Tuesday, May 22, 2018

A School Project About Countries and Immigration

Recently I was invited to a school project done by a friend teacher. She created a program for her language class to discover what immigration means and the countries of the world. For that project they worked a complete school year. Her students had to pick the countries that they like. A country that they dream or hope to visit someday. The project was to work and study about the culture, geography, tourism of the countries of their choices. They had to identify themselves as being citizen of these countries and share why they are passionate about those countries..
If you remember last month I made a presentation about my country to that same class and the kids were so smart with their interesting questions. The thing that they like the most was the surfing hippos of Gabon lol!!!Yes and they are right about it. (About that presentation if you didn't watch it yet,  you can go on my post about Gabon "Memories of Gabon") Here is the link here: http://patacolorcarnet.blogspot.com/2012/04/memories-of-gabon.html
A little video Vlog of that day below here
Through this project I learned a lot and I was honored to be a guest. I have to say their presentations were also interesting and I am amazed how kids learn a lot at that age. So people be careful about what you say around kids because they are definitely smarter than us. Lol! I am joking. However, yes I must say kids are really smart at that age. So it took a complete afternoon at school to present about their countries of choice to other kids and adults like me. I really like the idea that she had to create such project. By the way they sent me creative thanking letters. I was really overwhelmed by their kindness and creativity and I will share them on my next post. I learned something about me too.
An organic tea from Iceland that I tried few years ago in Washington DC
One of the girls who was the Icelandic one showed me the tea that I was familiar with because I tried it few years ago. I think it is important to get our kids to be open to the world and understand what immigration means in a beautiful way. Immigrants are often pictured in a bad way on media and it is sad...There is a lot to learn from other people coming from other countries. The world is big and beautiful! There is a lot to share and a lot to learn. The power of love will make this world a better place. It is good to create curiosity. I hope to see these kids doing great things and going to these countries in the future. I will be glad for them because it is going to be a beautiful experience!
So we had the different continents in the presentations and they needed to know those continents and where their countries are as well. So far they presented about France, Italy, Germany, Ireland, Iceland and Sweden in Europe. then, they had China, South Korea, Indonesia and Japan in Asia. It was interesting to see how passionate they were about these countries and what they learned about culture, food, tradition and fun facts, geography, landmarks etc.
Then, they had Namibia, Malawi, Botswana and Madagascar in Africa. Also New Zealand and Australia when it comes to Oceania. I was impressed by their creativity as well. I share with you some of the pictures that I took.
Botswana and its flag. An illustration of the Okavongo Delta
 I learned about the Okavango Delta in Botswana. The fun facts about the culture. but also you know what? I have always been interested by this country a long time ago and I hope to visit there someday. For some reasons I have always been curious about Botswana and I don't know why but I think there is something original about this country. They showed me some bags and soap from Malawi and Namibia. I know Namibia is a beautiful country as well. May God bless me and give me life to go visiting these countries. They showed me some traditional games. They even learned how to play these games. Actually, a girl told me that she has her American friend living in Namibia that's maybe explains her love for this country. Interesting right?
Very early in my age I was lucky to learn about countries of the world and the map because my father who was often traveling because of his job (international pilot) was always bringing interesting things from other places. For instance, a beautiful doll from Japan in her traditional outfit for my sister back in the days. An expensive silk kimono for women to my mom, handcrafted and local candies from Russia, chocolates from Belgium etc My best gift of all was my first cat that he brought from a trip to Europe. I called my cat Minouche! My dad gave me taste of travels and the world. I remember at the time I could go inside the cockpit of the plane see him and his colleagues working and look the beautiful sky and clouds. It was magical especially during sunset the transition of the daylight to night. Passengers were sleeping and me sitting there...It was simply amazing! Don't worry I touched nothing!
So I never had any ideas of xenophobia when I was back home I was open to people coming from other countries and I would travel as well some times with my family so bingo! A project like that one is something that I really like and I can recommend it to some other schools.
 They even showed me some candies from these countries as well...Like the Icelandic one above.
Last, they presented the American continent some worked on Costa Rica, Ecuador and Canada. About Canada I learned that there was a long road from Canada that crosses the US up to Minnesota I think...hmmm. something like that. Well, I didn't know that. One of the students told me that  Of course he talked about the Niagara Falls etc. A guest student seemed to be from Canada as well because instead of listening to the presentation he actually taught us about Canada instead lol!! When you happen to meet someone of the country that you present...I was laughing! It was interesting. The beavers making dams that save humans. Amazing! I have always wanted to see and touch beavers.
I didn't know that in Ireland they have a tradition to take a baby upside down and give a little push on the baby's head to make them strong. I think I read it in their fun facts during the presentation. I should check about it more.

One of the kids told me that there were many base-ball players from Costa Rica in the American (US) base ball teams. Ok! all this information was a lot. I was impressed to see how that student likes Costa Rica a lot!
 Ok! I share with you more pictures and videos. Tell me what you think in the comments below.
 That's about Germany.

Something of Australia
 This is the video below. Maybe better than my pictures. Thank you for reading me today!
50 Faits sur le Gabon video partie 1

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