Sunday, March 31, 2024

My Heart is Here//Libreville 🌴☀️

Today is a short post of little memories of when I came back to Libreville 🌴☀️in 2019 after decades of not seeing my little ville. My heart is still in Gabon. My heart is still in Libreville🌺❤️. It can't be anywhere else. When I first put my feet back 🏑 🌴🏠 home , I first went to stay to my aunt and uncle's. I gave birth to my baby πŸ‘Ά I was with them surrounded by all the warmth of all the family members and my other mothers (My aunties, i mean my mother's sisters. I call them all Mom too) it was an experience and the family love❤️ that I received and cherish a lot. I had some of my cousins with me visiting me.( the others are abroad) One of my cousins in France, even sent me so many gifts and presents for my baby because the family was so excited 😊 πŸ€— to welcome an additional member in the family. Surprisingly, one of my sisters in law was also pregnant. She gave birth to her baby two weeks after me. It was another good news in our big family. In my culture and tradition there is a ceremony that we do after the women give birth to their babies πŸ‘Ά the family invites friends and other family members to partake at a gathering and they present the babies to them. My uncle organized it at his house for my son and my sister in law's baby. Everybody was here, there were drinks🍸, foods, music 🎢 🎡 etc. The babies received 🎁 presents and blessings. It is an organization and a complete preparation. That's when I heard that song 🎡 " Jerusalema" it was played at the ceremony event and everywhere in town.
I had a good time I didn't even feel the absence of my direct family members ( i mean my mom and my siblings) because the family is so big and we are very close. My uncle also hosted the new year eve at his home. everybody was there for new year 2024. A family dinner with sisters ( cousins and their husbands) We dressed in Gabonese outfits 😊 and we had our local dishes with music🎢from home. So the brother in law who was visiting for the first time Gabon had an idea of our culture. By the way I should have a post on our local dishes. What we eat. How and when we usually do it Prior to all this celebrating time , women after giving birth usually go through our traditional spa for their body to recover. You know giving birth to another human being is not a joke. it is a blessing when you make it but the body goes through a lot! Understand that oral tradition is important in my culture. We don't talk anyhow. What you say is what you say. I talked about the Gabonese traditional spa in my website: I also talked about traditional spa for Women and children in general. for instance, My grand Auntie on my father side was giving me this spa when I was a child and she was singing for me blessings while doing it😊 That's why I said oral tradition is important. ***** ***** Our traditional spa for Women who just gave birth is not easy πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ at all!! they put very hot water on your body you feel like your skin is burning but it is not! it is just a sensation. They really work on your tummy part so the organism would function fast and back. the body snatch back after few months of this procedure. Some women do not want to take it anymore. I did it for a month only because I was still recovering from a bad C section. Anyway! I spent good times at my aunt and uncle's house for a year while I was working on my family's 🏠 house and the appartment in town. This is me at my aunt's.
That time I was so uncomfortable in my skin because of the change of my body. I felt like it was forever. I almost got depressed about that. I didn't understand the change of women's body during the time of pregnancy and post pregnancy. Being supported by your family is so important during that time. I read it but I did not know what it was. and in Africa we don't talk about that. you just take everything in your heart Every changes you take them! your skin, your body shape, your nose ... but as I look this picture of my post pregnancy I don't think it was that bad... Sometimes we really need to be gracious to ourselves as women really. I remember that sometimes I was crying because I didn't feel my body ... It's sad bc i realize that i was too hard on me. But today I feel very comfortable with myself. I passed the age of feeling bad in my skin. Today, I truly love myself. I am back with my me. I feel blessed not only to be a woman but a woman from my country. A woman from my family line. I love the way God wonderfully made me. I am no longer looking for validation from other people. *****🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺😊 Then, the year after, I moved to the appartment with my son. It was another experience of my life. I was now a new mother on my own We were in the middle of the town center but our side of the building was surprisingly very quiet and resting. So it was easy for me to think and to ✍️write. We had everything around us by walking distance: pharmacy, banks, museum, the restaurants, the sea 🌊 the beach ⛱️ etc☀️ His nanny was such a sweet young lady. He liked his nanny very much!
I loved going down stairs to walk, visit and also pick up some flowers πŸ’ 🌺 because I love flowers so much! I am a 🌼 flowers πŸ’ lover😊 My son is used to it so whenever he sees flowers somewhere, he run pick them up for me!πŸ˜‚ I guess he likes them too now. I attended family members wedding ( the European and the traditional ones. We had girls time ( Some of my cousins. the older to the youngest) this is one of our girls time at one of My cousins' place
Family is very important to me! And these are some of my pictures of April 2023. Our lives in Libreville. My heart is still there. between ⛱️ beach you wear your swimwear, the sea 🌊, hobbies and the walk in town, artisans village. Between the view of the magical hours from my πŸͺŸ windows, the calm and quiet time of reading and writing. i had the best time! I miss it already...
πŸ˜• 😞 Sigh it is so far now...because life must go on. In the weekends I was going to visit my other aunties and uncles. This is the African family culture 😊. We visit family. Some other weekends, I was going to Donguila my village to spend time there and work. Now I miss it! I miss it a lot. I will be Back for you My sweet Donguila ❤️ 😩 I miss you too.I can't forget you. I have a lot to do there. This is where I took time to get my energy back out of the noise of town
I will be back Libreville ❤️. I will be back My sweet Gabon, the love of my life. This is the end. You can check my website and my book Destination Libreville ☀️🌴
Now, I close this chapter with a song 🎡from my country. Elone is a traditional music and dance from North of πŸ‡¬πŸ‡¦ Gabon. the song is kind of modernized a little bit. i love the convivial aspect of this music and dance. It is rythm of 😊 happiness. Yes, it is in my native language. thank you for reading.

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Give Yourself some Flowers🌺 πŸ’

Hello Dear Ladies, so it is Women History Month. Happy Woman makes happy life. Happy month to you again. All March is our month. It is not easy but it is possible ❤️😊 to be happy because it comes from inside, it comes from within us. Do not search happiness and love from other people ( friends, lovers... πŸ˜…) You will be disappointed to put your trust on people. So love your time alone.πŸ’†‍♀️ No stress! There are so many expectations that we have or people have about us. I have really changed my priorities as I am getting humbled and older. Some of the things are no longer a must for me. I truly enjoy my time alone. I am very happy alone sometimes. I like being on my own. I do not say no to love but I am not looking anymore because too much disappointment. Looking for the right person, right friend and right partner is the least of my concern or priorities these days now. I got my time , good time bad times and good memories and that is it. I am more and more focused on building myself, my self-confidence. I am into creating stuffs, writing ✍️ projects. Thinking about what to do for me and others. Thinking about ✍️ writing a new book πŸ“– maybe this year. It takes so much time but it worth it. 😌 I am dreaming about changing things for me, my family and even for my country or my continent. What can I do to improve some things. I also think about project to improve my little village back home in my country. Things like: What to do for the people living there. What I can bring to change their condition ( easy access to water; donations for the little school 🏫 they have there, something for children and women's health it is not easy in a country that does not want the well being of its people...but I love my country. I also think about pushing the agriculture project that I left unfinished. I told you about Donguila, my little village. I miss Donguila already. I have few posts on it and more will be coming soon. I never give up on what I do. ) there is so much to do! I am more and more in a reflecting mood. Reflexion and reflexion after reflexion everyday. May God bless me with life and opportunities to do it. The world 🌎 is bigger than me. And you Ladies, What are your dreams, your projects and goals? I am curious to know about them.
I love this song " On Γ©crit sur les Murs" we write on the walls the names of the people that we like and love. We write on the walls the messages for the days to come... We write on the walls the strength of our dreams. We write on the walls our hope. **** **** When it comes to happiness and self-esteem, self confidence it takes time to build it but also it needs few actions too. For instance, I saw some beautiful flowers πŸ’ at the shop today. You know how I love ❤️πŸŒΊπŸ’ flowers!! I have a complete post on flowers. Offer you some flowers yourself because you worth it. Me, I will get mine this weekend. Do not wait for people to give you what you deserve πŸ₯°πŸ˜‰. Love yourself first 😊 I pass the age of getting love and attention from others. Life is more than that. So are love and care. That is what I also mean by "Give yourself some flowers πŸ’πŸŒΊ" Don't be an option for someone but be a choice. Be with people who choose you.
You like me, or you don't like me, it is up to you. You love me, fine! or you don't, that's fine too. In love or not? Life is good. That should be the way to think. This is me when people say I can't be happy on my own. olala!! you have no idea how it feels good to be alone most of the time. Independence! Hakuna matata Hakuna matata. Life is no stress.
In this post I also wanted to share with you my routine of the week as usual. This is my Routine of taking care of myself/ Self-care and Me time These are some of the beauty products that I use these past few weeks. I try to see. Always remember to take care of yourself.
😌 relaxation timeπŸ’†‍♀️ Me time . I bought some candles as usual . You know how I love scented candles. These two are my favorite of Bath&Body Works since this month of March. The Mahogany intense one. I love the scent! I used to buy this one and the Icelandic Blue Waters one. Try them!
Libreville, my petite ville. I wrote a lot about my city in the previous posts in this blog.
I miss the sun and the palm trees🌴☀️. I miss the tropics with my hats. I miss the beach and coconut trees. My lazy afternoon reading, writing and my tea time😊☕️. Going to spend time at the cap, eating local food.
You know, I like reading magazines and books in my free time. So I am going to register for other new magazines subscription. I will show them to you and have my reviews. Maybe you will love them too. who knows?
My Week in Snacks I make πŸ˜‹ snacks and I also cook. I think I should share with you a post on Gabonese cuisine really. We have so many local dishes! I talked about it in my last book but I can make a post on that too. You will discover food from another land. This is a little bit of things that I ate. I mean yes there is more but just to give you a little idea
This is the cover of my last book. I miss some of the things of home
I miss Libreville ... It is still my hometown. The city where I was born and grew up. I am a girl from the tropical world ☀️🌴 I guess I said everything here in this post today. I hope you have a wonderful week. Happy Women History month and remember to take good care of yourself and to give yourself some flowers πŸ’ 🌺 because women are flowers 🌹🌻 Thank you for passing by my blog. I close this post with some few thoughts "always keep your Humanity standard and care" Do not be a mean or selfish person. Always think about helping others without expecting something in turn. We only live once in this world. Keep the good habit. Be good to others. Love one and another. Thank you
πŸ₯° My everything.❤️ there's no me without You. I love ❤️ you to the moon πŸŒ™ 🌚 and back

Friday, March 22, 2024

Inspiring Quotes of the Month

These are some inspiring quotes that I found on Instagram. I like them and i wanted to share them with you! I hope they will inspire you too.
thank you for reading. Thank you to read my blog you can also visit