Sunday, January 12, 2025

It was a Good End of the Year 2024

The end of the year 2024 was a success πŸŽŠπŸŽ‰ for the two organizations: Burkina πŸ‡§πŸ‡« Humanitaire and Invite Joy Burkina πŸ‡§πŸ‡« God put His Hands on the work ☺️and we are grateful. We also are thankful for the wonderful sponsors!πŸ™ Nothing would have been possible this end of year without their participation and donations. First! let's take a look at how the kids πŸ₯³ celebrated the end of school and Christmas πŸŽ„with Burkina Humanitaire
I will have a live on youtube soon with Pascal to talk about how the organization prepared and finished the year 2024 and the money raised for the event πŸ™Œ πŸ™ I still sponsor my little Abigail for school and will do the same this year.All in all I just want to say good job to Pascal Bouda. May God bless you beyond your expectations and congratulations 🎊 on your new born baby girl. I know these kids went to sleep the head full of many good memories of that day. Now let's talk about Invite Joy Burkina
The Clean Water project was a success. People of the village have access to clean water now. The children had a wonderful end of year too. thank you 😊 πŸ™ to all the Sponsors again. Let's look at the pictures
This is what took place this end of the year and my heart is so grateful. Now my eyes is turned to my own country. I just saw a video on social media that broke my heart few days ago .Children in a very very sad conditions, abandoned on their own. no food no clothes no school. Ha! Mondombé😭🀦‍♀️ This is when you realize that you cannot run away from the realities of your country. I have tried to turn away from what is happening in my own country because I am so disappointed by the politics etc but I saw that video of that lady and it put me on the floor. I contacted her yesterday as I was fiorst hesitant but I did it anyway. The situation is very sad dear readers. It is even worse than I thought when she explained to me the condition of how these kids are living. I hope I will have a chance to discuss more with her and giving her a platform to talk about the situation and see how we can help her for the children. I will see how to raise money for these little innocent lives😭. My God!! why??? where are their parents???? Jesus help us. These kids don't deserve it. They don't go to school. My God, in a world where technology is advancing how can you leave a child without giving them a chance to go to school! Well... I will have more on that soon I hope. When you see stories like that, you realize how blessed you are. It also shows that sometimes God wants us to think about other people and not be living in our comfortable bubble. The world is bigger than our little world. thank you for reading

Friday, November 8, 2024

Another Busy Week// My Discussions

Bluey is the new friend🐱.🐈 She is Not ours! She says hi to you all dear readers. Youyou!! 😊 I don't write a lot because I don't have time anymore. I just share my video Discussions of the week. First! Let's watch a little bit of the headlines of the week in few minutes. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ€£these people are really deranged...
They always react the same way everytime they lose. This is how tolerant and democratic they are! But there is a lot to say about Kamala Harris failure to win this presidential election. From my humble observation the Democratic party failed to watch and remember why they lost with Hillary Clinton last year in 2017. If you careful take time to watch how it went with Harris, it was the same mistakes they made. I don't understand why they don't learn from it and why they always belittle Donald Trump's ability to win. Trump did not change how he campaigned in 2016. Trump goes straight to the people. He interacts with the people. He understands the people. The Democrats assume that the people are supposed to abide by they play book ( exemple: how Obama went to scold Black Men about voting for Kamala). The Democratic party think celebrities (of pop culture) endorsement is what attract the people the most. I will say yes and no. It depends because there is two types of Americans: Those who think rationally and who see the issues that the country faces with realism and the other group are those who absorb all the nonsense of these celebrities such as the woke culture, the cancel culture etc.' Yes, Hollywood is in AMerica but Hollywood does not represent the real and pragmatic Americans. Hillary Clinton failed to campaign a lot like Donald Trump did. In fact, Donald Trump went in many places in America that I have never heard since I lived here. Kamala did the same thing, she did not campaign. Her choice of VP was another mistake. On the other hand Donald Trump's choice of VP surprised us but turned out to be the best. Hillary assumed that the Americans knew her enough because of her political career and experience (which is true in a way because she has a long experience in politics. And, I would add that she has more charisma than Kamala Harris. She speaks better than Harris) but that was not enough because clearly she did not see Donald Trump coming to win and defeat her. A lesson to understand is to Never think that your adversary is nothing. She had the same situation when Barack Obama run to become the Democratic nominee.
I saw Donald Trump campaigning everyday live. I mean everyday!!! Afternoons, nights the man was up there with the crowd. He has created such a proximity and attachment with the people. Hillary Clinton maximized on celebrities endorsement. Kamala Harris did the same. Unfortunately it did not work like Clinton this time. Also, the Democratic Party used their legendary card Race and gender. It worked with Barack Obama (the first Black man) then, with Hillary who almost made it to the presidency as the first woman. Kamala used the two cards but this time the two cards did not work for her. It was a disaster. What I think pulled Hillary back and was maybe a strain on her chance to win the presidency in 2017 was the Benghazi attack scandal when she was Secretary of States. Do you remember? Maybe I am wrong but they were talking about many things that year and Trump started calling her crooked Hillary. I don't want to write about that chapter because it is going to be long. Now, for Kamala Harris failure to win I can summarize it this way: too many word salad, too many contradictions, we did not know what she stands for, confusion and many lies. Mainstream media obviously supported her as usual (But the rational people understand their propaganda and do not believe them anymore) Too many celebrities endorsement who came at the wrong moment because we had the P Diddy scandal that just came out few weeks ago implicating many of those celebrities. The people were now hmmmm... nop! Lady. What else? Ha yes! the failure to keep America safe with an open border. A massive number of illegals entered the country. They said something about 6 million and number that she could not tell as a VP. Kamala always looked clueless about what was happening in the country. Her failure to be honest and have a clear position concerning the Crisis between Israel and Palestine. Her failure to agree to go to Joe Rogan podcast (a very important podcast in the country) instead she chose to go to Call her Daddy podcast and chose to go to SNL. Abortion that she is so passionate about when America has more urgent needs (people want to live a decent life and cost of life that doubled since Biden Administration) and last and not least her lack of honesty about the mental condition of the Commander in Chief, the President of the United States Biden. I am so glad she will leave the office. At last Ms. Harris we are going to say again Merry Christmas to our love ones and friends. At last the Woke culture and cancel culture will slow down a little bit even if admit that we are living a time of a generation that seems to be lost and hyper sensitive and in a mental crisis. At last we are going to save more babies.
Oops! How dare we say Merry Christmas? This is me happily sayingπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜…!!! Merry Christmas! and we will say it over and over again Ms.Kamala
When in 2020 i wrote " The Red Wave is Back!" i really meant it. And, look where we are today O my...I was not supposed to write that much and here we go again! It takes time but well I said what I said. Now when we see all that how Donald Trump could not win? The man is a patriot, he was consistent, resilent, bold and brave. He had clear positions and btw people have already lived uner Trump Administration before. So when these lefties are saying that he is a "facho" (fascist, racist etc) I mean come on. See the delusion? Even after his assassination attempts, the man was already back there campaigning. After the RNC he continued rallyes after rallyes. He was still standing. We need to learn what determination means. His big endorsements were not any people: he had Elon MuskπŸš€ (who now found himself in a political world) RFK jr who is a Democrat and son of the late Robert Kennedy and nephew of the beloved assassinated president Tulsi Gabbard a former Democrat who left the party on a very special way and made headlines last year about this decision. Dr. Phil, ViveK Ramaswamy and some others Even Megyn Kelly who had a clash with DoNALD Trump himself in 2017 went to endorse the day before the election. I mean what else do you want? I hope I was not confused about all the timeline and events. It was too much to remember sorry. lol! Like I always say I don't do politics I know nothing about it. I just observe things...πŸ˜‚πŸ˜… Donald Trump knew how to talk to people how to appear to the [people. How to turn, lies and hate speeches against him into his advantage. This year I would say we laugh maybe more than last year. It started with the Presidential debate when he talked about the cats and the dogs of Springfield that were eaten. It went to go serving at Mac Donalds, the epic one was the garbage truck. I mean! what else do you want? Donald Trump is legend. Instead of hating him they should learn from him. I can't wait to have his book when he will write the new one. This is an inspiring story. He wins and keep winning. This is also what it means working with a winning team. You don't change a team that wins. This is the woman behind Donald Trump campaigns. This is the woman who made Donald Trump make that Politica Remontada! Something never seen in modern politics. I call her Donald Trump's iron lady. He calls her Ice Maiden. I mean what else do you want? πŸ˜… and yes, they made history too
Ok...I think I am done writing because my fingers are exhausted. And, please sorry for the mistakesπŸ˜… in the writing.
Then,I conclude with Africa's nonsense and BS
So be careful because it means that everywhere he goes his pants drops. So, men look after your women. He already has a reputation. The rumor says that he is good there LOL!!!! If he goes out to his country I don't think he will go to country neighbors like Gabon and cameroun but he will go to America or something like that because he will not be watched. There many people and sex in America is easy and fast. So be careful oooooπŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ˜‚! But this is my last word to African women, us the women of the continent
I have been talking about poor mentality many times. I believe it is a fact. I don't know what else to say. At the end of the day it is all our decisions to make. Dreaming, hoping has to be writen somewhere in a diary I think...I prefer to look at to people who are impacting and changing lives. We have a long walk to freedom. Freedom starts in our head. That's why I said there are people who are Educated and those who only have degrees. It is two different things. I prefer to be with people who are educated even they do not have all the degrees of the world but their knowledge is gold.Their mentality is inspiring. They are not shortminded. They are opened to discussion. You never leave empty after good conversation with them because they teach you knowledge. You always learn from them. You know, there are also people who are autodidact. Today after what I see, I understand a lot of things about life and some mistakes I made too. I choose to learn and do better. I hope to change my little world in my country with time. The change starts when you think about others too. It start by changing your little neighborhood then, your little city , your village , your country then more. Thank you for reading and I say see you soon in a next post of the week I am closing with this. This is the America we love to see. God Bless America. When I watched that video after the elections few days ago, I jumped like a little girl. I was so happy for this victory! May God gives me the same love and passion for my country too. I have never liked a president in my life like the way I like this man. Thank you America you gave hope to people like me again when you made the right choice for the 4 years to come. We are back people! Yes, We are back! I wish I could go to the inauguration day but I am not sure I will be able to. I will watch it on TV. That man has a lot to share again. Life never stops when you have dreams,aspiration and the desire to change your world.I had some friends who cannot stand me anymore for my choice and opinion but I don't care because today again we won! This is how democratic and tolerant people are nowadays. sigh...sad. If Someone tells you how disappointed they are in you supporting Trump, let them go and tell them VoetsekπŸ€£πŸ˜‚ !! Who cares!? I say God Bless America. God bless the presidenty Trump and God bless our families. Thank you!

Tuesday, November 5, 2024

My Last Thoughts before the US Elections 2024

Today is election day and I can feel the tension in the country I don't know ...but these are my last thoughts before the US Elections 2024. I am sitting here and listening to the French political radio who has three well known French journalists talking about the US elections and what is happening in America right now. These journalists are on spot about America. I was amazed to see all the details of the events. They even talk about Peanut the squirrel who recently died. The country is in shock. It gives more insights about the American politics from people of the outside. They are neutral and they are excellent in the analysis. Honestly, I admit that the country is tensed and divided in a way... You can feel that no side will be accepting to lose. I don't know what's going to be the days after the elections. It doesn't look like peaceful... Christians should be praying. I mean real Christians should be praying now. It is not a joke. And please pray for Donald Trump. I must say that I am surprised when the American media say that the race is tight. When you look Trump rallyes and the Kamal's ones there is nothing close. Kamala who always bring celebrities is not even close to what Trump is doing. Trump's rallyes are packed. Like full!! And there are not many celebrities. People are waiting in line to enter. in long queue. People sitting on the stairs because no more seats. It is amazing it reminds me when Barack Obama was campaigning the first time for the presidency. People had hope. I went to one of his rallyes at the time in washington DC. We were there and the weather was so cold like cold. our hands were shaking and we were trying get heat ourselves but the wait in line was so long but we didn't care we were standing there to enter and see him. I was so excited. It was like History (Today I understand that it is not about makling History but having the right person) That was for his first mandate. No need to say how disappointed I became later in his second mandate. I was disappointed about all his policies in the country and the disaster he did in Lybia. What Obama and his allies did has caused a massive instability in the west and North part of Africa. What happened next was a disaster and reading the news of Africa after how he handled that case was not acceptable. In America, he did absolutely nothing for the Black community. I mean there is a LOT to say about the Obama administration but I close my mouth here. Let me share with you his last campaign ad. i was like wow!!!
The Rght is not perfect but what I think is they love their country. They put their interest on the side for the country. You have RFK jr who is a democrat, you have Tulsi Gabbard a former democrat that I like so much. They have the dynamic young Vivek Ramaswamy You have Elon Musk that I like for his incredible work as a successful businessman...I mean what else do you need? For the Democratic party to be loved again they should go back to the JFK times. That was the Democratic Party that we want to see again. The one that we see today worries me a lot. When Donald Trump came for the first time, I never doubt that he would bring a better change. What actually made me support him more is when I saw how the Left and the Media were twisting his words. The cabal to break that man was awful! When the elites hate you then you understand what it means. Some of my friends who were criticizing my position...I have not changed! The world outside of America sees him as a real patriot! And we love people who puts their country first!! 9 years and the man is still standing. The hate people have has absolutely NO SENSE! I pray that Trump gets back to the Office. Voila! I hope he brings back the America who made me dreams in the 80's and the 90's. The land of the Free. America who isnpired us outside. I miss that America. Make America great again By the way this is a book that I am reading now since last week. So interesting!
To me, Donald Trump is a little bit similar to Andrew Jackson. I will explain to you why later after the elections. But I must say that he has completely made me be curious and interested in American politics (even if I don't understand everything) but I am so interested in it since he became president. I never wanted to be in it but the man made me go read and read. Now this book is going to help me more understand a little bit and I will have a review. By the way! I would like to know something (forgive my ignorance) did America went and participate at World War I? These are my last thoughtsbefore the elections. Please O! Don't hate me. Take me like your sister. I just share my thoughts, my opinion. Video 1
Video 2
Then, I had someone who told me I was not supposed to talk about America and its politics. What is more important for me is the people who understand what I say. We do not have to agree with everything but there is a way to exchange and to speak to each other.

Friday, November 1, 2024

Detente et Bonheur ❤️ dans mon Petit Libreville ☀️

En ce jour du 1er Novembre, Je vous emmene dans ma tΓͺte quand je me perds dans mes pensΓ©es. Je vous emmΓ¨ne dans un moment dΓ©tente et bonheur dans mon petit cocon de bonheur. C'Γ©tait mon lieu d'inspiration coupΓ© du bruit du centre ville. πŸ’†‍♀️BercΓ©e par le bruit des vagues de la mer. C'est ca le bonheur!😊 Je vous emmΓ¨ne dans mon petit Libreville ♥️ qui me manque. Parfois je me surprends entrain de penser a ma petite Ville. Ses plages 🌴☀️et son soleil. Il faut avoir grandi dans cette ville pour me comprendre. Mon appartement me manque. Merci Γ  Annick qui fait un travail formidable de le garder propre Γ  chaque visite. l'exigence Γ  distance est d'or! MΓͺme si ce n est pas facile. Une petite πŸ’‘ idΓ©e et inspiration decoration etc fait souvent le fruit de ma reflexion pour pouvoir ameliorer les lieux. Il est toujours aussi valable pour la location. Accueillir est notre plus grand bonheur. Nous avons reΓ§u pas mal de visiteurs et tout se passe bien😊 N'oubliez pas de decouvrir mon dernier bouquin "Destination Libreville" sur Amazon. Je vous laisse dans un air de chez moi made in Gabon πŸ‡¬πŸ‡¦ 🌴☀️ Le bonheur devrait Γͺtre notre petit endroit de vie . La vue du coucher de soleil ☀️🌊sur la mer etait mon moment favori. La couleur orange dans le ciel etait comme un tableau de peinture Un moment ideal et un endroit ideal pour les amoureuxπŸ₯°πŸ˜Š
With songs of my country.♥️❤️ Laissez vous bercer par les sons du Gabon πŸ‡¬πŸ‡¦ et de la mer. C'est Γ§a mon petit Libreville, petite villeπŸ˜‡πŸ˜ŠπŸ₯°la nostalgie plein dans le coeur Le coucher du soleil etait aussi merveilleux par la fenΓͺtre de ma chambre. Γ§a me manque tout Γ§a. Je serai de retour no worries πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜‡
I close this short post with this:
And a beautiful song in my native language. This is Bach to Lambarena Gabon. Lambarena where Dr Albert Schweitzer built his hospital for the local population. He liked to play Bach at night on his piano. Lambarena is a Beautiful folklore of my country mixed with Bach's classical music Thank you for reading