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State of the Union 2020 |
Today I write my impression of the State of the Union in French for other speakers who want to understand what I say please use the translation option. Sorry about that!
By the way, I just read that Donald Trump was acquitted in impeachment. Congratulations! Good news for the Trump supporters as well. Sorry for the Democrats! And Let's move on. I always knew he would be acquitted anyway. I was positive on that. Nobody is perfect but I knew he was innocent.
I will also share some videos of those who share their analysis and impression about the State of the Union. In fact they have a good understanding of it as a result , you won't have my only opinion.
I am a viewer of the outside from another country so I may not have all the information but I try to follow the news day by day and yes I am a Trump supporter for the reasons I mentioned in my last post. I wasn't interested to support him at his beginning but I became a supporter after I saw how hypocrites are the Left.
This is maybe my last post about politic because this is not the main reason of this blog. To me Donald Trump will win the next election I will just be following the updates and wait to watch the election day. I am done writing about it and maybe it might be the last post of this blog. My blog will still be opened for my archives but I will no longer feed this blog. Meaning no more posts. I will share my new project very soon. Thank you for reading!
Lol! Did you hear what she said? "Donald Trump... will lash out at his political opponents (can you paint the picture in your mind? He is like a mean Pitbull. I can't stop laughing. What a description! then she said he will attack..." Wow! Trump is really aggressive. Lol!!! What a description of the character!
Now that it is done and over can we move on to more important things?Ok! back to my post of today. I watched the State of the Union from start to the end. It was really long but I was not disappointed at all. I hope people who always tend to say that Trump is this and Trump is that with negative reasons, have actually watched the State of the Union yesterday. After that address I don't understand how people can still hate him.
This address was one of the best he did. It was long but I was captivated from the beginning to the end. I am impressed by the Trump Administration's work. Not only good words but real actions and results. We had good numbers and real people with their stories as testimonies.
I put here the link but I will try to share the parts that I liked the most and at the end I will share my impressions about what Ms. Nancy Pelosi did when she ripped off the papers of the speech at the end of the address. To me that was soooooo wrong! That was wrong and that's another reason for me to say ok I am done with the Democrats. That was the last straw that broke the camel 's back. This is the link here:
Ok! I watched the entire State of the Union and I must admit that I was impressed by the presence in the audience of the political leader from Venezuela that he called the real president of Venezuela.
By the way I am for building the wall and I explained why in my last other post.
. Pour moi je considere le fait que Donald Trump soit d'abord avant tout un homme d'affaire et pas un politicien de carriere (C'est une bonne nouvelle a mon avis. Parce que les politiciens de carriere sont de veritables menteurs ). Trump n'est pas un politicien dans la tete. Trump agit. Il est pratique. il ne parle pas trop. Il agit et c'est tout. Il n'est pas politiquement correct. Il dit ce qu'il pense comme il le pense. C'est un homme vrai pas faux comme certains politiciens qui utilisent la demagogie. Je prefere ce Monsieur Trump de loin.
Je me souviens une fois dans une de ses conferences, cette jeune dame Noire Americaine qui etait sans emplois depuis des annees et etait pourtant tres qualifiee s'est vu trouver un emploi sur le champ quand Trump a demande aux chefs de la compagnie de l'embaucher apres qu'elle ait parle de son CV devant le publique. C'est a dire que pour moi il n'est pas un bon parleur pour vous faire avaler des couleuvres et des mensonges pour bien etre vu mais il agit. Il est plutot veridique et direct. Je prefere cela. J'ai aime sa reponse directe a Emmanuel Macron quand ils echangeaient au sujet du terrorisme etc. Trump ne mache pas ses mots. Il est aussi le genre de personne qui veut faire les choses concretement et ca a ete le cas jusque la. Dailleurs la communaute Noire Americaine a vu une difference positive depuis qu'il est au pouvoir. Donc pour ceux qui supportaient Obama ...heu...non c'etait pas ca. Moi les politicien de carriere je ne les apprecie pas vraiment parce qu'ils ont l'art de vous faire rever pour augmenter leur popularite, tout en faisant de fausses promesses au peuple.
Pour ceux qui ne savent pas trop sur la politique Americaine, le State of the Union est le discours annuel du President de la Republique fait au Congres. Dailleurs vous avez certainement vu assis derriere lui la speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, le V.P Mike Pence …Alors dans ce discours le president presente son programme pour l'annee en cours. Donc je pense que c'est assez important de mentioner cela et de le suivre pour mieux comprendre les choses a venir. J'avais apprecie son discours l'annee passee mais celui ci etait bien meilleur de loin. Voila des extraits de son speech que j'ai ecoutees et que j'ai appreciees (copie du lien que j'ai partage plus haut)
1/Madam Speaker, Mr. Vice President, members of Congress, the first lady of the United States. And my fellow citizens, three years ago, we launched the great American comeback. Tonight I stand before you to share the incredible results. Jobs are booming. Incomes are soaring. Poverty is plummeting. Crime is falling. Confidence is surging. And our country is thriving and highly respected again.
2/I am thrilled to report to you tonight that our economy is the best it has ever been. Our military is completely rebuilt, with its power unmatched anywhere in the world, and it is not even close. Our borders are secure, our families are flourishing, our values are renewed, our pride is restored. And for all of these reasons, I say to the people of our great country and to the members of Congress: The state of our union is stronger than ever before.
3/ Our agenda is relentlessly pro-worker, pro- family, pro-growth, and, most importantly, pro-American. We are advancing with unbridled optimism and lifting our citizens of every race, color, religion and creed very high. Since my election, we have created 7 million new jobs, 5 million more than government experts projected during the previous administration.
5/And very incredibly, the average unemployment rate under my administration is lower than in any administration in the history of our country.
6/ The unemployment rate for African Americans, Hispanic Americans, and Asian Americans has reached the lowest levels in history. African-American youth unemployment has reached an all-time low. African-American poverty has declined to the lowest rate ever recorded.
7/ The unemployment rate for women reached the lowest level in almost 70 years, and last year, women filled 72 percent of all new jobs added.The veteran unemployment rate dropped to a record low. The unemployment rate for disabled Americans has reached an all-time low.
8/Under the last administration, more than 10 million people were added to the food stamp rolls. Under my administration, 7 million Americans have come off food stamps and 10 million people have been lifted off of welfare.
9/ Since my election, the net worth of the bottom half of wage earners has increased by 47%, three times faster than the increase for the top 1%.
10/ Since my election, U.S. stock markets have soared 70 percent, adding more than $12 trillion to our nation's wealth, transcending anything anyone believed was possible. This is a record. It is something every country in the world is looking up to. They admire
11/ (a success story here guys read it!) This is the first time that these deserving communities have seen anything like this. It is all working. Opportunity zones are helping Americans like Army veteran Tony Rankins from Cincinnati, Ohio. After struggling with drug addiction, Tony lost his job, his house and his family. He was homeless, but then Tony found a construction company that invested in opportunity zones. He is now a top tradesman, drug-free, reunited with his family, and he is here tonight. Keep up the great work, Tony.Thank you, Tony. Our roaring economy has, for the first time ever, given many former prisoners the ability to get a great job and a fresh start. This second chance at life is made possible because we passed landmark justice reform into law. Everybody said criminal justice reform couldn't be done, but I got it done, and the people in this room got it done.
12/ After losing 60,000 factories under the previous two administrations, America has now gained 12,000 new factories under my administration with thousands of thousands of plants and factories being planned or being built.
13/ In fact, unfair trade is perhaps the single biggest reason I decided to run for president. Following NAFTA’s adoption, our nation lost 1 in 4 manufacturing jobs. Many politicians came and went, pledging to change or replace NAFTA, only to do so and absolutely nothing happened. But unlike so many who came before me, I keep my promises. We did our job.
Please I can't put everything here it is going to be too long. Click on the link I put up there.
De toute facon les personnes realistes voient bien que Donald Trump gagnera ces prochaines elections. Moi j'en ai la conviction et je conclus le tout sur le dossier politique ici ce soir et je n'en parlerai plus parce que ce n'est pas mon domaine. Je laisse les experts en parler n'est ce pas?
I agree that this impeachment was a waste of time. I like to watch his videos you can follow and subscribe to his youtube channel.
But anyway let's get back to the State of the Union. Je vous partage les impressions de personnes dont je suis les chaines youtube. Je suis bien d'accord avec eux et c'est pourquoi je partage leur analyse ici. Je vous invite aussi a vous abonner a leur chaines.
Je suis a la fin de mon blog Pata'color carnet. J aurai deux derniers posts dont un fera la retrospective de tout mon parcours depuis la creation de ce blog qui a ete mon carnet de toutes mes annees. J'essayerai d'expliquer comment et pourquoi je l'avais ouvert. Encore pourquoi javais donne ce nom. Mais a present Pata'Color Carnet ne sera plus alimente en posts. J'ai decide d'aller dans une autre direction et je vous le ferai decouvrir dans les derniers ecrits. Et pour ceux qui ont plus de curiosite sur la politique Americaine allez sur les sites et les chaines youtube mais je vous invite aussi a decouvrir BLEXIT et Turning Point USA. ca passe souvent live sur youtube. Je suis souvent ca en ligne
Merci encore de m'avoir lu et a bientot pour le farewell de Pata'Color Carnet.
Pensez vous que Trump ait fait expres d'eviter la main de Ms. Pelosi a la fin de son discours? Bref! c'est difficile a dire...meme si c'etait le cas je pense qu'il aurait eut une raison du pourquoi.
Ecoutez bien cette video s'il vous plait
Pour ceux qui ne savent pas trop sur la politique Americaine, le State of the Union est le discours annuel du President de la Republique fait au Congres. Dailleurs vous avez certainement vu assis derriere lui la speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, le V.P Mike Pence …Alors dans ce discours le president presente son programme pour l'annee en cours. Donc je pense que c'est assez important de mentioner cela et de le suivre pour mieux comprendre les choses a venir. J'avais apprecie son discours l'annee passee mais celui ci etait bien meilleur de loin. Voila des extraits de son speech que j'ai ecoutees et que j'ai appreciees (copie du lien que j'ai partage plus haut)
1/Madam Speaker, Mr. Vice President, members of Congress, the first lady of the United States. And my fellow citizens, three years ago, we launched the great American comeback. Tonight I stand before you to share the incredible results. Jobs are booming. Incomes are soaring. Poverty is plummeting. Crime is falling. Confidence is surging. And our country is thriving and highly respected again.
2/I am thrilled to report to you tonight that our economy is the best it has ever been. Our military is completely rebuilt, with its power unmatched anywhere in the world, and it is not even close. Our borders are secure, our families are flourishing, our values are renewed, our pride is restored. And for all of these reasons, I say to the people of our great country and to the members of Congress: The state of our union is stronger than ever before.
3/ Our agenda is relentlessly pro-worker, pro- family, pro-growth, and, most importantly, pro-American. We are advancing with unbridled optimism and lifting our citizens of every race, color, religion and creed very high. Since my election, we have created 7 million new jobs, 5 million more than government experts projected during the previous administration.
5/And very incredibly, the average unemployment rate under my administration is lower than in any administration in the history of our country.
6/ The unemployment rate for African Americans, Hispanic Americans, and Asian Americans has reached the lowest levels in history. African-American youth unemployment has reached an all-time low. African-American poverty has declined to the lowest rate ever recorded.
7/ The unemployment rate for women reached the lowest level in almost 70 years, and last year, women filled 72 percent of all new jobs added.The veteran unemployment rate dropped to a record low. The unemployment rate for disabled Americans has reached an all-time low.
8/Under the last administration, more than 10 million people were added to the food stamp rolls. Under my administration, 7 million Americans have come off food stamps and 10 million people have been lifted off of welfare.
9/ Since my election, the net worth of the bottom half of wage earners has increased by 47%, three times faster than the increase for the top 1%.
10/ Since my election, U.S. stock markets have soared 70 percent, adding more than $12 trillion to our nation's wealth, transcending anything anyone believed was possible. This is a record. It is something every country in the world is looking up to. They admire
11/ (a success story here guys read it!) This is the first time that these deserving communities have seen anything like this. It is all working. Opportunity zones are helping Americans like Army veteran Tony Rankins from Cincinnati, Ohio. After struggling with drug addiction, Tony lost his job, his house and his family. He was homeless, but then Tony found a construction company that invested in opportunity zones. He is now a top tradesman, drug-free, reunited with his family, and he is here tonight. Keep up the great work, Tony.Thank you, Tony. Our roaring economy has, for the first time ever, given many former prisoners the ability to get a great job and a fresh start. This second chance at life is made possible because we passed landmark justice reform into law. Everybody said criminal justice reform couldn't be done, but I got it done, and the people in this room got it done.
12/ After losing 60,000 factories under the previous two administrations, America has now gained 12,000 new factories under my administration with thousands of thousands of plants and factories being planned or being built.
13/ In fact, unfair trade is perhaps the single biggest reason I decided to run for president. Following NAFTA’s adoption, our nation lost 1 in 4 manufacturing jobs. Many politicians came and went, pledging to change or replace NAFTA, only to do so and absolutely nothing happened. But unlike so many who came before me, I keep my promises. We did our job.
Please I can't put everything here it is going to be too long. Click on the link I put up there.
De toute facon les personnes realistes voient bien que Donald Trump gagnera ces prochaines elections. Moi j'en ai la conviction et je conclus le tout sur le dossier politique ici ce soir et je n'en parlerai plus parce que ce n'est pas mon domaine. Je laisse les experts en parler n'est ce pas?
I agree that this impeachment was a waste of time. I like to watch his videos you can follow and subscribe to his youtube channel.
Je suis a la fin de mon blog Pata'color carnet. J aurai deux derniers posts dont un fera la retrospective de tout mon parcours depuis la creation de ce blog qui a ete mon carnet de toutes mes annees. J'essayerai d'expliquer comment et pourquoi je l'avais ouvert. Encore pourquoi javais donne ce nom. Mais a present Pata'Color Carnet ne sera plus alimente en posts. J'ai decide d'aller dans une autre direction et je vous le ferai decouvrir dans les derniers ecrits. Et pour ceux qui ont plus de curiosite sur la politique Americaine allez sur les sites et les chaines youtube mais je vous invite aussi a decouvrir BLEXIT et Turning Point USA. ca passe souvent live sur youtube. Je suis souvent ca en ligne
Merci encore de m'avoir lu et a bientot pour le farewell de Pata'Color Carnet.
POur dire vrai le geste de Nancy Pelosi m'a non seulement decu mais aussi j'ai pleure car j'ai pense a l'histoire de toutes ces personnes que Trump a presentees pendant son speech. Des Americains qui ont fait des choses speciales a leur niveau. Des success stories qui inspirent mais Mme Pelosi a choisi de ne pas respecter cela a sa facon. J'etais aussi blesse j'en ai eu des larmes aux yeux. Maintenant vous comprenez pourquoi je dis je suis vraiment decue par les Democrates. C'est fini. I am done!
You can Follow and subscribe to his youtube channel. This guy is so interesting.
Ecoutez bien cette video s'il vous plait