Monday, June 24, 2024

Talk of the Week and More

Hello Dear Readers, I am working on my blog these days, that is the reason why it is off for now. It will be back very soon this week or next week but I am working with a professional who will help me changing the website completely for something better than what it is now. By the time it will be online, I am still working on my imagination and creativity to see how to make it look the way I want it. And yes, it can take time... This is a post of the talk of the week. It is going to be a short post. I want to share with you some of my thoughts and let me know what you think about that.
part 2
Part 3
Really I think I have accepted myself the way I look like now... and I am glad I made peace with myself. The negative words are no longer affecting me. How was my week? Well, my week is fine so far. I decided to get back to my reading habit. (In English specifically) let's see how it will help my mindset and my skills. I also started a life coaching program. I need a very positive and productive change. I am ready for the adventure and it is just the beginning. Thank you for reading!
A very well known song of the 80's back in the time, the group Zouk Machine from Guadeloupe was the best. Memories of that time. "Pisime Zouke" (in French Creole)

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