Thursday, September 19, 2024

De Lá à Lá!🌺💋

De lá á lá! D'avant a maintenant! Coucou! Mes Ladies Un nouveau post en mode lookbook. Et oui, me voila de retour avec de nouvelles videos dans ce genre mais courtes cette fois en version OOTD👗. C'est juste un debut mais j'en ferai encore plus avec le temps. C'est juste une question d'etre inspiree et avoir le courage de se lever et le faire. Girl just want to have fun! Ça me fait gagner en temps de faire les shorts parce que faire des videos et les editer, ca prend du temps. Alors il y a quelques annees, j'essayais de creer des videos Try On. Maintenant oui j'ai beaucoup changé au cours des années. Moi, ma personne, mon corps...tout a changé et♥️ c'est tout a fait normal! Je ne suis plus la meme. Alors je quitte de lá á lá! Je m'accepte et m'aime telle que je suis. Et vous? I miss nothing, I am still the same inside. Love♥️⚘️ yourself with all the changes! Video 1: Ca c'etait avant! Il y a quelques annees quand je me perdais dans l'aventure et la nature pour aller filmer. Lol!
Et celles ci sont de ce mois. Toujours dans mon univers de la musique des 80's et 90's pour certaines. Je ne me savais pas autant inspiree. J'apprends et je vais m'ameliorer avec le temps mais les voila! Look 1🌺
Look 2🌺
Look 3🌺
Look 4🌺
Look 5
Look 6🌺
La question est la suivante: Qu'est ce que je porte sur moi que l'on voit parfois discretement en dessous de mes tenues😊. J'en avais parle une fois dans un de mes posts sur ce que j'aime a Libreville. C'est des chaines de perles que l'on met autour de la taille faites a la main. J'aime tout ce qui est fait a la main. C'est pour les femmes. Dans mon cas c'est culturel. On les met beaucoup en Afrique depuis enfant. Mes premiers etaient de couleurs bleu marines faites par ma grand mere. Avec le temps on les change et a present ces perles sont devenues plus variees et artistiques. Par exemple les miennes sont en perles rondes en, coquillages cauris et en papillons🦋 etc C'est tres feminin💋 mais c'est aussi culturel. On ne les montre pas comme ça sauf chez soi, a la piscine et a la plage😅!
En parlant de culture voici une robe de chez moi que j'aime Look 7🌺
Look 8🌺
Look 9🌺
Voila!C'etait le debut du commencement! Et oui j'en ferai d'autres💋 Merci pour votre visite et a bientot XOXO💋! We stay in the good mood with one of Janet Jackson's songs that I like

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Stories and Discussions

Hello! dear Readers, I am back! Yes, I am back with some stories and memories in my youtube channel that I post here. I do my best to remain active. At least I will try to make some videos in the weekend like I did yesterday. You know it is like you feel like and when you dont feel like you are not inspired then you do not Lol! Actually, I have so many things to share but sometimes time is not enough to shoot a video and I forget. I won't write a lot. Honestly, writing takes time that's why I switch to talking! It is much easier to share stories and thoughts when you talk. You know I am talkative sometimes. When some of the people I knew in the past used to say:" O! you talk too much!" It hurt my feelings but I realized later how mean it was from them to say because I was not that talkative at all but I understand something: "be where you are loved. Be with people who care about you. Those who care for you. Be with people who genuinely like and love you." Being confronted to mean people make you stronger and you become a force. You love and accept yourself with time the way you are. I will never again in my life entertain friendship or love that are not for me anymore. Truly it is a painful experience and waste of time. I wish I would have known that earlier but it is never too late to learn from your mistake. Stay and Be where you are accepted for who you are. Never force to be with people (Or a "Lover") that you think should be with you. No! You worth more than that. Well that's the thought from me of the day for you dear Readers. Since I understood it, I have less and less disappointment. It helps me to focus on me and my closed ones only. Focus on those who I represent a lot and those in my life who will positively remember me after I will be gone... Ok! These are the stories Video 1: A Special Lady that I worked for in Dallas Texas back in the days when I was a student
Video 2
Because of the recent videos of some activists from my country showing the condition of public schools in my hometown, I have more memories of what I went through there. Poor is a nightmare to go to school ooo!! Time will come we will change all this (I want to change all this! May God help me!) Video 1
Video 2
Video 3
And that's when he will be like: "wow!!!You did good in class guys. Your grades are amazing!" or sometimes the teacher is upset to see they did good in class. You did good when in fact they all copied the answers given and done by two other students from another class and those who were good in the classroom too would share their answers. It was a game! Since the teacher didn't want them to do good then they found their way for doing good and pass the test exams. Hey ya! My little city o! wonder should never end. I am done for today. Lol!! Thank you for reading and watching...

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Un Apres Midi pas Comme les Autres

Hello la Team! C'est un apres midi pas comme les autres. Malgre la nostalgie je garde en moi de bons souvenirs, j'ai eu une petite inspiration. Comme vous le savez ca vient et ca passe vite. Alors on attrape vite cette inspiration dans l'air Lol! C'est un apres midi pas comme le autres entre continuer la lecture de mon livre de Robin Sharma. Oui, c'est un livre qui prend du temps parce qu'il demande beaucoup de reflexion et pour cela je prends des 📝 notes. Ce n'est pas facile de se relancer dans les habitudes de la lecture. Lire etait une de mes passions favories a l'epoque. Par contre, j'aimerai me remettre au crochet a plein temps en weekend. C'est tellement relaxant pendant la lecture.
C'est un apres midi pas comme les autres. J'ai quand meme pu faire un gateau que j'ai voulu au chocolat en partie accompagne de fraises. Voila aussi je vous partage mes photos recentes d'une petite visite souvenirs a Nantes en France. Nantes est une petite ville de la Bretagne qui m'est chere parce qu'elle a aussi beaucoup de mes souvenirs d'enfance. De bons souvenirs de moments passes en famille. la famille me manque jai deja envie de repartir.
Et vous comment etait votre ete? Comment etait votre semaine? Moi, j'essaye de m'adapter au systeme Americain jour apres jour (Oui parce qu'on ne s'adapte jamais assez) et mon petit garcon aussi. Je suis tres contente qu'il commence a s'adapter a sa nouvelle ecole. Il apprend l'Anglais petit a petit. Ici, en realite, surtout quand on n'a pas la famille, ce n'est pas facile. J'ai perdu contact avec certaines personnes depuis mon depart des Etats Unis il y a quelques annees et puis la vie a continue donc nous nous sommes tous perdu de vue. a mon retour je n'avais plus grand monde et c'est comme ca la vie. Oui, je dirai qu' on est coupe du monde quand on est en Amerique. Quelle est loin cette Amerique!
L'Amerique c'est bien loin mais on fait avec. Je sais que c'est pour un temps. Ce pays m'a beaucoup forme et m'a rendu vraiment humble et forte. C'est aussi un tres beau pays! Ce pays m'a aussi appris la vie et le realisme. Moi, dans mon coeur, je me laisse bercer par de bons souvenirs et puis par la musique de mon pays que j'aime tant. Malheureusement nos pays en Afrique ont trop de travail a faire. Malheureusement nos autorites ne pensent pas au bien etre de leur peuple et c'est la raison pour laquelle beaucoup s'en vont pour trouver mieux ailleurs. Nous pensons au meilleur pour nos enfants. Nous voulons leur offrir le meilleur. Mais on n'oublie jamais d'ou on vient parce qu'on repart souvent chez nous. On repart arranger et proteger nos terres, nos biens que nous ont laisses nos parents. Ils ont travaille tellment dur pour nous leguer tout ca. (Je pense aux terres que mon pere a laissées) Ce qui se passe chez moi me laisse vraiment dubitative sur la suite des evenements de mon pays. Je ne vois pas clair a l'horizon et j'en ai la chair de poule. Je me demande qu'est ce qu'on nous prepare...Je m'inquiete beaucoup. Vraiment je m'inquiete. Je n'ose pas encore parler. Certains commencent a se reveiller de cette euphorie. Retour a la realite. D'autres continuent encore de rever dans ce mouvement soit disant patriotique. Shake my head. Parfois j'aimerai ne pas avoir trop de reflexions. Le peuple se plaint des memes choses. Je disais bien que cette Conference Nationale n'allait nous emmener nulle part. Ha! Ca fait mal...mon pauvre petit pays. Il est bien loin ce changement qu'on esperait tant. Naika "Elombe" Un retour sur mon Gabon avec cette Jolie chanson souvenirs
Alors ici c'est Nantes! Des bons souvenirs de la Bretagne! Une ville qui m'est chere. some memories of Nantes. A Nantes, on passait aussi de bons moments chez mes deux tantes (une du cote paternel et l'autre du cote maternel) qui aimaient nous faire de bons plats. Une fois, a notre arrivee, une d'entre elle m'avait fait gouter la creme brulee. Un delice! Aujourd'hui quand je mange de la creme brulee, je pense toujours a elle. Ce sont des marques d'amour et d'attention qu'on n'oublie Jamais. Mes deux tantes recevaient souvent la visite d'amis et de collegues mais surtout de famille. C'etait des moments conviviaux et de gaiete. De la simplicite et du bonheur. C'etait comme ca les annees d'avant.La vie etait simple et agreable. Quand l'ete finissait on repartait chez nous retour a Libreville ma chere petite ville .
Dites moi comment etait votre semaine. Je vous reviens bientot avec d'autres histoires bien plus interessantes. Ha! cheres Ladies restons nous memes. La vie nous enseigne tellement. Restons nous la personne que nous sommes. Des paroles d'encouragement on en a toujours besoin. Dear Black Woman ⚘️ 🌺
Je vais enfin finir ce post
Les Americains aiment beaucoup...
Malgre toute cette nostalgie, j'ai pris le temps d'ecrire un peu. C'etait un apres midi pas comme les autres et nous voila a la fin de ce post. Merci de m'avoir lu. J'espere que ce petit article vous a fait du bien. Moi j'en avais besoin. C'est ma therapie a moi. Alors je vous dis a la prochaine! XoXo!💋❤️

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Discussions (Schools in Gabon) My Disappointment

These are some videos I made months ago about the situation of schools in my country. It is special because yesterday again some people and activists have been denouncing the conditions in which children are attending schools. In fact, what they described few days ago is even worse than what I talked about it here the situation and the problems are the same but worse like I said. NO IMPROVEMENT AT ALL! It is a SHAME for an oil producer country It is UNACCEPTABLE. We have a kind of transitional government and really I have no words when I saw the videos of the public schools two days ago...My God! I wanted to cry! It HURTS! Why? Why?? How can you expect to see kids doing good in this condition with teachers who are also sleeping with kids for grades! (for some of them)! Hey ya! should we cry or laugh you tell me. This demonicus! Demonic! When I say Black Africans have their own issues of loving thy neighbor. Because the lack of Love we have with each other in the same country, in the same continent my God! I have no words (You hear me talking about the National Conference of my Country,so the videos I made here it was some months ago) My God! Call for Action. Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
More talk on History of my continent Part 1
Part 2 Part 3 and Last. Thank you for watching and reading! You tell me what you think.

Sharing my Thoughts...

I will simply share my thoughts and discussions here but like I always say, I do not know evrything at all. Yo!! What I read today: People are angry at the US Presidential debate o! They say Kamala and the hosts were all together against Trump and it was obvious by the way they were asking him questions. They say that Kamala and the woman host are from the same sorority. Jeez! Am I surprised? No. Not really. The Democrats are really acting "Democratic" as usual. They even say that she had a micro ear piece. is it true? My eyes wide open like... I made these videos weeks ago. Anyway this is what I learned from what I watched from other people: Part 1
Part 2 This is my take on the US presidential debate 2024 as an external and neutral viewer Part 1
Part 2
What is Lost is Lost/ Part 2
Ok now let's get into it: To me Kamala looked like she was coached by the Obamas Lol!! I mean really she didn't look natural and authentic to me.
Part 2
Ok! Now watching at some independent journalist I am completely wrong about the hosts. Many said they were biased. It was like 3 against Donald Trump and once again...I was like wow! I was so disappointed to hear that. My God...these people cannot stop making Trump's life difficult. What is it? Apparently it was a mess...smh The thing is, I remember that Candace Owens said few weeks ago that Donald Trump needs to see and change his team. Maybe she saw some changes that does not help him. I watched the Piers Morgan Uncensored
If you want to see the review of Candace Owens, here is the link on Part 2 of her review here: This is part 2 of Candace's review on the debate

Monday, September 9, 2024

Quoi de Neuf?!

Hello la Team! De retour sur un post court, je voulais juste partager ceci: Je suis tombee sur la video postee par Kensington Palace il y a quelques heures aujourd'hui. Il s'agit d'un message de Catherine, la Princesse de Galles. Depuis la fois derniere ou elle avait annonce la triste nouvelle d'un cancer, on peut la voir un peu plus rayonnante dans cette derniere. Une video pleine de vie et d'espoir dans un cadre tres naturel. J'ai vraiment aime. Observez le soutien, l'amour et la complicite de son epoux, le Prince William a ses cotes. Que du Bonheur! C'est tellement beau! Regardez vous memes!
Ca m'a donne envie de me retrouver dans la nature et respirer l'air frais et naturel comme elle...Ha! Ca me manque tout ca! Cette video m'a beaucoup touche. Bref! Ce n'est pas tout la Team! La news est passee hier. Vous avez entendu n'est ce pas? Alors, demain il y aura le Presidential Debate a 21h sur abc! Don't miss it! Je pense que ce sera peut etre diffuse dans d'autres chaines. Mais les gars Connectez vous parce que ce sera le debat du siecle! Lol😅! J'exagere un peu (C'est juste pour mettre un peu d'humour) Mais sinon en vrai ce debat sera important. Ils parleront certainement de la crise en Ukraine, la relation avec la Russie ( Important a savoir vu que le monde pourrait peut être entrer dans une 3 ème guerre mondiale" j'ai les frissons en y pensant Et peut etre vont ils parler un peu sur le BRICS qu'en sais je?) Ils parleront des lois de l'immigration, le sujet qui fache en ce moment c'est l'immigration illegale et le probleme des borders ( lesfrontières) . Ils parleront certainement de l'economie Americaine qui voit une inflation des prix sur le marche. Et certainement beaucoup d'autres choses comme le choix a l'avortement (pro life ou pro choice) etc. Bref! Qui va rater ca demain? Pas moi en tout cas! Le moment qu'on a tous attendu: Donald Trump et Kamala Harris. Oulala! C'est la partie qui devient interessante vu qu'on se rapproche a petit pas de Novembre. Je ne peux pas rater ça! J'ai deja prepare mes pop-corn pour ca. Je vais seulement m'asseoir et suivre le debat. Apres ca je vais suivre les analyses des journalistes independants et non ceux de CNN parce que ma tete va exploser parce que ceux la bref! no comment. Twitter X va exploser demain aussi. C'est la ou vous verrez les vraies positions et opinions politiques des gens. Moi, j'ai deja dit que je suis Team Trump par conviction. Je n'ai pas change ma position.
Et Voila!!! Pour conclure ce court post, je partage ici mes recents messages sur ma chaine youtube. (Oui je n'ai pas ete reguliere, desolee c'est parce que. je suis prise ces derniers temps) La fatigue oui la fatigue aussi Bref! merci a vous et a bientot!
Partie 2

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Yes! Immigration is Human

I lost my voice but here it is! I think after all these discussions I will speak about other things. My hope that Africa will change the mentality someday will take time. My channel was not about it but it became something like that. I will talk about fun stuffs for now. So this is what I have to say: Immigration is human! Now illegal immigration is more complicated but nobody should have their human rights denied. Because in a person you do not know what is his destiny and his future. You do not know if God will use him or her in the country he enters illegally. This always takes me to a saying in my native language when we say "" A man was born carrying many bags and in one of them there is his destiny. His greatness." That's why you have to be careful on how you treat people because you don't know who is standing in front of you. It is the reason why I say BE HUMBLE. The story of Joseph in the Bible is a perfect example of immigration too. Joseph entered as a slave in Egypt (A powerful country at the time) became Prime minister of pharaoh later. My parents always taught me to treat people with respect because YOU NEVER KNOW WHO THEY ARE or WHO THeY WILL BE. It is just a matter of time. I am a strong believer and supporter of Human Rights. All the divisions we have between Africans forbid me to talk about racism often because it will be so hypocrite. Especially knowing that there are wonderful and amazing people in other countries and races.A child of God preach unity not division and the Bible teaches us: "Or how can you say to your neighbor, 'Let me take the speck out of your eye' while the log is in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your neighbor's eye." (Matthew 7:3-5). History teaches and will always teaches us. The World is not our little world. It is bigger than that. We don't know what the future holds so let's be wise. I am African first before being from Gabon. I believe in an united Africa and panafricanism. I think we should elevate the way we view immigration in the continent. We must change that low mentality. I say it is LOW!! In my native culture we were taught that HUMAN is Wealth! Human is a powerful resource. If one day I meet the president of my country, I will ask to change the immigration law for other Africans coming to my country. It is a shame that colonizers can have better openings than other Africans. It has to change. Africa is the Motherland. I know someday I will be working with some countries in Africa that are opened to other Africans. My hope is to visit many parts of my continent and do things there. This is my dream and my hope. 🙏 I truly believe that my continent is the future and I hope to give that Love ❤️ to my son and my future grand children. BTW I invite you to read a post I wrote years ago here in this blog that I titled "Because We are Human" My goal is to make people see immigration and immigrants in a different way even when they are illegal. It is important to see that we are all HUMANs. It breaks my heart when I see humans leaving their homes in very sad condition. It breaks my heart when I see humans walking not knowing where to go...It breaks my heart. But I also understand that government on the other side should protect their borders. You can only allow a certain number of immigrants. As for the illegals it is complicated but please do not let them die. Save them and send them back to their home country if possible (if there no wars there). Every human should be treated with Dignity.
This is for all the migrants in the world. This is for you if you are a migrant. BTW the girl in the video clip that Wyclef is saving in the refugee camp is from my country and she played a refugee in the song who is going to be deported. She is a top model in real life and an immigration activist.

I am so Tired of it!

I am so tired of it! Africa seriously disappoints me often. There will never be a change until we change our mentality. The work of brain deprogramming , reprogramming and educating his people that Ibrahim Traore is doing in his country Burkina Faso, is great! We need more leaders like that in Africa. We must see how to reprogram us in Africa starting from little schools of children. It is more than important at this time! We need to be more educated in our History and how the politics work in our countries. Africa we need to be humble and learn from History. Being comfortable in ignorance will not help us at all. I had a long week and as you can see I look exhausted in my videos indeed but ignorance and stupid comments exhaust me more. That's the reason why I needed to clarify something. People who know me will never say that I am a stupid follower. I do not follow people anyhow. I follow people who THINK and do constructive critics. Yes, I always think on my own. If you do not like my position, it is one thing but I always invite for discussions. I never reject discussions. We need to teach and educate each other instead of being comfortable in the state of ignorance. As Figueira Gaston said in his poem "Pues la ignorancia esclaviza y el saber nos da el poder" (Spanish poem from Uruguay that I loved and that I learned since high school ) These words marked me so much I never forgot them Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
In th mean time I want to congratulate Burkina Humanitaire who recently received many school supplies for the children going to school in October. That comes from Sponsors in Switzerland straight to Burkina Faso. Good job! Pascal you never give up on your work. Thank you for the people who are still standing for the right causes and for Love. Also thank you for people who love Africa. The children of the village where Pascal is actively helping got many classrooms chairs, books, backpacks...They are so so happy you can't imagine! May God bless these sponsors form Switzerland!

Friday, August 30, 2024

What Should We Teach to our Children?

Hello!☀️ Dear Readers this is another post of discussions. My humble opinion about what I personally Will and should teach to my children I like what the Bible says: the way you think, the way you are. So you and me have to be careful about what we tell them everyday. Children imitate and copy everything that we DO and THINK NOT what we SAY. Now, we all have our different views on that matter and you do not have to agree with me on that. This is what I think: 1/" Should we really talk about Racism to our chidren?
3/ An Interesting Conversation with my Niece ( To me I was really interested)
Other Discussions Give me some flowers!! 🌺🌺Yes, give me💐 some flowers because I tried a live on my own in English. First one!
And many others in my Youtube channel. Thank you for watching
The other parts are in my channel. This is just the last and thank you for reading and watching.
Let me close this post with " 7 Seconds" that song 🎵 👌 of the 90's a best of Youssou N'Dour (a well known artist of Senegal 🇸🇳 and Neneh Cherry of the UK 🇬🇧) I love this song 🎵 ❤️ That song in my young age was a whole vibe and a mood. Very later on many years later in 2022 when I was going to catch a flight ✈️ at the airport, it was playing in the 📻 radio of the taxi 🚕 it took me back in the old days...I was suddenly nostalgic. This is 7 Seconds. Those who know, know.

I like Cooking 🍳 Too!//2

Hello! It is part 2 of my previous post " I Like to 🍳 Cook Too" I am not a big cook but I like to do it. In the other post I shared food of my country Gabon 🇬🇦 😋 and those from others that I learned with my Mom, my sisters and recipes books 📚 I have good memories of my time cooking with my mother, my aunts, my sisters ( cousins as well) and discovering recipes through books.
In the kitchen, we gathered, we chatted, we laughed 😅 together. Cooking was an important part of my life. It reminds me also the times we had with my grandmother. Back home, we cook for 🏡 the family, we cook for family gatherings like traditional weddings, birthdays 🎂 anniversaries, family reunion 🫂 and also welcoming guests. Eating together is such an important part of our lives in my culture. We also cook together in time of mourning when we gather for a lost family member. The first time I started cooking it was watching my Mothers and sisters then, I tried it on my own when I was 8 years old but it was a disaster! My best friend who was there in the kitchen with me that day was like : " hmmm yummy! 😋 " 🤣😂 actually there was too much salt! My Mom wasn't at home she was on call at work my father had to take a trip that night, so I wanted to cook something for my Dad. He tried to eat 😅but it was not good at all. Not possible! 😅😂 We called one of my aunts who came to my rescue😅. Later on, when I got my 11 years old, I did very much better. I started cooking and the rest is history! Learning to cook our local food is not easy because it is a whole process. It is a culture so we have to do it carefully with Love ❤️ and patience. Patience because it takes time to do it and in my country we have a variety of local dishes. These dishes 😋 are so good! I am so proud of this diversity in cooking. So, tell me in the comments section what is your story with cooking? I often try to cook everything that I can... These are some shorts from me😅
I don't have all the ingredients and materials to cook some of the dishes here but I always try to adapt as much as possible. I made some bananas appetizers that we do back home 🏡
I will have some other posts on Cooking😊

Saturday, August 24, 2024

My Heart ❤️ is Always There...

what is special tonight? Nothing but a lot too. My heart is always there...This chain of compassion for our children must be supported.
My heart ❤️ is still there for the children...Step by step and little by little we will get there. My heart is in this beautiful country of Africa. Burkina Faso 🇧🇫 My heart is also in my country Gabon 🇬🇦 but the time will be coming... School starts soon in French African countries. We start school on October. Again I use my little blog to share this; Sponsoring a Child to go to school 🏫 for a brighter future. I told you the story of this girl I saw in the African country where I went for high school years. She was working as a slave for a family in their home almost 24hr/24. She was forbidden to go to school. But school is the only way out of this slavery in some countries in Africa 🌍 School is the only way out for these little girls who are forced to go marry older men for financial support. School is the only way to get out of child domestic violence and child labor. That culture and tradition must stop. We cannot do much but we can at least help the way we can. It pains me to see such tradition still today. School is the only way out of poverty. In my native language there is a saying that goes a Man comes on earth with many bags 🎒 in one of these bags there is his destiny. His bright future. Let's be the one who will allow God to open the right bag for his life😭😟🥺 You are Africans or from somewhere else on the world and you are a philanthropist, I invite you to join this chain of sponsorship. I have already joined the chain with Burkina Humanitaire last month and I keep doing what is necessary. I chose to sponsora girl because I know how girls have life more difficultthan boys in Africa. I want to share Invite Joy which is another association based in the US and that specifically cares about the School for children in Burkina Faso 🇧🇫 too I recently joined the group bc someday I will do the right thing for children in my country too so I am learning from other Africans.
In June the fundraiser was a success. The organization went very well. Everything went smooth and good at the event.
I am so glad to see such humanitarian associations from Africans in the world who are trying their best to change things these days. This chain of compassion must be supported. Africa is one. The work is long but we will get there. Remember the story I shared in my channel
This is Part 2
Thank you for reading and passing by

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Talking Money and Savings with My Friend

It was an interesting discussion on live youtube (I don't like going live but that was an interesting discussion). My friend Schelsea studied in the US. She is a registered Nurse and wrote her book about budgeting money. We met around 2008 since then we stayed good friend. She is married and has a little boy. I hope you will learn something too. This is her book. It is a good book because when you go study in America you need direction, you need advice and we didn't have it when we went there. We struggled financially so much because we didn't know how the school system works. I remember they were making me taking classes that I didn't necessarily need and being international student we paid more. Education is expensive in America. I am glad we made it through and what she did by writing this book will help many others
This is the live discussion with my friend.
On my other discussions and thoughts Seriously, Afrophobia MUST STOP!!
Generational Trauma is real. We need to be honest and talk about it
Part 2
and the other parts are in my youtube channel. What is lost is lost. What is gone is gone. My thoughts about it. Thank you for passing by. I see you in a next post

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Discussions and Thoughts of the Week

And yes, I am back with more thoughts and discussions this week. I don't understand why I feel so inspired to talk about these issues that touch our African countries and Africans in general. I have been observing for so long and really I came with some conclusions. It hurts but I really believe that there are facts. I will post some of my recent discussions here but there are many more. I can't put them all here so you have to check them in my channel 1/ The Power of Writing your Dreams and Projects on Paper
2/ Why We Africans Need to Change our Mindset
3/ Africans we need to Change our Mindset
4/ Last part
More other Discussions 1/ How We Africans Treat Each Others
2/ How We Africans are Treating Each other part 2
That all I can share here. If you are interested to view more then, go find them in my channel @ Laetitia Life Diary the Paris Summer Olympics are over. Paris was good and the summer in the city I share with you two pictures of Versailles just relax and breathe
what are your best memories of Paris Olympics?
I like to cook too!
And thank you for passing by. I close this post with one of the best songs of Mike Brant before he sadly left this world. "Laisse Moi t'Aimer" ( Let me Love You) Rest in peace great artist. We will never forget you...

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Des Discussions et des Memories

Bonsoir a toutes! mes cheres Dames. Un silence? Oui parce que je suis tres prise en ce moment mais je vous reviens bientot. Il y a beaucoup qui se passe dans ma vie. Mon fils vient de commencer les cours et j'avoue que c'est une veritable nouvelle adaptation. Il est habitue au systeme Francais (French) scolaire et la du coup il doit apprendre dans le systeme Americain. Les premiers jours des classes ont ete dures pour moi quand je le deposais. Je pleurais meme quand je le voyais rentrer dans les couloirs de la structure Mercredi. Ils ne veulent pas que les parents rentrent dans le building de l'ecole alors on les laisse a l'entree. J'aurai voulu voir sa classe et ou il s'assied mais bon ce ne sera pas possible...C'est vraiment dur pour moi et je peux dire que mon fils est tres brave. Il retient ses larmes quand je le laisse et obeit aux instructions. par contre je sais qu'il ne se laissera jamais marcher dessus. Il sera brave et courageux je le sais et je le lui repete tous les jours "Tu es brave! Tu es courageux!" Nous prions chaque matin au reveil et quand je le laisse a l ecole je prie pour une protection angelique sur sa vie. Si vous avez des conseils ou des experiences a me donner pour ceux qui ont commence a decouvrir le systeme scolaire Americain a l'age tout petit faiates moi prt de cela dans les box de commentaires en dessous etc. J'apprecierai de savoir comment vos enfants se sont adaptes. Comment vous avez gerer le changement. Mon fils a encore la barriere de la langue vu qu'il parle Francais mais j'ai demande a l'ecole de le mettre en classe pratiquant l'Anglais tout court. Au depart ils voulaient me le mettre dans une classe bilingue et j'ai dit non. Il s'adaptera comme tous les autres enfants. Il apprendra l'Anglais sur le terrain. J'ai refuse la classe bilingue parce qu'il n'y avait que des eleves parlant Espagnol alors vous imaginez qu'a la fin mon fils parlerait plus Espagnol que de l'Anglais et ce n'est pas ce que je veux. Ils n'ont aucune classe Francais et c'est normal alors du coup il devra s'adapter a l'Anglais simplement et c'est tout! Je lui parle Francais et ma langue a moi a la maison tous les jours afin qu'il ne perde rien. Bref! cheres lectrices, Je vous serai de retour bientot dans ma chaine youtube avec beaucoup d'autres sujets de discussions mais c'est bizarre, j'ai de moins en moins envie de parler en Francais. Lol! Je sens que ma bouche est lourde maintenant quand j'utilise cette langue. Je ne sais pas pourquoi! Je suis encore en mode fatigue. Il ya eu trop de choses et de changements a la chaine pour moi et etre mere seule c'est dur! lol!!! Mais on s'y fait! Tu dois etre litteralement au four et au moulin. Tu dois etre partout!
Aujourdhui, j'avais une bonne nostalgie de souvenirs de personnes biens que j'ai rencontre ici aux US il y a des annees de cela. Ces personnes qui ont toujours ete la pour moi dans mes moments difficiles. Ces personnes qui ont ete d'un soutien morale incroyable. Une amitie speciale comme celle de Jim. Parce que oui,Jim au depart m'apprenait a prendre des photos et on voyageait souvent dans d'autres villes et d'autres Etats des journees entieres juste pour aller filmer et photographier les paysages etc. On a fait l'Arkansas, l'Oklahoma des villes du Texas ensemble. J'ai assiste a des petits festivals comme le Pow Wow grace a Jim. Je suis vraiment reconnaissante d'avoir rencontre cette belle ame. Il m'a emmene visite des endroits biens et historiques comme des musees (J'aime les musees j en apprends tellement!). Rencontrer des personnes biens comme ca te marque tellement que parler du mot racisme serait tres mechant. Non, je parle rarement du mot racisme dans mes articles parce ce que j'ai rencontre des Americains formidables ici qui n'etaient pas de race Noire comme moi. Jim etait la dans un les plus difficiles moments de mes dernieres annees universitaires il m'a tendu la main jusqu'au dernier jour. Je souffrais d'horribles migraines alors il venait me chercher les soirs et me deposer a l'ecole les apres midi. Je vous assure comme ca me soulageait beaucoup. Thank you Jim for these precious moments. A good friend is never forgotten. May God bless you again and again. Voici des moments souvenirs de notre petit trip dans une ville. My adventurous spirit! Always wanting to visit and discover. Jim etait toujours la!
Et puis hier etait le 17 Aout fete de l'independance nationale. Oui une fausse independance mais que voulez vous c'est notre histoire...Alors oui Libreville me manque. Ses plages,🏖 ses cocotiers, son soleil ☀️🌴agnangoulé! Les poissons argentés...J'ai repense au vent de la mer, les sorties et visites en amis et en familles. Les soirees barbecue entre nous mais surtout mon village Jai vu quelques videos de defiles et de celebration nationale. J'ai eu un vif pincement au coeur parce que beaucoup de souvenirs de famille et d'enfance me sont revenus soudainement. Ca me manque! Comment se passe votre mois d'Aout? Voici quelques autres moments souvenirs de Libreville et d'autres videos de mes discussions recentes. Les videos sont tous les sweet memories...
Biensur je fini cet article avec mes shorts videos. J'espere que ce post vous a plu et je vous dis a tres bientot! Aurevoir!!

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Quoi de Neuf Laetitia?🤷‍♀️

Hello la team! Quoi de neuf? 🤷‍♀️ Rien de special. J'ai juste vu recemment des articles qui parlaient d'un nouveau livre en mémoire de JFK jr et Carolyn Bessette. Leur relation vue et decrite par sa meilleure amie et assistant Rosemarie Terenzio. Le livre est maintenant sur Amazon depuis le 15 Juillet 2024 par la. Il faut dire que ça marque le mois de leur tragique disparution. Un crash d'avion vers Martha Vineyard a tout pris. Je me souviens encore des headlines a la TV et dans les magazines. Beaucoup esperait qu'on les retrouverait en vie. Malheureusement ça n'a pas eté le cas. Dans mon site je parlais de la Jolie robe de mariée de Carolyn comment est ce que Narciso Rodriguez l'avait delicatement confectionnée. Je parlais de leur ceremonie de mariage cachée aux yeux du monde et surtout des paparazzi etc. Une ceremonie tres simple dans un end root retiré de la ville. Bref! La publication de ce nouveau livre m' interesse. Et vous? C'est juste pour savoir et decouvrir Un peu plus sur un Joli jeune couple plein d'avenir qui a vu leur brillant future etre brutalement interrompu. Une autre tragedie dans la famille Kennedy mais aussi du coté de Carolyn. Ume mère a perdu 2 enfants du coup. Voici ce que je partage ici ce que je sais un peu du personage et sa vie en general mais aussi ce dont je me souviens avoir lu sur le couple. Pourquoi Carolyn ne supportait pas la vie de stress des media et paparazzi sur eux. La peur d'etre toujours critiquée et observé par le public. Par contre, le livre est plus profond et precis.
Merci et dites moi ce que vous en pensez. Si ce livre vous interesse aussi. C'est le deuxieme ecrit sur JFK jr ecrit par elle. Ensuite je conclus ce post avec mes shorts videos comme toujours
Natasha st Pier " Tu Trouveras" ( ft Pascal Obispo) 🇫🇷 Beautiful French love song 🎵 that I like 😊👌

Watching the News...

Have you heard the news?? Caramba!!! Joe Biden drops out of the Presidential elections 2024🤣😂😂😂 Seriously it was about time! First, Let's celebrate 🥳 🎉 it!
Ayiiiiiiii!!!🍾🥂 Papa Joe is leaving the race. No seriously the news just dropped today. Madre de Díos! it was more than time. I read that he was pressured to make that decision even his forever bf 😂Obama told him to do it. The Democrats are not Doing good o! I am like
Ok ... like seriously are we surprised about it? No!!!! But who is going to take his place? Some People say: Kamala Harris. ( I hope they are kidding. Like Kamala really?😂😂) Others say maybe RFK jr. My dear, I am just watching o! It doesn't look good on the Blue side 😂 The time is here. I am telling you it is going to be roller-coaster of breaking news until November 🤣😂. Someone can do that?😂😂
Meanwhile we had a wonderful Red rally at Grand Rapids Michigan yesterday. Trump had a wonderful speech. I was Glad to see him in good spirit and strong 💪. I told you call him Legend! BTW did you see the crowd!!? My God!! the place was literally Crowded in Michigan!!! This year is our year! There is No way that we the Red will be losing. See you soon 😊 😘
yes o!! that was the news so far. I am going back to eat my 🥕 carrots like a rabbit 🐇 🐰 and watch the show😎. Don't hate me o! In truth i am apolitical. Bye!!😂😉 see you soon