Carnet de Voyage is simply a description of the "Voyage" of my life: Where I am from, where I have been where I want to go. It's also a description of what I like to do, my favorite music. Simplement un "voyage de la Vie.
Saturday, September 18, 2021
Dear Little Sister
Dear Vanessa,
remember the time when we spent hours listen to music together.
Songs in English that we couldn't understand the meaning. just trying to translate a little bit. struggling to sing along with the singers but it was the best time of our life! (laugh) Yep! the glorious 90's. Today I can write some English how funny it is!
Remember the time when we were young and happy. The years when we didn't care about issues. To us the world was just a happy place and our parents would remain forever young. Forever young we were in our head. Coming from school and do our homework. I would help you but then i would ask if you ate all your lunch at school? Because I could eat it too.
Remember the time when we watched our favorite TV shows together and at late night in our bedroom we will still have conversations. Mom would surprise us, open the door and said it is time to sleep. We pretended to sleep and then back again in our chat.
Remember in the saddest moment of your life when you went through the pain of not be accepted by your classmates because of your health issues. Being subject of gossip and mockeries. As your older sister, it hurt me a lot to see you sad and crying. I was angry I couldn't help you much. I understood that some parts of our lives, some tribulations can only be carried alone no matter how many people surrender you. At the end of the day it is between you and God. You would sit in front of the wall, Desperately put your Forehead on it and then quietly cry and cry. You didn't like and still don't like to show your weakness. That's the way you are. I am your opposite. I am very sensitive and too emotional.
I could do nothing more than sitting next to you or behind you .I would just say some words to make you strong but you didn't see That I was crying a lot too. I hid my tears. I must pretended to be strong but I was also vulnerable in front of the situation like you...
See? We can't control human nature.
Remember the time when you were visiting us and then leaving us. It was painful to see you often leaving at the airport in our childhood. You were sometimes a stranger to me... The more difficult time was the last time you left home. I cried for days in my bedroom.
I was glad to see you again years later. But please remember our talk about planning a trip to Spain together. I am sad the world is changing with Covid measures, but we need that trip together. Smile! I hope to see you again.
I know we didn't grow up together much but the few times we had together were precious. I learned so much from you, from your difficult times. You are a force of nature. I don't have that strength. It is amazing how as a big sister, in times of trouble, I would always turn to you. Even cry on the phone talking to you or even cry on your lap. Yes, sometimes the big one needs the little one. You, in your quiet and calm attitude, You would listen to me carefully and you would find a verse in the Bible to calm me down. To chase away my saddeness. To give me strength.
I have always been amazed by your gift and talent. We have some passions in common even though we don't always share the same opinion on some matters. We constantly challenge each other on some topics and history events. We sometimes argue but above all, we are family .You are fearless,I am your opposite. Fear forbid me to do many things unfortunately. I wish I could be less influenced by fear. I regret I didn't try some stuffs... Let's not live a life of regrets.
I am so proud of you. Proud to be your sister Sorry if I have not expressed my Love to you very much or often . But you know I do...I do very much.
This post is for you. I celebrate you today. I don't know how many years I have left on earth. I can be gone any day. God has our breath. But I want it to be a sweet memory for you. You will have this post as a memory of me.
Remember to take care of my only son. You know my wish to give him to you in case of something happening to me. He is your son too. I trust you. We are family
When someday I will no longer be, just know that I love you very much little sister. When I will be on the other side of the river of life next to God (I hope) Keep it as my proof of my love for you. I miss you...My strong little sister.
your big sister Laetitia
This is one our favorite songs. Remember how we both like to listen to it in our afternoons together. You liked to sing that song in your bath time too. How funny it was to listen to you singing through the door then i would surprise you and sing with you.
"You Might Need Somebody" of Shola Ama. (she seems to like cats like we both do. lol!)
Check your Facebook account, I tagged you with that song. ha! ha! ha! Souvenir souvenir! walking down memory lane Vanessa! My little sister I Love you!
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Elle Magazine Cover
Dear readers,
Yesterday on the news feed of Instagram, I saw this cover from my personal account. This is the new cover of Elle magazine France. I have to say how impressed I was to see it. I screenshot it right away. I couldn't resist sharing it in my social accounts to my friends and I thought about doing the same thing here with you. I hope it will inspire you too.
Really that cover moved me a lot. I am definitely looking to purchase the magazine's new issue (september 3rd,2021) and keep it in my archives .
All my respect to Elle magazine France for this hard work. I applaud it.
The young lady on the cover is a nurse in Kabul her name is Malalai. I think I read that she is 23. You have here 30 pages of an exclusive report on how the women resist the oppression. These women are courageous. I truly believe that Afghan women are strong women. Their courage inspires me so much. I saw last week some pictures of women in Kabul walking for freedom.
You will read
What it means to be a young woman in her 20's living in Kabul? How do they see the future under The Taliban's ruling?
When I was young I used To collect the kind of magazines that taught me a lot about what's going on in the world. I would not miss the periodical issues. This cover and the main titles remind me of all that. We need more and more magazines like that.
Being a woman in my country, even though i am not happy about the way things are going, I must say i must admit that I am still thankful to enjoy the "some freedom" that I have. In some part of the world, women are mistreated.
yes, we need to remember that
All lives matter, women's lives matter, and Afghan women lives matter...
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Wednesday, September 15, 2021
Hypocrisy at Its Finest
(Maybe this post will be cancelled too... who knows? O well.)
Ok! now. Here we go again! Everyday you read the news and there is always something that makes you shake your head. Yes, like this picture above. It is late but I couldn't be quiet about that.
As I am writing these few lines, I am thinking about a conversation that my late Dad had with his two friends back in the 90's. My father was so upset about the situation of my country. things and precarity in which the people were living in Did NOT make any sense At all! knowing what the country itself was producing. ( Btw a situation that has never improved but getting worse. no comment)
That poverty in which a small population were living in, while all the goods and money the country was making, were going straight to a small group of those gravitating around the Head of the country...
Because of that injustice and for that reason,my father decided to start political activism and then later on, he entered politics in his way.
I saw our lives, my family life literally changed because of that decision.
So, his friends in that conversation told him : " Look A. You can't be a politician, because
your heart is too honest to be one"
I think they meant by that if you want to be a real politician you must learn to be fake and being hypocrite when it is needed for your interest. But my father believed that we can't always accept to be quiet.
When I was young, I didn't understand it but as I am getting a complete mature adult, I understand now what they meant. Seriously, it makes sense to me now. The more I read the politicians' antics, the more I kind of stop believing in their words.
I think one of the most honest quotes from a president that still resonates in my head and a quote that makes sense to me is the one of JFK on his inaugural speech
" Ask Not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country "
That's for me summarizes Everything! that quote means for me stop hoping and waiting for the government to do this and that for you. Expect nothing from politicians. Stop complaining bc it will get you nowhere. However, stand up, stop being a victim and bring your skill, add your two cents in the development of your country. Be a proud Patriot. Love your country. That quote is so pragmatic and realistic that if many people in the World understood it , things would have been different.
Every morning stand up for the "walk of life".
Anyway, now let's look into AOC's dress at the Met Gala. So, to those who maybe wonder what the Met Gala is? If you are familiar with Vogue Magazine, you might have read about that event.
It is a fundraising gala for the fashion industry raising money for the costume institute. It takes place in New York City at the Metropolitan Museum of Art every year i think. They always have a theme for their outfits to wear. If I remember this year theme was " American Independence " last year was religion or something religious which I found kund of...creepy. lol!
Well, to be honest, I saw nothing about America independence in the guests' clothing. Maybe some stars of the American flag on Serena Williams's dress. I don't know...I might be wrong.
So, The contribution per seat is $30,000 at the Met Gala.
Now, I really don't know if Ms. AOC went there for Free or if she paid that seat but being there with that printed words on her dress doesn't make any sense to me. My first thought was how hypocritical it is! judging on her position, I don't think she is anybody in America. She is a public figure. She is a congresswoman and so on.
(Btw what really saddens me these days is to see how everything is now politIcized. Charity events, fashion , magazines, the Oscars, the Grammys, the Golden Globes...the list goes on. I mean come on! For that reason, I stopped watching these events.)
The part that made me shake my head even more, is when AOC responded "...what it means to be a working class woman of color..." yes she needed to add that detail. O my! They (the left) can't stop using the racial card to make a statement. can't they? Why always using race to make a point? Before being Black or White, we are Humans right?! Honestly, if she was just saying being a working class woman, I would definitely understand her concern. But why using the race to...? (sigh) ok...let" s move on to my thought on this post now.
Her dress says "tax the rich" but then she is among those rich attending a luxurious event raising money for fashion. I said for fashion. Spending good times with them which is not a bad thing per say but why being hypocrite by wearing and displaying that dress?
The question is maybe:
1\ Whose rich was she refering to?
I admit, I don't know much about her. I am not interested to know more about her because what I read so far about her is she would rather care about the climate change than unborn babies'lives and yes I say it: I am Pro Life. (Abortion vs being Pro Life is another discussion) The truth is i am not a big fan of her ideology either. She many times says and do contradictions and to be honest, that picture of her with that dress doesn't surprise me anymore.
She believes in socialism but she grew up ( can i say that?) in a capitalist country. and to me she seems to live in a bubble, her world away from reality. To me socialism seems to be good theoretically, good in appearance but please some young people need to understand that NOTHING IS FREE. THERE IS NO FREE LUNCH. IF YOU GET SOMETHING FREE JUST KNOW THAT SOMEONE SOMEWHERE IS SWEATING AND PAYING FOR YOU TO GET IT for "FREE" or free. If someone giving you something and says it is "free" maybe ask how and why it is free?
You have to be naive to believe in free services, free this, free that... No it is not and it is even unfair to those who are working hard in that kind of system. this is a complete other subject. Not for this post.
i don't know how many Americans can afford a seat at the Met Gala honestly? So far those that i saw on the red carpet are either Hollywood actors, athletes, some politicians...
so to respond to that question, i think Not many i guess. Maybe ..not.
Sometimes i feel like those "leaders" like AOC who are always trying to lecture us on how we should be living Our lives, are the type of the "do as I say, not as I do" (you that royal couple living somewhere in California) and it literally exhausts me That hypocrisy exhauts me but what can we do? Mostly those of the Left know how know? do it.
At the end of the day, we should choose what and who to Listen to. Our children need to know what is right, what is true, what is important.
Maybe before judging one should be curious to know what is AOC's net worth?
How much does she make as a congress woman?
I don't know...just some questions to have.
Tell me what you think about it?
I might be wrong but to me that's hypocrisy at its finest.