Friday, June 21, 2024

Words of Wisdom that I Learned...

Hello dear Readers these are the words of Wisdom that I learned from I hope they will inspire you too 🙏 We learn everyday... You know I don't write a lot anymore It takes too much time and I am lazy now. I talk now. Lol!
Part 2
Part 3
And I lost part 4. Oops! sorry. Maybe next time I will do it again but it takes time to make videos seriously then I have to edit and upload them. It is a lot! Lol! Ok to close this short post of wisdom these are the words of wisdom form women from Denzel Washington. Every women (Me included because I learned it with time) should listen to that. We cannot make the same mistakes over and over again.
A strange spiritual encounter
Part 2
Part 3 and last. Honestly that period of my life was horrible. I even wanted to end my life bc I didn't know what to do.
That was it for tonight. Thank you for reading see you in a next post

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