Saturday, January 25, 2025

New Discussions starting 2025

Hello dear Readers, these are the discussions that I post since december 2024 and those starting 2025. I have nothing to say more. When you have free time , Take a cup of tea, you watch them and you tell me what you think. The discussions are really engaged in my channel with new subscribers which by the way surprised me. I didn't expect more subscribers in few weeks. I didn't also know how these topics were so important. I was just thinking and posting my thoughts and my analysis of the situation of the continent. All my life I grew up watching and reading the news about Africa because of my father who was in politics and working with African political activists and those who were political refugees or in asylum. I attended some of my father's political meetings at the time I was teenager and I understood many things but I could not understand everything because I was just a child. It has been in me, I all my life I tried to suppress all that from my head but it always come back and never left my mind. I am from Gabon but I am African first that's why I never consider another African like a stranger to me. I grew up seeing and watching how European friends never saw themselves as strangers to each other but admiring their differences in their culture, languages etc. Why dividing us as Africans?
We deal with the same challenges. In fact, all people of the world are living same challenges but in different ways. You cannot judge a complete population or an entire race based on few who did wrong. What kind of mentality is it? I met people who think like that in my life, in my country and else where. For that reason I want to thank my parents who never raised me thinking like this. I saw them being respectful of other people. I grow up seeing my father talking about my country and other African countries'politics. Meeting journalists to discuss the issues of my country maybe that is why I love my country even though I am so disappointed about so many things. His passion for my country has never left my memories and today I am really consumed about what is happening back home and in other countries of Africa. I seat,I read I watch and analyse what is wrong. I think wat mecanism, mindset or reprogrammation that can help break that never ending poverty and miserable cycle for our African countries. In my channel on comments section, I read some people who are so smart and very knowledgeable of History of the world and Africa precisely. I am amazed by their critical thinking etc I cannot put all the videos here, most of them are in my channel. I had some many positive and encouraging comments😊🤭 This is my thought on this new movement of Returning back to the Homeland
This the recent video who had a lot of discussions and analysis
Do you see any change starting this year 2025

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