked this Zara's olive pants. My hand made Mexican bag with Elle Magazine Mexico. I thought the combination would be perfect!
It looks like this (I made the pictures myself so...not perfect...Sorry):
I love that polka dots blue dress. A red belt from Forever 21. By the way I have a new post on the polka dots style)
A nice Zara bag that I liked a lot. The color and the design. But especially the shape and the nice pockets inside plus the fabrics that they used. Elle Magazine Mexico
The nice black leggings is from Zara the yellow top is H&M and the little nice hand made bag from Mexico. Fossil Necklace and bracelet
I bought this body cream there. A lady sold that to me. She told me that it was good for skin. I don't know I just bought it because she was nice to me. So far I can say it's smells good and it's light on the skin not too much. I think I saw that brand here at Galleria mall too. I don't remember
If you are interested: http://www.orogoldcosmetics.com/
It looks like this:
I thought I could pair my nice white dress from Missguided with my cute little bag from Mexico and it gave this:
I liked this white polka dots dress from Zara. Hola! Mis amigos. It's me again! That dress made feel like...wait... I am going to show you who
That lady here: You got it! Kate Middleton! Just a little bit! I didn't think about her until I saw that picture recently.
Ok! That is a little bit all about the shopping that I had in Monterrey, Mexico. I was not disappointed at all. I think my post is completely done. That was a long one. I just hope that you liked it! I wanted to share with you two Spanish Worship songs that a friend gave me in Cd. It was back when I first came in the US I met a nice student from Mexico who invited me to his church here in Texas. They were speaking in Spanish only and I liked it a lot They were nice people. I also liked the worship songs that he had in his car and I told him I liked them all even though I didn't know who was singing. Then he told me I can have the CD. I was so glad I had the CD. In fact, it was Jesus Adrian Romero's album and I still keep it with me. Jesus Adrian Romero he is from Mexico as well. I wish I could go to his church in Mexico someday. I like the songs especially these two and I hope you will like them too!
1/ "Es mas Que Una Cancion" Jesus Adrian Romero ( It's More Than a Song) Mas que palabras (More than words)
Gracias Dios por Tu Amor
Thank you for passing by!!
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