Carnet de Voyage
Carnet de Voyage is simply a description of the "Voyage" of my life: Where I am from, where I have been where I want to go. It's also a description of what I like to do, my favorite music. Simplement un "voyage de la Vie.
Saturday, March 1, 2025
Discussions of the Week// March
This week these are the discussions I had. Me thinking everytime. I try to find reason and sense. I try to understand and sometimes it makes no sense. Searching for the light searching for the sense...My constant discussions. Like I always say, we do not always agree on everything
Discussion 2
Discussion 3
Discussion 4
Discussion 5
Does it worth dying for a people who forget everything that some brave ones did for them. Does it worth dying for people who don't even understand the need to change that corrupted mentality. People who have no problem with division but always claim to be victims of racism. The same people who can easily attack, kill or burn his brother. I don't know you tell me. Corruption is the result of greed. Hate is the result of lack of self love. Lack of self love is the result of a trauma. And a trauma caused by slavery and colonization. There is a need to deliverance here
My heart burns whenever I think about all that bevcause I love my continent and I try to understand the whys we can't be among the respected ones. Why we cannot benefit all our resources. The continent is insanely blessed but we live on it like miserable people. Why? Because we are in a way responsible for this too. God does not excuse Ignorance. That's why we need to educate ourselves a lot!
The only work I think we can do at this point is to awake the conscious of many, encourage ourselves to read and read and to see how other countries changed their History. We always learn from other people and there is no shame. Awake conscious and influence the change of mentality and mindset. Believe in ourselves.
Thank you for passing by. I am closing this sad chapter and post here with a memory of Michael Jackson who visited my country in 1992. Prior to that visit in my hometown Libreville ( and little cities of my country and national parcs where he went to) he did not go to Africa after his last visit with the Jackson 5 in Senegal. That was a long time ago. My country invited him in 1992 he accepted and that was his first solo visit back to Africa. You can tell it was really emotional and the welcome words were "Welcome Home" Then, he went to Ivory Coast and I think he had a good experience. As a result, he went back to other countries in Africa often.
The memory of that day is so much in my heart till today and watching this video gives me tears to my eyes. So much memories of these two or three days he spent in my little country Gabon. My cousin with her friends who sneaked around in the hotel where he was staying fell face to face with him in the hall of that place . She had like 5 pictures of him and she gave me two (Authentic pictures of him close to close) I had to beg her to give me these pictures. He was so humble and so simple. He went in the main little cities and villages of my country and to national parcs. He fell in love with our culture and with a baby chimp that he saw at Wonga Wonge national parc. He took it with him when he left it was so emotional. I mean we envied that chimp lol! I remember that visit when he went in my hometown the city was moved and it was in all the local magazines and French magazines as well. Michael was with a little boy who came with him and we had his pictures next to him too. In his album Dangerous, you can see little part of his visit to Gabon. We miss you so much MJ we love you so much. rest in peace King of Pop. Thank you for passing by and see you next time
Wednesday, February 26, 2025
The Truth Hurts
i love this!
and interesting articles that i also found. It took my attention
These are the talk and discussions of the week
I talk about Corruption in Africa. How it is killing the continent
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Discussions that hurt I think but the truth. Only the truth to me. I have more than two videos today if you want to watch the other on my youtube channel.
I only post two here
Last video of the today discussions
thank you for passing by
Monday, February 17, 2025
Talk of the week of February
Not much to say...
video 1
A lesson of History to me
Video 2
Video 3
My take on Candace Owens' new serie on her Podcast Becoming Brigitte Macron
Video 4
This is her new episode of the day with Xavier Poussard, the French journalist of investigation. If you missed it.
Thank you for reading
Tuesday, February 4, 2025
Discussion of the Week// February 2025
yes, I know it is the month of Love I didn't forget. No worries I will have a post on it later. I first wanted to share with you these discussions . Especially the one about this explosive serie on Brigitte Macron that Candace Owens started last week. This afternoon she will have an independant French journalist who has a lot to share about that. I CANNOT miss it. I really invite you to connect to her channel this afternoon. Most of the French internautes are talking about her introduction video of that episode on Friday everywhere on social media till today. We, the French invaded her live last time to the point that she was surprisingly shocked. She didnt expect that massive vist. So Candace now has no choice than translating now her videos in French😂 for those who don't speak English but want to know about the mystery of Mrs. Macron.
If you are not connected yet, You don't know what you are missing!
This is my take on that episode. Sorry for my voice ( I lost it again few days ago but I am recovering little by little)
My personal thoughts on it
Talking about First ladies I wanted to discuss about Melania Trump since they are back at the White House.
Melania Trump portrait picture has the internet going crazy. People have their comments but the one that I could not understand is the article from Vogue about it but first, let's watch this short review of Skynews I think
My take on that portrait and people's comments
And last, I say and I say again African governments must care about Lives!
A live discussion on my channel when I have no strength to make videos and edit them
That is it for today. Don't miss the Candace Owens podcast this afternoon. The revelation will be explosive. Since the media are not doing their jobs then let's hear what the ones who are independant and brave have to say about this mystery surrounding France's first Lady. Grab a snack come and join us this afternoon. Click on notification of her channel where you will see: Becoming Brigitte Macron and I will see you later for another video review.
Thank for visiting this little blog of mine
Saturday, January 25, 2025
Burkina Humanitaire Bilan 2024
Bonsoir à tous!
c'est un nouveau post concernant l'Association Burkina 🇧🇫 Humanitaire. Nous parlons du Bilan de l'année 2024. Pascal nous dit ce qui a été les accomplissements et ce que l' association espère realiser en 2025. Tout cela avec l'aide des sponsors et des partenaires.
Les enfants ont fait d'excellents resultats scolaires. J'ai aussi reçu le bilan scolaire de Abigaelle ( la petite fille que je sponsorise) et je suis contente. C'est encourageant. Vous pouvez comme moi et certains autres sponsoriser un enfant pour son avenir scolaire. C'est la meilleure façon de changer une vie et la situation d'une famille avec le temps.
Permettez moi d'ouvrir encore ce post avec cette chanson que mon fils et moi aimons a cause des paroles.
Kids United est sponsorisé par l'UNICEF et sont promoteurs de leur videos et chansons. Ici ils chantent "On Ecrit sur les Murs".
Cette année 2024 a ete tres bien pour les enfants et l association en termes de resultats scolaires et materiels reçus de l'Europe (les partenaires de la Suisse precisemment) ils ont envoyé des stylos, crayons, cahiers, des tables pour les ecoliers, des livres et memes des vélos pour aller a l'ecole ,des jouets et même des ordinateurs!
Le village n'a pas encore de structures en place pour installer ces ordinateurs mais Pascal m'a dit qu'ils le feront cette année en créant un mini laboratoire informatique pour les élèves et les instituteurs. 😀 👏 bravo!!
Les sponsors aident toujours dans la construction de classes
les examens de fins d'année ont ete un succes! Ils continuent à pousser. Ils esperent avoir plus de parrains et marraines pour sponsoriser d'autres enfants qui ne sont pas encore scolarisés et veulent l'être.
La fête de fin d'année a été tres bien mais rassembler les fonds a été tres difficile malgré nos petites participations de partout. Dabord on dit merci 🙏 á Ms. Kendall Royer depuis les Etats Unis 🇺🇸 qui a fait le fundraising pour cela et qui a tout envoyé à Burkina Humanitaire. C'est une femme formidable!😊🤭
La fête s'est bien passée malgré tout et les enfants ont eu des cadeaux de Noel.
Je conclus donc ce post avec le live d'avant hier. desolée! la connection etait mauvaise sorry 😞 mais bientot Burkina Humanitaire aura un blog ou vous pourrez
vous enquerir de leur activités mensuelles
Que Dieu benisse toutes ces personnes dévouées a cette cause.
Si vous voulez etre un parrain ou une marraine. Si vous voulez être un sponsor rapprochez vous de leur page Facebook Association Burkina Humanitaire.
Ha! oui parce que Nous sommes Africains 🌍 et que le soleil ne cessera jamais de briller de joie dans ce continent coloré
😀 je ne pouvais vous laisser sans cette jolie chanson de Kids United dear Mama Africa . My son's favorite 🎵 song🤭😅
Merci a Kids United, Angelique Kidjo et Youssou N'Dour pour cette belle chanson pleine de gaieté et de vie😊
New Discussions starting 2025
Hello dear Readers,
these are the discussions that I post since december 2024 and those starting 2025. I have nothing to say more. When you have free time , Take a cup of tea, you watch them and you tell me what you think. The discussions are really engaged in my channel with new subscribers which by the way surprised me. I didn't expect more subscribers in few weeks. I didn't also know how these topics were so important. I was just thinking and posting my thoughts and my analysis of the situation of the continent. All my life I grew up watching and reading the news about Africa because of my father who was in politics and working with African political activists and those who were political refugees or in asylum. I attended some of my father's political meetings at the time I was teenager and I understood many things but I could not understand everything because I was just a child. It has been in me, I all my life I tried to suppress all that from my head but it always come back and never left my mind.
I am from Gabon but I am African first that's why I never consider another African like a stranger to me. I grew up seeing and watching how European friends never saw themselves as strangers to each other but admiring their differences in their culture, languages etc. Why dividing us as Africans?
We deal with the same challenges. In fact, all people of the world are living same challenges but in different ways. You cannot judge a complete population or an entire race based on few who did wrong. What kind of mentality is it? I met people who think like that in my life, in my country and else where. For that reason I want to thank my parents who never raised me thinking like this. I saw them being respectful of other people. I grow up seeing my father talking about my country and other African countries'politics. Meeting journalists to discuss the issues of my country maybe that is why I love my country even though I am so disappointed about so many things. His passion for my country has never left my memories and today I am really consumed about what is happening back home and in other countries of Africa. I seat,I read I watch and analyse what is wrong. I think wat mecanism, mindset or reprogrammation that can help break that never ending poverty and miserable cycle for our African countries. In my channel on comments section, I read some people who are so smart and very knowledgeable of History of the world and Africa precisely. I am amazed by their critical thinking etc
I cannot put all the videos here, most of them are in my channel. I had some many positive and encouraging comments😊🤭
This is my thought on this new movement of Returning back to the Homeland
This the recent video who had a lot of discussions and analysis
Do you see any change starting this year 2025
Saturday, January 18, 2025
De Retour sur mon Petit Blog
“If you can't fly, then run. If you can't run, then walk. If you can't walk, then crawl, but whatever you do, you have to keep moving” is a quote by Martin Luther King Jr.
C'est la Nouvelle année! 🎉🥳 Hello 2025! Comment avez vous Commencé ce mois de Janvier? Moi je rentre en plein dans les challenges de la vie😅 rien n est facile sous le soleil ☀️ La vie est un combat.
Bref! cette année je veux me donner un peu plus sur les causes humanitaires en Afrique precisemment. Je verrai comment les choses se passeront. J'ai toujours admiré les gens qui ont la main sur le coeur et qui pensent a venir en aide aux demunis, aux necessiteux et ceux qui sont dans la douleur.
A cet effet, je vous presenterai une jeune dame originaire de mon pays qui fait un acte heroic en allant s'occuper de jeunes dans ma hometown Libreville ♥️
Ce genre de femmes m'inspirent tellement! des femmes qui ne vivent pas dans leur bulle 🫧 du quotidien mais regarde aussi autour et tendent leur mains.
Cette année j'ai ete tres gatée par ma famille surtout ma mère!♥️😊
J'ai reçu pas mal de bonnes petites choses
loving this necklace j'aime ce necklace tellement!😊♥️ il est simple et beau.
Quel projet vous tient a coeur cette année 2025? le temps passe vite. N'attendez plus.
Ecris ton histoire et impacte ton petit monde😊. Entre temps je continuerai ma vie Normale aussi.
2024 c'etait aussi beaucoup d autres petits evenements de famille. Ma petite niece est née. un vrai miracle et cadeau du ciel.
Mon cousin s'est marié. C'etait aussi du bonheur. Je posterai les videos 📹. Que nous reserve 2025? on verra!🙇♀️😊
Mon coeur est plein d'idées! Comment les mettre reelles mais les discussions 😅 j en ai fait dans ma chaine en Anglais. je travaille sur deux lives avec deux humanitairiens: Pascal et Gwen vous les verrez bientot dans ma chaine en French et un montage interview avec des membres de l'organization Invite Joy Burkina 🇧🇫 qui sont basés aux 🇺🇸 US.
Alors decouvrez les!😊
En ce moment ma vie spirituelle et de prières 🙏 tres importantes pour moi. Je m'y mets autant que possible. Je dois prendre soin de moi et faire tout pour perdre du poids un peu. pas trop mais un peu😊😅
Je conclus ce post avec des shorts videos que j espere vous apprecierez.
Notre vie Normale les weekends
Les choses que je decouvre des Americains
My cousin's traditional wedding back home
and more...
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