Carnet de Voyage is simply a description of the "Voyage" of my life: Where I am from, where I have been where I want to go. It's also a description of what I like to do, my favorite music. Simplement un "voyage de la Vie.
Monday, December 26, 2022
Goodbye 2022 and Welcome 2023
Hello everyone
wow!! It is already the end of 2022/ The year went fast. I can't believe it. The wprld went through several events.
Well, I guess it is my last post of 2022. Ok, so Merry Christmas people and Happy New Year 2023.
I do not have much to say tonight.
All my best wishes for this coming new year. Good health. We need strong health. May God surprises me and you in a good way with many blessings. Thank you to read me sometimes. I know I am still learning I make mistakes but I learn. And I don't even know why I choose to write in English when it is not even my language.
Anyway! I hope all the best for you all. I am looking back and I see good and bad moments but there are part of my life. I see people or should I say beloved ones that we lost in 2022. It is is sad. I don't know how 2023 will be for me. Am I going to make it into 2024? I don't know. God give me wisdom and help me save and keep my salvation strong, my soul. I don't want to be a person hurting people. I want to be a blessing to others instead. I don't want to follow the foolishness of this world. This crazy agenda that wants to rule the wprld. I still hope that Africa will not follow, will not subscribe to those crazy trends that irritates the heart of God. What I only know it's Life is a gift. Life is a precious gift of God. I can only believe one thing : The Word of God. Let's not forget Jesus Christ in Christmas. I don't say Happy Holidays like many are doing today. That's them not me. I say Merry Xmas because a savior was born. He was given to us and He was called Emmanuel (Meaning God is with us) God never left us. He never forsake us. He loves us, He still loves us. And Jesus came into this world to share the good news from Heaven. The good news is: we can still be saved. To me Xmas is about Nativity (the father, the mother the son) and it is to me like the Trinity (the father, the Son and the Holy Spirit). That amazing Love is for us all only if we want it. Like I said everything is about believing. Just believing. When I walk in the shadow of death, I will not be afraid because Jesus is here.
I will not write resolutions this year. No, I will simply make a practical plan for 2023. I don't know...what will happen. I dont want to waste time anymore. I don't know How will be 2023. But I planned to travel and go visit my family in the three different places of the world. That will normally be my first trip with my son lol! May God makes it happen.
This 2023 Gabon my country will enter in turmoil again yes because of the presidential elections. I do not want to talk about it. I am simply praying for the people. Please Lord, No more death. We are not animals going to butchery to be slaughtered just because we want to vote in this century. It is crazy. I am no longer asking for change for my country. I am tired to pray for it honestly. Obvioulsy the people ruling are showing No desire for a change. Only honey words that turn to be bitter right after the power is in their hands. It may never happen. What we ask is just a minimum of decent life. Human rights to be respected. Maybe I ask too much? Maybe tat change will happen the way we don't expect. I am honestly exhausted to ask for it. Greed! it is all about greed. Greed ...greed always. Greed makes blind and no compassion.
If you have time you can get my second book "How Far is This America"
As I wrote before it is a story of immigration.
The English and the French versions are available on
ok I guess I said all so once again Happy new year 2023. May God bless you and your families. ANd I am ending this last post of the year with my always short videos of my life in my little town Libreville. Sharing little something of Libreville ...
Thank you for reading you can also read me at
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I did my hair and I am loving my purple braids.
Taste of Gabon. I cooked bananas
A baby is still a baby to us...
Xmas in my little world
Some little things to do at home
All the videos in my channel
Monday, December 19, 2022
My Free Time in Libreville
This post is about sharing a little bit of my free time in Libreville my little city. My petite ville. Libreville my hometown on the coast of Gabon. But first let's talk about yesterday. The world cup of soccer 2022 in Qatar ended. Argentina is once again the world winner, the world champion. three times. France 🇫🇷could get it as the third one but it didn't happen.
I think Lionel Messi achieved his dream. Now he can add world cup champion under his belt.I think I also read somewhere that he said he wants to retire after that. Maybe I am wrong I need to check if I got it right. I don't know if he is the G.o.a.t compared to the late Diego Maradona in his country. The match yesterday was not easy at all because you had a very strong French team with the talented Kylian Mbappe on the other side.mama! it was high level. I mean La remontada!!! Lol! ok! I am serious now.
So congratulations to Argentina. Victory well deserved. Many years of hard work it paid off.
I also want to say hat down to Morocco who went to the semi finals as an African team. This is the first time in the history of my continent. The Lions of Atlas broke the curse. they broke the barriers and paved the way for the future generation. I must admit that the Moroccan team had in the past marked history already. Also the undomitables Lions of Cameroon beat the Brazilian team. The first time in the history of African team to win a game against Brazil. Morocco did break barriers in the world cup many years ago. That is not the first time...I have to remember when and how . Cameroon also made history for Africa in a world cup in the early 90 I think it was when they made it to the quater final. I was a child but I always remember that very day that very scene of the goal. That soccer player was Roger Milla. He did something incredible and he did that dance on the field lol! The continent went crazy. It was history for us!
Let's remember all these best moments for Africa:
That was Roger Milla and he was then named the "Old Lion".
Next this world cup in Qatar 2022
Cameroon vs Brazil. Wow! That game was tough!
Morocco vs Portugal. Yep!
Ok! That was it. That is enough about the world cup as an African. Thank you Morocco to pave the way for the African generation to come. You did it you made it happen. Now we know it is possible. Next year we might go to the finals. who knows? It is about time for Africa to get this world cup enough is enough. Those incredible talents cannot die like that. I must see that day. We cried as we were all happy. But it is sad the previous generation could not see it . I really wish they could be here to witness it and say "At Last!"
My prayer on my previous post was to see at least one African nation to make it in to the semi finals and you did it guys. Thank you!
Also thank you to all the teams of the world who played at this world cup. Really we had some rough years between COVID, the lockdown, the war in Ukraine etc. Watching the world Cup of soccer this month was refreshing. We really had a wonderful time. Thank you guys for sharing your talent to the world. gathering and spending times in families, friends etc just to enjoy yhr moment. You made us happy even if we are still dealing with this difficult time in the world. May God bless you and your families. There is no losers just experiences. The closing ceremony took place after the finals and it was beautiful to watch. Now it is over. The World cup of soccer is over. let's get back to our daily life. I can't forget to send My love to the Brazilian team by the way. They remain one of my favorites so..yes! Hey! Brazil is my dream country ok? I like their soccer team. But for me it is Africa first. Lol!
Now this post was not about the world cup but about my free time in my small town. In my little city.
How was your week?
How was your month? I had my birthday on November and my son too.What else?
We are heading towards the end of the year and 2023 very soon. wow! can you believe it? And here I am still writing in this blog Lol!! my therapy or a passion I guess
Actually I wanted to write about the news but too tired and lazy. Really there is a lot to say...but No
Talking about Miriam Makeba I think I think I will have a post about her soon. I feel compelled to write a tribute to this beautiful talented African singer that we often call "Mama Africa" I was a child when I first heard the Pata Pata song and Malaika. she is no longer among us but still in our heart n through her music and legacy
I always like to share in my blog my favorite stuffs. Ushuaia is a place in Argentina. I took the same collection of Bahia do Brasil but the blue water scent this time.
My favorite thing to do watching the sea and the sun in the sky from my window while I listen to music. It is relaxing after a long day.
Then I take my mind to the islands...(smile)
or being more romantic too...a good dreamer and a lover I am I admit
Taking care of myself. My me time
See you on my next post and thank you for reading
Saturday, December 3, 2022
Paying Tribute to Queen Elizabeth II/ The Royal Boston Trip
Les Royals sont arrives a Boston
(These pictures are Not mine)
Bonjour a tous,
de retour sur mon blog ce soir, je voulais juste partager un post sur la famille royale. Du moins sur le Prince et la Princesse de Wales (de Galles) Je suis un peu les news de ce qui se passe de ce cote de temps a autre. En effet, beaucoup ne trouve pas cela un sujet de discussion. D'autres pensent meme que parler de la famille royale n'est pas tres interessant ou important. Moi je le fais juste par curiosite et pour ma culture generale et puis bon j'apprecie bien le jeune couple Kate et William pour etre honnete. Je pense qu'ils representent un nouveau vent de ;la monarchie Anglaise.
Alors tout recemment il y a eu une sortie de la famille royale comme toutes les autres mais ce qui me fait ecrire ce post aujourdhui c'est le bel hommage de Princesse Catherine pour Queen Elizabeth II et la late Princess Diana.
J'ai trouve cela tres touchant. J'ai trouve cela tres emouvant honnetement. En effet, il ya quelques jours la famille royale etait conviee au State banquet de la Republique d'Afrique du Sud. King Charles III a fait un speech au cote du president Sud Africain ou il se rememorait les souvenirs de ses voyages dans la terre de la rainbow nation au temps ou sa mere Queen Elizabeth II vivait encore. Mais mon attention etait plus sur l'elegance de Catherine.
(getty images)
Catherine portait a sa tete la tiare (tiara) de Lady Diana (sa defunte belle mere, l'ancienne Princesse de Galles) Je pense que vous vous souvenez que sous King Charles III (Prince Charles devenu roi apres la mort de Queen Elizabeth II) le Duc et la Duchess of Cambridge sont devenus Prince and Princess of Wales. Il y a eu des petits changements en terme de titre royal depuis la mort de la matriarche. D'apres ce que j'ai lu, King Charles III voudrait reduire l'extension des titres etc dans la famille royale (Peut etre que j'ai mal compris) d'ou le debat qu il y a sur les deux enfants de Prince Harry et Meghan Markle si ils auront des titres royaux ou pas.
Je disais donc que Catherine avait a sa tete la tiare ( tiara) de Lady Diana qu'on appelle le "Cambridges Lovers Knot" (Que je traduirai simplement par le noeud des Cambridge Amoureux)
Ensuite elle avait une broche ayant l'effigie de Queen Elizabeth II et un de ses bijoux en perles.
Ce dinner n'etait pas fait par hasard vu que l'Afrique du Sud est un pays membre du Commonwealth. Bref! voici quelques images. Voyez de vous memes l'elegance et la beaute de Catherine.
Je vous assure j'ai trouve ca emouvant. Tres emouvant. J'en ai quasiment eu les larmes aux yeux. Catherine connait vraiment son role de princesse. Cet hommage a la Reine et a Princess Diana etait touchant. C'etait tres beau.
Il a ete reporte que Meghan et Harry ne feteront pas la Noel avec la famille royale. C'est bien dommage...Mais je n'en suis pas tres surprise vu tout ce qui a ete reporte au sujet des deux freres. Leur derniere visite remonte a la periode du deuil de la reine. Il semble qu'il y ait une separation entre les freres. Le Prince Harry a a cet effet ecrit un memoire sur sa vie etc intitule Spare.
Ce serait quand meme interessant de savoir a quel moment Prince Harry s'est il senti spare? Je suis a assez confuse quant a sa presente relation avec sa famille vu qu'il semblait etre tres proche de son frere et sa belle soeur et meme de son pere et ses grands parents. Soudainement depuis son mariage, il semble ne plus se retrouver. On parle de racisme etc. Meghan et Harry auraient parait il recu un award consistant a feliciter leur courage d'avoir denonce le racisme au sein de la famille royale Anglaise. La meme famille a qui ils exigent pourtant des titres pour leurs enfants. La meme famille qui leur a donne le titre de duc et de duchesse qu'ils utilisent a tout moment et qu'ils utilisent fierement quand c'est a leur avantage. Cela a t-il un sens ou je me perds? Je vois trop de Contradictions dans leur comportement et propos. Ils parlent de racisme au sein de la famille royale, mais Prince Harry avait porte lui meme un uniforme de Nazi en blaguant. C'etait publie dans les journaux locaux. C'etait inacceptable! Mais on se moque de qui finalement?
Personnellement je pense que Queen Elizabeth II a quand meme montre des gestes affectueux envers Meghan. Sa premiere invitation a Sandringham alors qu'on ne la connaissait pas. Son premier engagement avec la Reine s'est passe bien plus tot que celui avec Kate. J'avoue que j'etais meme surprise. Ca veut dire beaucoup . On leur a confie le role d'ambassadeurs du Commonwealth aux deux. Au dire de certains , on reporte que King Charles III est surpris d'etre accuse de racisme parce qu'il n'avait aucune idee du fait que Meghan etait mixte (metisse) Il la voyait juste comme une jeune et jolie demoiselle. Cela est fort possible. C'est dans l'interview d'Oprah qu' il apprendra certains de ces details. C'est quand meme lui qui l'a accompagne a l'autel pour son mariage avec Prince Harry quand elle ne voulait absolument pas la presence de son propre pere a elle. La garde robe pendant leur tournee dans les pays du commonwealth etait finance par qui? Alors pourquoi autant de drama? Un tout petit peu de gratitude ne ferait peut etre pas de mal je pense...
Je suis un peu choquee.
Bref! en parlant de leur nouveau merite de denonciateur, je ne comprends pas pourquoi est ce qu'on ne donnerait pas un tel award a des personnes qui font des choses incroyables pour l'humanite? Meghan et Harry m'ont perdu depuis leur interview avec Oprah Winfrey. On ne va pas exposer les problemes de famille au public. Cela ne se fait pas! Aussi en aucun moment Meghan n'a mentionne sa propre famille a elle pendant cet interview. Pourquoi? Pourquoi va t-elle donc critiquer pendant des heures la famille de son epoux? et lui d'accepter un tel comportement? Bref! Je ne comprends pas ces habitudes de tout exposer au public. Ca ne donne pas une bonne image de soi.
En parlant de leur critique sur la famille royale, le couple Sussex ont fait sortir le trailer de leur fameux TV docuseries pour Netflix que beaucoup attendaient avec impatience. Je vous le poste ici:
J'ai quand meme une question. Chers lecteurs, je suis un peu confuse a ce sujet. A quel moment Meghan et harry ont ils commence a filmer ces videos? Avaient ils deja en tete de faire cette docuseries? Je pense que quand on vit sa vie, on vit le momentn'est ce pas? On peut avoir des petites videos ca et la. Mais de la a documenter sa vie? ca alors! wow! Filmez vous necessairement tout ce que vous faites jour pour jour? Etait ce deja un plan ou un projet prepare bien avant leur mariage? Comment peut on se filmer en peine, en douleur et en larmes pour le montrer au public? Je ne comprends pas cela. En pleurs? assise sur une couverture luxueuse Hermes. Si je pleure est ce que je demanderai de me faire filmer? la douleur elle est intime elle est personnelle. Seuls les proches peuvent la voir. Mais le public?? Ca alors! Aidez moi a comprendre. C'est choquant. Peut on avoir confiance a 100% de ce qui y sera revele vu qu'apres l'interview d'Oprah on apprendra il y avait des faits qui n'etaient pas vrais.
Bref! a vous de juger Je ne comprends rien a tout ca. Pendant que certains jouent les victimes avec des cuilleres en or dans leur bouche, le Prince et la princess of Wales sont arrives il ya quelques jours a Boston pour les Earthshot Prize dont il est le fondateur. Le jeune couple royal actif est venu pour un projet. Ils ont plutot ete bien accueillis. Il semble qu'ils ont eu plus de succes sur la terre Americaine que les Sussex qui sont pourtant dans le pays depuis un bon moment maintenant.
Le prix Earthshot est le prix environnemental mondial le plus prestigieux de l'histoire, visant à trouver de nouvelles solutions aux plus grands problèmes environnementaux du monde. Ils ont donc a cet effet visite la ville qui leur a reserve un accueil chaleureux. Prince William a donne un speech au town hall de Boston. le couple royal a assiste a un match de basket Ball des Celtics et Prince William a visite la bibliotheque JFK (le defunt president Americain) en compagnie de la famille Kennedy.
Catherine a donne un speech a Boston. Je vous le mets ici:
et William aussi
Catherine a encore fait un bel hommage a la ceremonie du Earthshot Prize, a sa late belle mere Pincess Diana, en portant le joli ras de cou avec des emeraudes (choker) bleu qu'elle aimait bien. Elle portait aussi une magnifique robe vert eau. C'etait simplement magnifique!
Voila un peu ce que je voulais partager aujourdhui dans ce post. J'espere que ca vous a plu. vous pouvez aussi me lire a:
A bientot