Carnet de Voyage is simply a description of the "Voyage" of my life: Where I am from, where I have been where I want to go. It's also a description of what I like to do, my favorite music. Simplement un "voyage de la Vie.
Wednesday, November 23, 2022
The Best Moment of Life
I feel like writing this post. I don't know why.
Romans 1: 16
Apostle Paul (To me, Paul was one of the best apostles. He left so many powerful letters to Christ followers) says: "I am not ashamed of the gospel..." He said he is not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ why? Because it is the POWER of GOD THAT BRINGS SALVATION TO EVERYONE WHO BELIEVES." Wow!! This is amazing! Wow! this is ...just amazing. So if you are searching to meet God it is simple, just believe. That's basically all. Just believe. You don't need to do multiple rituals or keeps statues or whatever in your room. You don't need all that. As crazy as it seems yes It simple to meet HIM. Jesus told the disciples the KINGDOM OF GOD is already Here!! it is where you are. It is among us. It is simple. You can just sit in quiet place. In your bedroom with no noise. You close your eyes, you call upon the name of Jesus and believe. I did the same thing when I was a teenager. He came into my bedroom and He litterally touched me and I cried all night long. I felt vulnerable. I felt blessed to meet Him. His whole Presence was in my bedroom. It was warm and my skin had goose bumps and I could not stop crying. I felt the PERFECT LOVE, HIS AMAZING LOVE on ME. The Peace you have in His Presence I can't describe it.
And Jesus said if you believe His words, you will see the GLORY of God.
That's why I love Him. He saved me. He saved me and my family. We were so broken pretending that everything was fine but our hearts were broken. Our lives were so different... sadness, people it was just sadness (It is a long story)but when Jesus came in our lives He brought life and joy.
The Best Moment of Life is the encounter with the Most High. No need to call upon multiple entities. It is simple One Way. It is One way Jesus. You call Him You have direct access to the Most High. The door is opened to EVERYONE WHO BELIEVES. no need to do long fasting...No need to torture your body. Just believe He is already here.
The Best moment of Life is to serve God when we are Young. When I see young people full of the fire of Holy Spirit it is wonderful. in their eyes you can see the Love and passion for their Savior Jesus Christ. I once used to be like that...I stumbled. God forgive me...I stumbled... I stumbled on my walk but He never forsake me. He never rejected me because He knows I am human. He knows how we both fell in love in the first place. he knows how we met in the beginning of our story. Me and Jesus forever. The perfect Love. The perfect Love that No man will ever give me. The perfect Love that a lover will never give me. The perfect Love that my parents will ever give me. Only Jesus.
The Best moment of Life is the Baptism. You resurrect spiritually. You come out of the water. You leave your dead nature. It is to leave Your sinful nature to enter the kingdom of God. You are now a new person in the eyes of God. You walk in the Love with tje spirit of GOD> You take the divine nature of God. Nicodemus, a pharisee asked to Jesus what does it mean to be born again? Jesus told him to be born of water and the spirit.
When I was young I remember my Extraordinay experience of the baptism and my extraordinary experience with the Holy Spirit. I remember I was in my late teen years, I got full of the Holy spirit I was like a drunk person Lol! I could not walk on my own and people had to hold me. I kept laughing, smiling and hugging people with so much love for no reason because I was full and drunk in the Spirit of God. I thought something was wrong with me. I could not get angry I could only smile and love people around me. I didnot have to force it. It came naturally in me. Then later on, I read a verse in the Bible and I understood what was happening to me. I was experiencing the power of the Holy Spirit. His soft side. The third person of the Trinity in my body. Yes, He was now living in me. At that moment,I understood why and how Jesus truly loves us. It was amazing. I wanted it forever. Just Love and that's basically what God asks us to share: Love God first and your neighbor.
Dear readers, give me the name of a leader who chose to willingly lay his life for his followers. None! Only Jesus. Jesus did it on the cross. An awful painful death. he was innocent. He was afraid, he was scared the night before his death but Love. Love was everything. He understood his aim, his mission on this earth. He died for the love of sinners like me. Jesus never changed and still the same.
Jesus said the Word of God is like a precious treasure that you want absolutely to share to the world. It is like a precious treasure that you want to protect. It is like a light that you want to put on a table for the whole world to see. There is nothing secret about the Word of God. It is for Everybody.
John 3: 16 "For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life"
Dear reader, if you have never met Jesus. If you want to meet Him today. If you want to know the Amazing Love. If you are disappointed about this world or your family, your friends. Come to the Amazing Love and just say : " I am sorry Jesus. I didn't live according to God's Words. Forgive me. I am a sinner. I need your Amazing Love. Forgive me. Accept me into your Kingdom of Light. I want you in my life as my Savior. I say this prayer in the Mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen"
Yes! you are a child of God now. We are both in the House of God. You can find a church with loving people now. The Holy Spirit will direct you. Do not put your trust in Men. Put only your heart and Trust in Jesus. Because Men will always disappoint you even at church. Yes, no Men is perfect. Only GOD IS . We are brothers in Christ Jesus. Thank you for reading this post. See you next time.
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