Carnet de Voyage is simply a description of the "Voyage" of my life: Where I am from, where I have been where I want to go. It's also a description of what I like to do, my favorite music. Simplement un "voyage de la Vie.
Wednesday, November 23, 2022
The Best Moment of Life
I feel like writing this post. I don't know why.
Romans 1: 16
Apostle Paul (To me, Paul was one of the best apostles. He left so many powerful letters to Christ followers) says: "I am not ashamed of the gospel..." He said he is not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ why? Because it is the POWER of GOD THAT BRINGS SALVATION TO EVERYONE WHO BELIEVES." Wow!! This is amazing! Wow! this is ...just amazing. So if you are searching to meet God it is simple, just believe. That's basically all. Just believe. You don't need to do multiple rituals or keeps statues or whatever in your room. You don't need all that. As crazy as it seems yes It simple to meet HIM. Jesus told the disciples the KINGDOM OF GOD is already Here!! it is where you are. It is among us. It is simple. You can just sit in quiet place. In your bedroom with no noise. You close your eyes, you call upon the name of Jesus and believe. I did the same thing when I was a teenager. He came into my bedroom and He litterally touched me and I cried all night long. I felt vulnerable. I felt blessed to meet Him. His whole Presence was in my bedroom. It was warm and my skin had goose bumps and I could not stop crying. I felt the PERFECT LOVE, HIS AMAZING LOVE on ME. The Peace you have in His Presence I can't describe it.
And Jesus said if you believe His words, you will see the GLORY of God.
That's why I love Him. He saved me. He saved me and my family. We were so broken pretending that everything was fine but our hearts were broken. Our lives were so different... sadness, people it was just sadness (It is a long story)but when Jesus came in our lives He brought life and joy.
The Best Moment of Life is the encounter with the Most High. No need to call upon multiple entities. It is simple One Way. It is One way Jesus. You call Him You have direct access to the Most High. The door is opened to EVERYONE WHO BELIEVES. no need to do long fasting...No need to torture your body. Just believe He is already here.
The Best moment of Life is to serve God when we are Young. When I see young people full of the fire of Holy Spirit it is wonderful. in their eyes you can see the Love and passion for their Savior Jesus Christ. I once used to be like that...I stumbled. God forgive me...I stumbled... I stumbled on my walk but He never forsake me. He never rejected me because He knows I am human. He knows how we both fell in love in the first place. he knows how we met in the beginning of our story. Me and Jesus forever. The perfect Love. The perfect Love that No man will ever give me. The perfect Love that a lover will never give me. The perfect Love that my parents will ever give me. Only Jesus.
The Best moment of Life is the Baptism. You resurrect spiritually. You come out of the water. You leave your dead nature. It is to leave Your sinful nature to enter the kingdom of God. You are now a new person in the eyes of God. You walk in the Love with tje spirit of GOD> You take the divine nature of God. Nicodemus, a pharisee asked to Jesus what does it mean to be born again? Jesus told him to be born of water and the spirit.
When I was young I remember my Extraordinay experience of the baptism and my extraordinary experience with the Holy Spirit. I remember I was in my late teen years, I got full of the Holy spirit I was like a drunk person Lol! I could not walk on my own and people had to hold me. I kept laughing, smiling and hugging people with so much love for no reason because I was full and drunk in the Spirit of God. I thought something was wrong with me. I could not get angry I could only smile and love people around me. I didnot have to force it. It came naturally in me. Then later on, I read a verse in the Bible and I understood what was happening to me. I was experiencing the power of the Holy Spirit. His soft side. The third person of the Trinity in my body. Yes, He was now living in me. At that moment,I understood why and how Jesus truly loves us. It was amazing. I wanted it forever. Just Love and that's basically what God asks us to share: Love God first and your neighbor.
Dear readers, give me the name of a leader who chose to willingly lay his life for his followers. None! Only Jesus. Jesus did it on the cross. An awful painful death. he was innocent. He was afraid, he was scared the night before his death but Love. Love was everything. He understood his aim, his mission on this earth. He died for the love of sinners like me. Jesus never changed and still the same.
Jesus said the Word of God is like a precious treasure that you want absolutely to share to the world. It is like a precious treasure that you want to protect. It is like a light that you want to put on a table for the whole world to see. There is nothing secret about the Word of God. It is for Everybody.
John 3: 16 "For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life"
Dear reader, if you have never met Jesus. If you want to meet Him today. If you want to know the Amazing Love. If you are disappointed about this world or your family, your friends. Come to the Amazing Love and just say : " I am sorry Jesus. I didn't live according to God's Words. Forgive me. I am a sinner. I need your Amazing Love. Forgive me. Accept me into your Kingdom of Light. I want you in my life as my Savior. I say this prayer in the Mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen"
Yes! you are a child of God now. We are both in the House of God. You can find a church with loving people now. The Holy Spirit will direct you. Do not put your trust in Men. Put only your heart and Trust in Jesus. Because Men will always disappoint you even at church. Yes, no Men is perfect. Only GOD IS . We are brothers in Christ Jesus. Thank you for reading this post. See you next time.
Sunday, November 20, 2022
The Red Wave is Back!
Woop! woop! What a good headline. O! you didn't hear the good news? The red wave is back in America! Or should I call it the red tsunami. It is time to get things in order now. I couldn't wait for this moment. Republicans retake control of House of Representatives. Did you hear it? Han han! This is something good to read. I am so excited! Some States turned red. Florida Ha! Florida my promised Land. Florida voted for De Santis again and it was obvious. By the way, I hope to find a place to live in Miami soon because it is about time for me to go see this beautiful blue emerald water. I am so tired to watch this nice city in CSI and NCIS. i want to go there and see it by myself ha! Texas kept Greg Abbott. The man is working. He is not playing! I said red! That's right! I like him!
Mama! I am so happy. Let's celebrate it. We call it a true and clear victory abi? even if Arizona is still waiting on the real results of governor race, I believe they are going to be red as well but my eyes are on my promised land I mean in Florida. Lol!!!
And the other breaking news, Donald Trump is back. 45 is back! I am absolutely not surprised.
Wait! so Donald Trump is back on Twitter. The news is all over the world. They thought they could silence him forever and guess what? within few hours he got more followers than the current president. Well, to me it means what it means. yep! so Elon Musk who is the new owner of Twitter, made a poll asking followers if he should reinstate Donald Trump on Twitter and guess what? The people massively voted for a YES. Reinstate him. So 45 is back!! and I am not done yet. Listen, the former president recently announced his 2024 presidential run. Whoo! That's a lot.
And the haters are suffocating again. Eish! dear haters what's wrong with you? I know, I know. Relax people relax. Breathe in and breathe out. It is just an annoucement that's all. calm down lol! They are already saying stuffs like he will not do good and so on. But let's remember that what the media say and the reality on the ground are two different things. right? so let him be. Mama! You people thought that it was over? Ha! You haven't watched enough American movies yet. Or should you go watch the Marvel? You still don't get it? There must always be a happy ending. You don't want us to have a happy ending too? Last year we cried. O dear, we suffered too much. We didn't say a word. we were quiet, we ate the hot pepper. Hot Peppa I say Hot Peppa!!! You know what I mean. Now see? it is time to drink water. I mean water like water. There is no time for the angry, the haters, the loosers, the has been, the wanna bee...the...the
They wanted to silence him forever. I mean silence him foreva!! Foreva!! Mbaku! The devil is a liar o! He is a liar. Here we go, Trump is back now Lol!! whatcha gonna do? silencing na silencing people. Ennemies of progress we see you! Lol! Silencing people just because they have different views doesn't look democratic at all abi? Hum!! Only God knows if democracy is even something real. I am just saying. I am just saying...Some are already tweeting they leave Twitter because they can't share the same platform with Donald Trump. Oya! you want to leave, you Leave! Nobody is going to cry o! Don't worry you won't be missed. We are free thinkers. So it was ok to cancel and ban from a public platform a sitting president?! nawa oooo! How shocking it is! BTW you (complainers) were the same who said few years ago that you were leaving the U.S if Trump became president. Pian! You were still living in America. We saw you! Lol!! Talking na talking. Because you guys know that America is a great country. You take your country and your privilege for granted. Look on your borders the massive number of illegals who want to enter your country. Just because it is America! Can't you see? Come here where I live, you will rush back straight to America first plane. You will miss the comfort of America. I promise you Ha! ha! ha! So be wise and talk wisely because we watch you and we remember your own words. Enough of the nonsense.
Nowadays it is brave to stand for your belief in this world of excessive cancel culture. You will be remembered for what you stand for. People forget the followers. People only remember leaders. Especially when they say the Truth. (If People keep talking about Jesus Christ it is bc He was always talking the Truth and He was a leader.) Cancelling na cancelling na cancellors pian! Speak the Truth and the truth will set us free. So cheers to Papa Musk, he did a good job bringing back freedom of speech. Yukuku!!It was kind of resurrection days on Twitter. The banned ones were back. We are going to need more wine because I feel like 2023 will be fire! Han han! Elon Musk is the man.
The media say one thing, I don't believe anything anymore. I must see first.
Me, I say it is not about talking, talking it is about proving. Proof! That's all I ask now. Show me tangible evidence of your report then I will believe you Lol! I have to apply it in every aspect of my life now by the way. I will be apostle Thomas Lol! You say something I must touch and see.
O and Wait, there is more. There is more, there is more. I can't stop gossiping. I watched and read in the news that Nancy Pelosi will step down as Democratic leader. Ha?! Mama Nancy is leaving? is it for real? This is quite a lot in a short time. Lol!! Things are shifting now I guess. It is about time for a change. Let's see what will happen. We care because we know the influence of American politic within the world. Yes, it is indeed important to know what's going on. When America moves a foot, the world is watching. I am just saying...I am just saying.
Like I said I don't follow what the media say, I follow reality on the ground.
I beg, I was just passing by and drop the big news, I mean I was just gossiping. Do not take my POV too seriously. I didn't even put my point of view actually, I was just reporting the news too. When I was young I dreamed about being a journalist, like a reporter. Like being on the ground in the middle of action. I found it quite interesting to see journalists traveling in the world and write what they saw, taking the camera and talk to the public. But with time I realized that the world of journalism is not what I thought. And I became deeply disappointed. Journalists used to be powerful they could make a president leave the office or they could make corruption to light. but today journalism is different... And today We are living in the time or in a world where everything said is offending for a little thing. You no longer know what is right or what is wrong to say. It is like walking on eggs shells. Jeez! No freedom to speak, no freedom to do this or that. Today everything is politicized: movies, TV news, magazines, the Oscars, the Grammys, the music. Even the fashion, sports, books, I mean even hairstyle! Where are we heading to? People used to have fun debating on TV. It was interesting to listen to people with different opinion on a show. The guests and the host are patiently listening to each other and you could tell they wanted to understand your statement . But Today a group of people want you to think like them and to accept anything even some nonsense and even things against your Faith. (So if you die now and you facing God on a judgement day, those same people will not be there to assist you or save you from the end of days. They mislead you to go to hell but in the meantime they know and their conscious tells them that what they do is wrong) so Why doing it? comment. So people let's be careful and protect your soul. Protect your salvation above all. Freedom of speech is a very complicated subject of discussion. It is very sensitive...I know that I will never be a journalist because of all of that but sometimes I happen to make and share videos about some discussions that I think are important.
I admit that I still watch Megyn Kelly
I guess that is it for my today post. I am glad to see the change and I hope to see more good news to come.
Now I am watching the world cup of soccer in Qatar. I wonder what the African soccer teams will be doing there this time. Hey My Goodness. Please oo! Please God! Have mercy on us I beg. I am on my knees. I am going to speak in tongue because We can't take it anymore. Mercy! Grace and Grace. Showers of favor upon the African soccer teams oooo! I beg You Father in Heaven. We can't take this failure and shame anymore.
I cast out this spirit of failure, I bind the spirit of unfair games. I cast out the spirit of racism as well. Those demons that are ennemies of success. Please ooo God.Enough is enough. Africa must reach the semi finals this time. At el nombre del Pater, el filius y spiritu santu. We don't know which prayers to do anymore.
Africa has been playing soccer for decades. African soccer players are doing wonders in Europeans clubs but once they go back home, they do nothing in their national teams. I mean nothing! Is it a curse or what? what does that mean now? What is it? I bind this curse! You guys are going to play, you know the whole continent is watching you. I beg we are tired and extremely drained and exhausted to see you loose. Make sure that your attack and defence system are on point. We see you!! No no no! I swear if the African teams are not playing well in games at this world cup, I will switch the channel to watch The Kardashians on Hulu. No, I can't take it anymore. (sigh) I am being too dramatic now I guess. well, we will see. See you next time!
Saturday, November 5, 2022
Living in Libreville🌴, My Hometown🌺
Hello! Dear readers
I do not have much tonight but this a new post that I share here in my blog.
This is a little bit of me in Libreville. I also share some of my short videos from my youtube channel. I made my short videos in youtube because I have no time and I am lazy to make and edit full videos these days.
Flowers, yes, I love flowers. I dream to see a whole place covered with colorful flowers. I am learning online and I trying. Like I started to grow few of them, then I will plant them in the garden outside. I will see what will happen.
Gabon literature. Someone gave me a book to read in my free time. The book is from a young Gabonese author.
Libreville always Libreville even though many things in town upset me. But this is my capital city. My little hometown where I was born and where I grew up. This is a name so symbolic. I can't deny who I am and where I am from. This is me.
This is a life of a Gabonese woman in Libreville. I hope you will enjoy some of my short videos.
Old African songs. sweet memories. Ivory Coast
when you feel at peace...
somewhere in France 🇫🇷 . I like sharing some short videos of my trip out of country. I hope to make full ones on my vacation soon. 2023 will be a busy year for sure! I will be moving around and visit my famille at last. I will be going to places (smile)
and I will be writing a lot!
i will have more time and a lot to share too
There are so many memories I share them in some videos
I am living Libreville's vibe.
Like in this video where I share my memories:
Thank you for reading my blog. I hope to see you in the next post. You can also visit my website: