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I was walking and I saw these beautiful flowers |
Thank you to pass by my blog and I hope you always learn something and like what I do. In this post I want to share with you some interesting subjects such as fun facts and other life experiences. I will also share some Vlogs because I personally like Vlogs. You know we learn everyday and every steps of our lives. Life is full of experiences and lessons. I will update this post with new videos and stories time to time. I hope you will learn something from what I share with you. Have you been in my other blog yet? www.patacolorcarnet.weebly.com I always write and update posts in my other blog. If you have a tumblr account, you can always check pictures and music I like. (my tumblr is: http://lizzia7.tumblr.com/)
Ok! Now what about the fun facts that I want to share with you!? The first one is about the English words difficult for French speakers. I have to be honest it is not easy to say some words because the phonetics do not exist in French. In this video I will share of these words but I know there are many others. Also some words in English they say it fast especially the American speakers and they barely articulate words the tongue goes fast.This is my experience as a French speaker in the English and French version. I still struggle with these words eventually. I guess I should enrich my vocabulary if I want to say the same thing in another way. Sorry my English is not perfect by the way! lol!😂😆
English version: (channel Laetitia Life Diary)
Next subject: I shared what the English royal ladies should wear and not wear. I actually did my little research and I was more interested recently because to be honest, I didn't care much before. I mean, yes I know Princess Diana was really elegant I liked her style a lot! but then after she died I was not interested in English royal ladies anymore. Maybe I like the Spanish royals more...because they we barely see them. They are quiet they do their things and not always in press people etc. So yes...I like the Spanish royal family. what about Kate Middleton's style...not really. I read that she really does what is asked for the royal style so good for her! Actually, I recently got interested in this subject when Meghan Markle got married to Prince Harry. I even had a post last month that I deleted because I thought it was too early to judge her style at that moment but now I kind of liking it. This is what I learned from articles. What they should wear and not be wearing. I did it in French. If you have more details and knowledge about it, I will be curious to read you in the comments below.
In French version below
Video suivanteUne histoire a dormir debout/Introduire une femme mariee a un ami? En fait pour dire vrai je n'etais pas tres sure du status de la jeune dame et comme je me souviens maintenant bien de cette experience, nous nous sommes tous rendus compte au moment ou l'homme rentrait dans la maison que c'etait non seulement une femme mariee mais aussi mere d'un enfant. Quel choc! C'est pourquoi il est important de bien se renseigner avant de faire toute chose.
Here I share an old video in English of what I learned with time
Another one in English that was this early year
I Recently I discovered a painter that I didn't know. The lady at the gallery told me that he was from California and traveled a lot. I like paints I like Arts in general. If you pass by Fort Worth in Texas, take a time to stop at Sundance Square really I like this part of the town. Also Fort-Worth has so many parks and museums I like this European style and feeling in this town. Fort Worth is different than Dallas for sure. I love Fort Worth and I went back to Sid Richardson museum I took more time this time to look all the paints because last month we were in a rush so I took my time to appreciate them. I posted it in my other blog
Thomas Kinkade painted a lot of paints and his nephew goes by the name of Zachary Kinkade (I think) and he is also a painter so he carries the legacy of his late uncle. Maybe you know about Thomas Kinkade. I loved his paints especially the Flamingo dancer, the New York City vintage, the Italian Cafe, Moses opening the red sea...I dreamed in front of their paints for an hour before being back to reality lol! and yes I speak in French in the video but that's ok because you can still discover them!Vous pouvez aussi me trouver ici:
Facebook page: laetyblue/Posh Girl
Facebook Page (pour les Voyages/Arts et Cultures): Patacolor Carnet de Voyages
Mon autre blog: www.patacolorcarnet.weebly.com
Chaines youtube: Posh Girl
Instagram: @laetitiameyo
Tumblr: Laetyblue http://lizzia7.tumblr.com/